Saturday, 18 June 2011

Guy News
Cancer High for Ed Miliband

Judge Orders Balls to Pay His Debts

Buy Ed Bio on AmazonThe week kicked off last Sunday with the aftermath of the serialisation of Ed: The Milibands and the Making of a Labour Leader this capped a terrible prior week for Ed. Things looked up on Monday with an in depth pictorial feature on the Slut Walkand we finished the day with some cartoon fun about Mummy Miliband from those crazy Taiwanese. Tuesday we speculated that Dougie Alexander could be behind the Red-on-Red briefings. On Wednesday we highlighted the £9 billion being exported to the IMF to pay for Euro-bailouts before getting stuck into a post-PMQs row over the shroud-waving cancer charity boss with a political motive, a row that spilled over into the Guardian. Ed Miliband followed up what was judged to be, for him, a successful PMQs with a less successful Twitter debacle. Most observers were amused at the ridicule and scorn heaped on Ed, he promises to let us do it all over again soon. Friday we laughed at the Guardian over the Gay Girl in Damascus who turned out to be a hairy, middle aged man in Edinburgh. Ed Balls losing in court and being ordered to pay his bad debt and costs was a source of huge amusement, particularly when his SpAd tried to claim Balls had won the case.

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