Two Christian groups, both under attack in a no-go zone zone in Dearborn, Michigan in an increasingly sharia compliant America. Dearborn, the same city that refused to run my bus ads offering help to apostates (despite our win in the courts). On Friday, two separate groups were threatened and attacked because they came to Dearborn to stand for their beliefs. Whether you like their presentation or not is irrelevant. It's free speech. Period. “We’re here in Dearborn because they have issues with free speech,” said Ruben Israel. He says the group was enraged about the four missionaries arrested last July at the Arab American Festival, for their shouting their own religious message. It was a protest that officials deemed disorderly. Ruben and his "Bible Believers" group waved signs including "Islam is a religion of blood and murder," which of course it is in many Muslim countries ....... so what? “Talking dirty about the Koran. Dirty about Muslims,” said Mustafa Kahwaji. Indeed. But bus ads and billboards that myriad Muslim groups ran claiming that Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Moses were Muslims were deeply offensive and "dirty" to non-Muslims. Nobody was attacked. Pastor Jones made an abbreviated appearance earlier in the day as well. But he had to seek refuge in a police car when his group was physically attacked. Pastor Terry Jones Rallies in Dearborn, Skips Arab Festival By AMY LANGE There was a hostile welcome Friday afternoon in Dearborn for controversial Florida Pastor Terry Jones. You could say he was pushed to his brink. Jones led a rally against radical Islam at city hall before trying to continue his protest at the nearby Arab International Festival, but he never made it there. Protesters got physical with Jones as he tried to head for the festival. He barely made it off the corner of Michigan and Schaefer. Dearborn police made several arrests after urging the pastor to take a car instead of trying to walk the two miles to the festival. People in the crowd yelled back and then they pushed back, prompting police to put Jones in a police car for his own safety. The pastor decided not to go to the festival after all. Tensions were high after a highly inflammatory rally during which Jones and fellow speakers sometimes insulted the crowd and Islam, at times holding up the Koran for emphasis. "I actually expected them to let us walk along the sidewalk and just continue to yell. I did not expect for them to actually get physical," Jones told reporters. "We should not be intimidated. We should not react in fear, but at the same time, we do want to use a certain amount of wisdom and we feel like now pushing it now further after what we have seen and what has happened would just be uncalled for and it would be counterproductive." Jones told us he was going to go back to his hotel room and then back to Florida on Saturday. However, he said he will be returning to Dearborn. Tensions high as protestors arrive at Dearborn Arab International Festival WXYZ DEARBORN, Mich. (WXYZ) - The Arab International Festival attracts more than 300,000 people to Dearborn every year. This is the 16th year for the event that turned rowdy and at times dangerous when religious beliefs and protesters clashed. The protesters waved signs plastered with sayings like ‘Islam is a religion of blood and murder’, many at the Arab International Festival saw hate. “Talking dirty about the Koran. Dirty about Muslims,” said Mustafa Kahwaji. They call themselves the bible believers—men and women assembled from all over the country. Their posters and shouting caused the 16th annual festival to come to a standstill around 5:30 Friday night. Their organizer Ruben Israel comes from California. “We’re here in Dearborn because they have issues with free speech,” said Ruben Israel. He says the group was enraged about the four missionaries arrested last July at the Arab American Festival, for their shouting their own religious message. It was a protest that officials deemed disorderly. “When you arrest men for passing out literature, you’re going to get guys like us,” said Israel. Tensions mounted and people in the crowd of 40-50 thousand started throwing things. I [the TV reporter] myself was hit during my live shot when a full water bottle whipped from the crowd. It was an angry message meant for a protester. No one was arrested, but police removed disorderly people from the crowd and asked them to leave the festival. “Why are you going to come to our city and disrespect us like that,” said on angry onlooker. Barricades were provided in an effort to separate protesters from furious festival goers. But after three hours, organizers were ready to take them down. “If this is how they are going to behave, then his has gone beyond free speech at this point,” said Ahmad Chebbani, Chairman of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce. “Things are going to get real pushy on the sidewalk. And whatever happens, blood is on his shoulder,” said Israel. Israel and his group agreed to leave at 9pm. But a half hour early, they voluntarily jumped in their unmarked vans. They were escorted out of the area by police and a mob of angry people. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, June 18, 2011 at 12:14 AM in FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD | Permalink | Comments (24) ShareThis Amy Winehouse is in the house on tonight's Friday Night Open thread, performing "You sent me flying." Indeed. Winehouse may have been flying a little too high. But I am hearing that the British chanteuse performed a supreme gig at a stealth London show last week. Stone. cold.sober. And she was superb. Looking forward to the release of her latest stuff. It has been on hold by her record company until Winehouse had her act together. Thrilling. