The radical, pro-Iranian... The... Is Pakistan an anti-American country? The answer to the above depends on how to interpret a new Anyone on the street can tell you about his hyper-sensitivity, his clairvoyance. “It’s freaky scary, like he’s a crystal ball, a circus act,” is a common remark. L Mutt Jeansonne is constantly explaining the present to passersby,...There is more than aesthetics and investment in today's demand for Chinese art. Art has become an “invisible cloak” that helps businessmen navigate Chinese corruption
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Sunday, 26 June 2011
The Arab revolutions: an end to dogma , Hazem Saghieh
The popular uprisings in the Arab world are a great disaster for a radical camp led by Syria-Iran and long indulged by media such as al-Jazeera. A great opportunity follows, says Hazem Saghieh.
Drone warfare: cost and challenge, Paul Rogers
The repositioning of the United States’s military strategy includes a great expansion in the use of armed-drones to attack targets in Pakistan and Yemen. But this development raises profound legal and ethical questions that are now...
Geert Wilders and Dutch democracy, Cas Mudde
A court in the Netherlands has found the influential politician Geert Wilders innocent of charges of fomenting hatred and discrimination against Muslims. The decision is a challenge both to the rule of law and to Dutch politicians, says Cas...
Syria’s broken spring: a Damascus report, Vicken Cheterian
A seething revolt across much of Syria is being met with ferocious repression by the Ba’athist government’s security forces. But so far, the two cities where close to half of Syria’s population lives - Damascus and Aleppo - are...
Turkey’s election, and democracy's shadow, Gareth Jenkins
The third successive victory of Turkey’s ruling party confirms its domination of the country’s political landscape. But a close study of the AKP's evolving methods of rule reinforces grave doubts about the direction of Turkish...
Cuba, politics in perspective, Antoni Kapcia
Where is Cuba heading more than a half-century after the revolution, and how is Raúl Castro's political strategy balancing the forces around and imperatives of reform? The long-postponed sixth congress of the governing party makes the...
After the “west”, Arshin Adib-Moghaddam
The emergent reality of an interconnected world requires a new understanding of security which moves beyond the ideas of the “west vs the rest” and the "clash of civilisations", says Arshin Adib-Moghaddam.
Pakistan is not anti-American, Syed Hamad Ali
It is easier to excuse "collateral damage" if you believe the victims are your sworn enemies. But Pakistan is not anti-American
The Chinese art of elegant bribery, Antony Ou
Will the spirit of spring come to cyberspace?, Anonymous
Anonymous and LulzSec represent a real change in the politics of cyberspace. The networked power at the hands of the hackers may show itself to be the equal of people power on the streets
Pant Karma, Jim Gabour
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