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 17, 2011 at 07:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Deconstructing the big lies. Spencer has a good fisk on the latest attempted con (or is that khan?) job by the Hamas-tied CAIR: Nezar Hamze is executive director of the South Florida chapter of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). So it should come as no surprise that he leaves out of his explanation of why Sharia is not a threat all the aspects of Sharia that make people believe it is a threat. "Sharia law is not a threat," by Nezar Hamze in the Miami Herald, June 17 (thanks to all who sent this in): They sensationalize Arabic words to feed on society’s fear. The hottest topic these days is the Sharia. They claim that “Moozlims” are trying to replace the U.S. Constitution with the Sharia. Before we all run out with pitchforks and protest signs, let’s understand what Islam is, and then we can understand the Sharia. "'Moozlims.'" "Pitchforks." Hamze is semaphoring that the only people who could possibly be concerned about Sharia are ignorant racist yahoos. This is just a smear tactic, but it works insofar as it warns unreflective and uninformed Leftists (i.e., virtually all Leftists) not to dare to oppose Sharia: we wouldn't want to align with rednecks, now, would we? Islam teaches humanity how to believe, worship and maintain their relationship with God. Islam teaches humanity the significance of family values and how to honor: mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles and cousins. Islam also teaches humanity how to deal with society, commerce, education, friends, neighbors, the poor, orphans, government, justice, property and, most important, the sanctity of human life. Islam also teaches humanity how to deal with the kuffar, including the "unbelievers among the People of the Book," who are the "most vile of created beings" (Qur'an 98:6). Think of Islam as an instruction manual (the Quran and prophetic traditions) on how to live your life according to the will of God. The Sharia is the path of faith regarding those instructions. Is Sharia a threat? According to Adam Hasner, a Republican candidate for the Senate from Florida and former state legislator, “Today there is an enemy, and that enemy is Sharia-compliant Islam.” This statement is ridiculous. When I wash before praying, this is Sharia-compliant Islam. When I offer a greeting to someone, this is Sharia- compliant Islam. What in the world is Hasner talking about? When I cut out a woman's clitoris, this is Sharia-compliant Islam. When I forbid non-Muslims to practice their faith openly, this is Sharia-compliant Islam. When I count a non-Muslim's life as less valuable than a Muslim's, that is Sharia-compliant Islam. When I brutally lash a woman, that is Sharia-compliant Islam. When I smash musicians' instruments and threaten them that they better not play music again or else, that is Sharia-compliant Islam. When I wage war against and subjugate unbelievers, that is Sharia-compliant Islam. What in the world is Hamze talking about? Does he really expect us to believe that Hasner is upset about washing before prayers and greeting people? Well, for one thing, because even if it were true, which it isn't, that the penal code within the Sharia is identical to that of Judaism, Jews aren't stoning people to death and Muslims are. Jews aren't doing so because of age-old exegetical traditions that reinterpret the passages enjoining stoning and hold them inapplicable while there is no Temple; Muslims continue to do so because there is simply nothing within Islamic tradition mitigating the literal interpretation of the Qur'an. What is Hamze doing? It's quite simple really — a deception strategy. In reality, Sharia has been involved in court cases in 23 states. And while "not one Muslim has introduced anything to any legislative body calling for Sharia to replace the Constitution or for the Sharia to replace the law of the land," that is only because they are not fools: to do such a thing would be very close to open sedition, and would draw upon the Muslims involved a torrent of popular disapproval and law enforcement scrutiny. Better to work behind the scenes. Remember Imam Musa, the Washington, D.C. imam who wants to establish an "Islamic State of North America no later than 2050." Rememberthe Muslim Brotherhood's program in the U.S. of "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions." We can look at U.S. Rep. Allen West’s campaign as proof of its effectiveness. West routinely bashed Islam during his campaign, with statements such as,. “We are at war with Islam” and “Islam is not a religion.” He said that the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 were doing exactly what the Quran told them. He won in 2010. Many Muslims say that Islam is at war with us. I believe Islam is a religion, but also more than a religion: a political system, and one that is repressive and authoritarian. The terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 stated explicitly that they were doing exactly what the Quran told them. We ignore or deny this at our own peril. "Don't believe your lying eyes..." And when election time rolls around, send a clear message: I don’t discriminate. I am all for people educating themselves on Islam. I strongly recommend it, in fact. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 17, 2011 at 04:32 PM in CAIR: JIHAD IN AMERICA 2010, Taqiya:Deception to advance Islam | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis Mosqueing of the workplace, and now this, mosqueing of our homeland security agencies. Isn't that oxymoronic? Hamas-tied CAIR demanded that the TSA give Fridays off to a devout Muslim agent, and they capitualted immediately. I question the wisdom of the TSA hiring devout Muslims while doing vaginal pat downs on six-year-olds. America, where are you on this? Islamic supremacists are imposing Islam on the public square, the private sector and secutiy apparatus. Do you see how insane this is? And that we, the taxpayer, are paying for Fridays off for devout Muslims in the Transportation Security Agency is painful to the national psyche and self-esteem. This is madness. CAIR Florida website: (hat tip Larissa S) Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 17, 2011 at 02:40 PM | Permalink | Comments (30) ShareThis ARLINGTON, Va. - The man police detained in connection with the alleged attempted attack on the Pentagon Friday morning is a member of the military and was arrested last month for a rash of vehicle tamperings in Leesburg, WTOP has learned. The man claimed he had ammonium nitrate with him in his backpack, and that he had left material at the Pentagon, sources tell WTOP. Ammonium nitrate is a chemical compound that is widely used in fertilizers and can be used in explosives with the correct concentration. This is in the military, the Marines. Of course, the kneejerk response by law enforcement is that this is not terrorism. Despite the references to the terror organization that organized the 9/11 attacks, the group fighting U.S. forces in Afghanistan and the Arabic word for "holy warrior," the law enforcement source told Milton that the suspect is not thought to have been involved in a terrorist act or plot. The suspect was carrying a notebook that contained the phrases "al Qaeda," "Taliban rules" and "Mujahid defeated croatian forces" when he was detained. What is scarier? That this guy is in the military or that those who are entrusted with the task of protecting us are so cowed by jihad and Muslim Brotherhood groups in this country? [The suspect] "not very co-operative with the answers to what his activities were", an official said on Friday. Ammonium nitrate is used as an oxidizing agent in explosives, including improvised explosive devices. It is the main component of ANFO, a very popular explosive. A source told CBS News that the man detained in the discovery of a suspicious vehicle outside the Pentagon Friday morning has been identified as a lance corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. Lance Cpl. Yonathan Melaku told authorities during questioning Friday morning that he was carrying explosive materials, the source told CBS News investigative producer Pat Milton. Previously, FBI Special Agent Brenda Heck, who heads the bureau's counterterrorism division in its Washington field office, told reporters that a non-explosive material was found in a backpack the suspect was carrying at the time of his arrest. A law enforcement official speaking on the condition of anonymity said officials found what appeared to be an unknown quantity of ammonium nitrate. The official, who was not authorized to release the information, said nothing else was found that would have enabled an explosion. The official said tests were being done to determine the substance and the exact concentration. Ammonium nitrate is a chemical compound that is widely used in fertilizers and can be used in explosives with the correct concentration. A law enforcement source told Milton that the suspect now identified as Melaku was carrying a notebook that contained the phrases "al Qaeda," "Taliban rules" and "Mujahid defeated croatian forces" when he was detained. Despite the references to the terror organization that organized the 9/11 attacks, the group fighting U.S. forces in Afghanistan and the Arabic word for "holy warrior," the law enforcement source told Milton that the suspect is not thought to have been involved in a terrorist act or plot. ARLINGTON, Va. - The man police detained in connection with the alleged attempted attack on the Pentagon Friday morning is a member of the military and was arrested last month for a rash of vehicle tamperings in Leesburg, WTOP has learned. Police first found the 22-year-old man, who CBS News says is a lance corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps reserve, in Arlington Cemetery sometime Thursday night or Friday morning when the facility was closed. His 2011 Nissan was located in the bushes near the Pentagon's north parking lot off Route 27/Washington Boulevard. The man claimed he had ammonium nitrate with him in his backpack, and that he had left material at the Pentagon, sources tell WTOP. Ammonium nitrate is a chemical compound that is widely used in fertilizers and can be used in explosives with the correct concentration. Police also found spent shell casings and a notebook containing the words "al Qaeda" and "Taliban rules," CBS reports. Officials say the material in the backpack was not ammonium nitrate but there were "inert" suspicious items and products in the bag. Brenda Heck, special agent in charge of counterterrorism for the FBI's Washington field office, says there also has been no suspicious activity associated with the man's vehicle. The man has not been charged with any crimes and officials say he acted alone. WTOP is not identifying him, but Leesburg police confirm he was arrested last month in connection with a rash of auto tampering and charged with four counts of grand larceny. Bomb squad investigators also searched the man's Fairfax County home in the Franconia area. Bomb techs reportedly went into the home without a search warrant due to a possible public safety threat. They determined there was no threat and now are waiting for a warrant to continue searching. No neighbors had to be evacuated. The security scare sent the morning commute into a tailspin, prompting most major roads around the Pentagon to close. The closures started around 5 a.m. Police reopened the last of the closed roads around 11 a.m. The closures near the Pentagon included heavily traveled Washington Boulevard between Interstate 395 and Route 110, Route 110, and the ramp from eastbound Interstate 66 to Route 110. The investigation also forced Metro and ART buses to be rerouted. Metro diverted buses to Pentagon City. The closures started around 5 a.m. Police reopened the last of the closed roads around 11 a.m. UPDATE: Even James Taranto on the Wall Street Journal picked up on the self enforced sharia in the media and Taranto is hardly one to tackle or speak to jihad or Islamic supremacism. We learn from the CBS story that Melaku is a lance corporal in the Marine Reserves. The Associated Press adds that he is a naturalized American citizen, originally from Ethiopia. CBS also reports that "Melaku was carrying a notebook that contained the phrases 'al Qaeda,' 'Taliban rules' and 'Mujahid defeated croatian forces' when he was detained," but "that the suspect is not thought to have been involved in a terrorist act or plot." Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 17, 2011 at 01:40 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis I ran a link to this Facebook video a few weeks back. A human rights group, Secular Democracy & Human Rights For Iran, posted the horrific video, but Facebook took it down (of course). It's been posted to youtube (thanks to Megan). Download a copy. If they take it down, upload it again and again and again. Is it any wonder that children raised in Muslim countries under the sharia grow up to hate, void of basic human decency? Each child is systematically hit. The adults laughing after a particularly cruel beating is as bad as the beating itself. Update: It didn't take long for youtube to take it down. They keep removing this video - shielding the public from Islamic barbarism. We'll keep putting it up and sending it out - do it. Download it. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 17, 2011 at 07:15 AM in Women and children | Permalink | Comments (38) ShareThis I was recently interviewed by the Shalom Show. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 17, 2011 at 02:52 AM in Atlas TV | Permalink | Comments (4) ShareThis Unbelievable. We are infiltrated. Politically correct idiocy endangers all Americans. If this isn't terrorism, what is? More on this story. "Most Serious Charges Are Rejected in Terror Case," by William K. Rashbaum and Colin Moynihan for theNew York Times, June 15 (thanks to all who sent this in) Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh, who were accused of plotting to blow up the largest synagogue in Manhattan, at their arraignment in State Supreme Court on Wednesday. They were not indicted on the most serious criminal charges sought by the Manhattan district attorney. The state grand jury that heard evidence against the men declined to indict them on the charges of second-degree conspiracy as a crime of terrorism and as a hate crime, rejecting the prosecution’s assertion that they had plotted to blow up synagogues while there were worshippers inside. Instead, the panel favored lesser charges that suggested that the defendants, at best, had wanted to destroy a synagogue when it was empty. [...] Indeed, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg; the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance, Jr.; and the police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, were asked at that news conference why the case, which was presented as a serious investigation of a terrorist plot, had not been brought in federal court. [...] But Mr. Vance, in a statement, said the indictment highlighted how the defendants’ “desire to commit violent Jihad against Jewish Americans is not only an act of terrorism, but a hate crime.” Despite the absence of the most sensational charges, the men were nonetheless arraigned on serious felonies under the state’s terrorism law, for which they could face up to 25 years in prison if they are convicted. Had the top counts been included in the indictment, the men would have faced mandatory life sentences if convicted. The law, passed after the Sept. 11 attacks, has never been used in such a case. Mr. Ferhani, 26, and his co-defendant, Mohamed Mamdouh, 20, pleaded not guilty at the hearing in State Supreme Court in Manhattan. Ms. Fink asked Justice Michael J. Obus to appoint a forensic psychiatrist to evaluate her client’s mental condition. After the arraignment, Ms. Fink called the case “bogus” and told reporters that Mr. Ferhani had a long history of mental illness. Another lawyer representing him, Lamis Deek, said that Mr. Ferhani had been hospitalized 20 to 30 times in the past 10 to 15 years and had been involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital by the Police Department. Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman, said in a statement that the department does not commit people, but may sometimes transport those who appear emotionally disturbed for evaluation at a psychiatric hospital, and has no say over whether the person is admitted. “Even so, should that leave the police powerless from interrupting a plot to blow up a synagogue and to shoot and kill Jews in New York City?” he asked, adding, “Don’t think so.”... Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 17, 2011 at 01:59 AM in Infiltration | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Laura Rambeau Lee has a great piece on our Fatima Abdallah protest last week. Laura was at the rally, and it was lovely to meet such a dedicated and committed patriot. Read all of her account, which is precise, impassioned, and thorough: A rally for Fatima Abdallah was held in Tampa on Friday, June 10, 2011 at Lykes Gaslight Park in front of Tampa Police Department headquarters. The purpose of the rally was to shed light and bring national attention to the suspicious circumstances surrounding her death. Pamela Geller, Executive Director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative/Stop the Islamization of America AFDI/SIOAand Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, came to Tampa to focus attention on this brutal crime and are appealing to concerned citizens to demand that the Tampa Police Department reopen this investigation. As Americans we cannot allow the basic human rights and freedoms for all we so proudly proclaim become overshadowed by deference to the creeping Shari’ah that has become evident in many areas of the country. As stated in an earlier article, Fatima Abdallah lived in Tampa with several family members, and died on August 16, 2009. Three police personnel at the scene reported three different conclusions; that the cause of death appeared to be a “homicide”, “unexplained” and “undetermined.” The coroner’s report states on the Final Determination of Cause of Death that the “Decedent fell and struck her head”. Earlier this year, David Caton of the Florida Family Association hired a private investigator to review all of the information surrounding this case, and his conclusion, amid all of the conflicting stories provided by her family, is that the injuries that resulted in Fatima’s death were not self-inflicted. This case must be reopened. The truth must be told. If Fatima’s death was the result of an “honor” killing, an investigation must be ordered to bring those responsible to justice. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, June 17, 2011 at 12:32 AM in Honor Killings: Islam Misogyny | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis UPDATE: Cause unknown. UPDATE: The Jerusalem Post says that this is not a terror attack. Many questions remain, however. We are awaiting more information about this "local resident." Why did he cut the gas line? If, as many are saying, he was trying to steal gas from the pipeline, was this a simple theft, or was he assuming that it was permissible to steal from the kuffar? There is terror, and there is jihad. We don't have enough information yet to rule out either one definitively. From J Post: A suspected gas explosion rocked a four-story building in Netanya overnight Thursday, leaving four people dead and at least 90 others injured. The cause of the explosion was initially unknown, but Police officially announced that the explosion was caused by a gas tank or a number of tanks. Israel Radio reported that a local resident was suspected of cutting a gas line, causing a leak that led to the explosion. [...] Police arrested a Netanya resident who they suspect may have cut a gas line causing a leak that led to the explosion, Israel Radio reported. The man was detained by Police earlier on Thursday and later released for trying to steal gas pipes which are made of metal that can later be sold, according to the report. An additional report said the suspect may have cut the gas line intentionally as part of a feud between competing owners of businesses in the building. Police were also expected to investigate claims that Amisragas inspectors, who said the gas lines were properly functioning, were guilty of negligence, Israel Radio reported. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 06:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (13) ShareThis It's coming, folks. Wake up the neighbors. I'll be in Houston speaking tonight (go here for tickets). Bring everyone you know. Get armed with knowledge. It's war, and it's just beginning. Possible Al-Qaida Hit List Targets Specific Americans NBC News hat tip Van Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 11:25 AM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (17) ShareThis Police Investigating Rape Cases in KCK More here Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 11:05 AM in Women and children | Permalink | Comments (19) ShareThis Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 10:51 AM in SIOA: Stop the Islamization of America, SIOE | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis We will be dedicating the Aqsa Parvez Grove of Trees in memory of Aqsa and all honor killing victims worldwide in American Independence Park in Jerusalem on the afternoon of August 24th. This is the grove that you planted. This is the memorial park that you saw built so that voiceless girls were beloved, remembered, and finally, free. After we dedicate the Aqsa Parvez Grove of Trees in memory of Aqsa and all honor killing victims worldwide, we will be attending the Beck rally in solidarity with Israel in Jerusalem. I don't have a VIP ticket, but will be going en masse, and I hope you will, too. Join me in Jerusalem to remember and raise awareness of Islamic honor killings worldwide. From there we will continue on to Beck's rally to show our unwavering love and support of the tiny Jewish nation under siege from all points across the world, not in small measure from the White House. I hope you'll join us at both events. It is history. Be a part of it. If not now, when? The Aqsa Parvez grove of trees, American Independence park, Jerusalem, Israel. August 24th. Glenn Beck's Jerusalem rally program unveiled YNET News TV star's solidarity event is expected to draw thousands of Israelis, Americans with music, pyrotechnics. Sarah Palin, republican presidential candidates set to drop by ..... Tens of thousands of excited Israelis and Americans, music performances, appearances by local and international celebrities, senior politicians and a live broadcast that will reach millions of viewers – this is just some of what is in store for Glenn Beck's upcoming rally "to restore courage," which is set to take place on August 24 in Jerusalem. Beck has been leading a publicity campaign for the event over the past few weeks, urging his viewers and listeners to fly out to the Holy Land. [...] This year, the Wailing Wall will replace Lincoln Memorial as the backdrop for the event, which will take place at Jerusalem's Old City and the Teddy Stadium simultaneously. The multi-million dollar production is expected to be attended by a convoy of American dignitaries, including former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. US Senator Joe Lieberman, a independent, and Republicans Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee and Congresswoman Michelle Bachman are to join Beck at the rally as well. Those hoping for a VIP ticket will be disappointed to find out that the 600 prime seating spots at the Davidson Center have all been sold out – for $5,000 a pop. The rest of the spectators will have to settle for a spot at the stadium, or at the Sultan's Pool archeological site. The main events will be broadcast on giant screens for a better view. The rally is open to the general public with free admission. A series of musical performances, designed to lure Israeli audiences, are expected at the rally, and Beck said he intends to recruit some US star power for the event as well. A pyrotechnic show and free snacks and drinks are anticipated as well. The bustle of preparation has also been felt at the Knesset: the legislative body is to host a meeting between the visiting dignitaries and their Israeli colleagues. World Likud Chairman MK Danny Danon is leading the Knesset's cooperation with Beck. The two met in the US recently. "Thousands of supporters will arrive in Israel just as the prophets of wrath are attempting to frighten the public," Danon said. "With a tremendous show of force we will send a clear message that we are not scared, and we believe in our eternal right for Jerusalem and the land of Israel." Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 02:06 AM in Atlas events | Permalink | Comments (13) ShareThis "Chilling Islamic graffiti found in the bathroom of a jet due to take off from Newark Airport was inexplicably erased by a cleaner after the Transportation Safety Administration waited 47 critical minutes to contact cops." Whose side is the TSA on anyway? And what Islamic supremacist groups are they working for? I am sure you heard the one about the passenger who was taken off a plane for using the f-bomb. The passenger said, "I was just kind of talking to the guy sitting next to me. I said 'What is taking so long?' "What the 'F' is going on?' I could see if I directed it at (the flight attendant), but I didn't even speak to him." He was removed from the plane, but this ........... nothing to see here, folks. TSA has to go. Seriously Chilling graffiti found in the bathroom of a jet due to take off from Newark Airport was inexplicably erased by a cleaner after the Transportation Safety Administration waited 47 critical minutes to contact cops, Port Authority sources told The Post yesterday. "By the beard of Mohamed and mighty sword of Allah," read the message found on a Continental Airlines jet Saturday night. It was scrawled in black ink, just above the mirror. The message was discovered by a flight attendant who took a cellphone picture and notified the captain. He called his operations center, which notified the TSA. Port Authority cops said they didn't hear from the TSA for 47 minutes. The TSA said it notified the PA "within a few short minutes." During the delay, passengers got off the Little Rock, Ark.-bound jet and a cleaner scrubbed off the message, The Post's sources said. "The delay severely compromised the integrity of a crime scene," said one PA police official. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 01:36 AM in Homeland Security? | Permalink | Comments (20) ShareThis More substantiation and documentation of the big hoax concerning Bosnia and the one sided pro-Islamic narrative. Everything we have been force-fed by an agenda-driven media and a political elite with twisted priorities has been a lie. Srebrenica was an Inside Job The Balkan Report How Alija Izetbegovic's regime held the civilian population of Srebrenica hostage, goaded the [Bosnian]-Serbs into attacking the enclave, and then abandoned the civilian population to the mercy of the attacking enemy. by Andy Wilcoxson [a libertarian] Wednesday, June 15, 2011 In the wake of the July 1995 fall of the Srebrenica enclave, thousands of Muslim soldiers and draft eligible men were killed or went missing. Some were captured and summarily executed by Bosnian-Serb forces, and others died in combat. Western governments, news media, and the U.N. War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague have assiduously misled the public about the nature of the massacre, at the same time they have remained conspicuously silent about the role U.N. officials and the Muslim regime in Sarajevo played in orchestrating the massacre. Srebrenica's Fall Could Have Been Prevented …[T]he Dutch battalion of U.N. peacekeepers who were deployed in Srebrenica…were authorized to call in air strikes if the enclave was attacked, and when it was attacked they did indeed call in air strikes, but they were blocked by the U.N. until it was too late. According to the debriefing of Dutch Battalion personnel, "The battalion was counting on massive air support … air support was requested around 10.30 hrs. [on July 11, 1995] Then, despite all of its promises, the U.N. still failed to release air power." …Even without the U.N.'s help, Bosnian-Muslim president Alija Izetbegovic's regime could have intervened to stop the fall of the enclave and subsequent massacre, but they chose not to act either. Sefer Halilovic…was the most senior officer in Izetbegovic's military and he testified under oath at the UN war crimes Tribunal in The Hague that "the command of the 2nd Corps and the General Staff knew when the operation on Srebrenica started, but from a series of testimonies, the people who were in Srebrenica, both from military and political structures, we can clearly see that they asked for help, both of the command of the 2nd Corps and the command of the General Staff and President Izetbegovic, but that they did not receive that assistance…[3] Even though Srebrenica was abandoned by its supposed protectors at the U.N. and by its own government in Sarajevo, the Muslim forces based in Srebrenica should have been able to defend the enclave themselves. Instead, on July 12, 1995, they fled the enclave with the rest of the able-bodied men and abandoned Srebrenica's women, children, and elderly to the mercy of the attacking Bosnian-Serb forces. Although UN Military Observers (UNMOs) were uncertain of the exact number of Muslim military personnel in Srebrenica, they believed "that at least half had side arms as well as heavy machine guns, light mortars, and anti-tank weapons including rocket propelled grenades and more modern ones."[4] The Command of the 2nd Corps of the Army of Bosnia Herzegovina (ABiH) prepared a report detailing the operation Srebrenica's men undertook to flee Srebrenica across Bosnian-Serb territory to Tuzla. Their report said, "Numbers were not established when the column was formed, but some estimates put the number in the column at 10,000 to 15,000 people, including approximately 6,000 armed soldiers, not counting soldiers from Zepa."[5] According to UN Military Observers, at the time of the attack the Bosnian-Serb Army's "Drina Corps was known to be stretched in terms of resources" and the strength of the Bosnian-Serb units surrounding Srebrenica was "1,000 to 3,000 infantry with up to 20 tanks as well as artillery and multiple launch rocket systems." When Srebrenica fell, the UNMOs estimated that the local Bosnian-Serb brigades "probably have around 1,500 infantry in total" and together with reinforcements from units stationed in adjacent areas, the total strength of the Bosnian-Serb forces around Srebrenica was "probably no less than 2,000 infantry."[6] Even if they hadn't been abandoned by the UN and by their own government, 6,000 armed Muslim soldiers should have been able to fight off 1,000 to 3,000 Serb infantry men. When the Bosnian-Serbs attacked the enclave, UN Military Observers were stunned that the Muslim army didn't attempt to defend it. In their report they state: "The ABiH had the force ratios to defend the enclave particularly considering its hilly, wooded nature." They went on to write, "The advantages militarily seem to have been with the [Muslim] defenders to at least hold out for longer and have inflicted greater losses on the Bosnian-Serb Army than believed. However, the ABiH leadership seems to have actually acted against their own interests to carryout a successful defense." [7] Dutch Battalion personnel in Srebrenica were surprised when Muslim troops in the enclave did not avail themselves of the weapons they were offered. On the morning of July 6th 1995 battalion personnel "Informed the Bosnian government forces that, if the Bosnian-Serb Army crossed the enclave boundary, the arms in the weapon collection point in Srebrenica would be released. Later, when this situation did indeed occur, the Bosnian government forces did not avail themselves of this opportunity."[8] Foreknowledge of the Massacre Izetbegovic's decision to refuse Srebrenica's pleas for help and to abandon it to the mercy of the Bosnian-Serb Army is all the more shocking in light of the fact that his regime knew what would happen if Srebrenica fell. They were fully aware of what was at stake. Two years before the massacre, Bosnian vice-premiere Zlatko Lagumdjija told reporters from the London Times that "We shall be witnesses of a big massacre if Srebrenica falls."[9] The U.N. also had foreknowledge of what would happen. The U.N. chose not to act in 1995 even though it knew as far back as 1993 what kind of massacre would ensue if Srebrenica fell. Testifying at the UN War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, the former commander of the UN Protection Force in Bosnia, French General Philippe Morillon told the court that "Naser Oric [the commander of the Bosnian-Muslim military forces in Srebrenica] engaged in attacks during Orthodox [Christian] holidays and destroyed villages, massacring all the inhabitants. This created a degree of hatred that was quite extraordinary in the region." He said, "Naser Oric was a warlord who reigned by terror in his area and over the population itself. I think that he realized that those were the rules of this horrific war, that he could not allow himself to take prisoners. According to my recollection, he didn't even look for an excuse. It was simply a statement: One can't be bothered with prisoners." Morillon testified, "I wasn't surprised when the Serbs took me to a village to show me the evacuation of the bodies of the inhabitants that had been thrown into a hole, a village close to Bratunac. And this made me understand the degree to which this infernal situation of blood and vengeance led to a situation when I personally feared that the worst would happen if the Serbs of Bosnia managed to enter the enclaves and Srebrenica." He said, "I saw, a degree of absolute misery with a real risk of tens of thousands being killed. "I feared that the Serbs, the local Serbs, the Serbs of Bratunac, these militiamen, they wanted to take their revenge for everything that they attributed to Naser Oric. It wasn't just Naser Oric that they wanted to revenge, take their revenge on, they wanted to revenge their dead on Orthodox Christmas…” After listening to his testimony the Presiding judge asked Morillon, "Are you saying, then, General, that what happened in 1995 was a direct reaction to what Naser Oric did to the Serbs two years before?" And the witness answered, "Yes. Yes, Your Honour. I am convinced of that." According to the Dutch Battalion's report, the Bosnian-Serb military units surrounding Srebrenica in 1995 "were manned chiefly by Bosnian-Serb refugees who had formerly lived in the enclave."[10] The soldiers who ultimately perpetrated the July 1995 massacre had been victimized themselves beforehand. Because Gen. Morillon knew what would happen if the Bosnian-Serbs entered Srebrenica, he tried to have the civilian population evacuated to safety, but he was prevented from doing that by the Bosnian-Muslim authorities. On April 19, 1993– two years before the massacre – Reuters and the New York Times reported that: "Authorities in Srebrenica refused today to allow civilians to be evacuated from the besieged Muslim town, a United Nations official said. "'We have just received confirmation that the Bosnian authorities in Srebrenica will not permit any evacuation', a UN High Commissioner for Refugees spokeswoman said in Belgrade. "She said the Muslim authorities didn't give a reason for blocking the operation."[11] During his testimony Morillon noted that "Had I been able to evacuate all those who had wanted me to do so at the time that I intervened in Srebrenica, we could certainly have saved a number of human lives." He said, "the Bosniaks used the presence of their population to keep the attention of the world focused on their situation, they prevented the evacuation from Srebrenica ...the authorities of Izetbegovic were the ones who stood up against the evacuation of those towards Tuzla for all those who wanted to, and there were many of them who wanted to."[12] Concurrent with Morillon's failed efforts to evacuate the civilian population from Srebrenica, the Security Council designated it a "UN Safe Area" in April 1993. As a so-called "Safe area", Srebrenica was supposed to be demilitarized. On May 8th 1993 Ratko Mladic on behalf of the Serbs, and Sefer Halilovic on behalf of the Muslims, signed an agreement on the demilitarization of Srebrenica in the presence of Gen. Morillon.[13] Under the terms of the agreement, all of the weapons in the enclave were to be placed under the control of the UN; in turn the UN was responsible for the security of the enclave. That was how things were on paper, but real life was different. The Muslims did not demilitarize Srebrenica; instead they used the so-called "safe area" as a base from which to attack the Bosnian-Serb army and the surrounding Serbian villages. Two weeks before the enclave fell, Muslim troops from Srebrenica attacked an undefended Serbian village. At 4:30 AM on June 26, 1995 they attacked the hamlet of Visnjica near Srebrenica, burning houses, killing livestock, and sending Serb civilians fleeing for their lives.[14] Conspiracies seldom remain secret, and Srebrenica is no exception. Although the Western news media refuses to discuss the role played by anyone other than the Serbs, some Bosnian-Muslim officials have spoken out. Ibran Mustafic was a founding member of Alija Izetbegovic's political party, a member of the Bosnian parliament, and a resident of Srebrenica. In 1996 he told Sarajevo's Slobodna Bosna newspaper that "The betrayal of Srebrenica was consciously prepared. Unfortunately, the Bosnian presidency and the Army command were involved in this business; if you want the names, figure it out yourself. I understood the situation in Srebrenica and, you can trust me on this, had I not been prevented by a group of criminals, many more inhabitants of Srebrenica would be alive today. Had I received an order to attack the Serb army from the demilitarized zone, I would have rejected to carry out that order without thinking and would have asked the person who had issued that order to bring his family to Srebrenica so that I can give him a gun and let him stage attacks from the demilitarized zone. I knew that such shameful, calculated moves were leading my people to a catastrophe."[15] The Motive to Betray One's Own People In 1998, Srebrenica's wartime chief of police, Hakija Meholjic told the Sarajevo newspaper Dani that in September 1993 Izetbegovic told him: "You know, I was offered by [Bill] Clinton in April that the Chetnik [Serbian] forces enter Srebrenica, carry out a slaughter of 5,000 Muslims, and then there will be a [NATO] military intervention."[16] Meholjic's statement is corroborated by the UN Secretary General's report on the fall of Srebrenica, which says "Representatives of the Bosniac community gathered in Sarajevo on 28 and 29 September [1993] to vote on the [Invincible] peace package. A delegation of Bosniacs from Srebrenica was transported to Sarajevo by UNPROFOR helicopter to participate in the debate. Prior to the meeting, the delegation met in private with President Izetbegovic, who told them that there were Serb proposals to exchange Srebrenica and Zepa for territories around Sarajevo. The delegation opposed the idea, and the subject was not discussed further. Some surviving members of the Srebrenica delegation have stated that President Izetbegovic also told them he had learned that a NATO intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina was possible, but could only occur if the Serbs were to break into Srebrenica, killing at least 5,000 of its people. President Izetbegovic has flatly denied making such a statement."[17] [SEE THE DUTCH TV DOCUMENTARY CLIP WITH MEHOLJIC HERE.] It certainly appears that Alija Izetbegovic incited a massacre against his own people in Srebrenica because he wanted NATO to intervene in the Bosnian war on his behalf. Izetbegovic's regime provoked the Serbs by perpetrating massacres against them, blocked the evacuation of the civilian population, staged attacks from the safe area, and when the anticipated Serb retaliation finally came, his regime abandoned Srebrenica with full knowledge of what the consequences would be. The truth is ugly. The Serbs executed enemy POWs in violation of the Geneva Conventions, the Muslims deliberately goaded them into it for propaganda purposes, the U.N. allowed all of it to happen even though they had the means to stop it, NATO got conned into being the Muslim air force, and Western governments and news media lied about the whole thing. The end result of all of it is that thousands of people died needlessly. Criminal Liability In 2004, the U.N. War Crimes Tribunal inThe Hague convicted Bosnian-Serb general Radislav Krstic of aiding and abetting "genocide" (sic) in Srebrenica and sentenced him to 35 years in prison. Krstic did not participate in, order, or even know the massacre was happening. In fact, Krstic specifically ordered that no harm was to befall the Bosnian Muslim civilians.[18] The Tribunal ruled that "It was unnecessary for the Trial Chamber to conclude that Radislav Krstic was actually aware that those other criminal acts were being committed; it was sufficient that their occurrence was foreseeable to him and that those other crimes did in fact occur."[19] The Srebrenica massacre was foreseeable to the Bosnian-Muslim authorities and to the U.N. as well. They too had the ability and the obligation to prevent the massacre, and they didn't do it either. One has to wonder about the integrity of the judicial process surrounding Srebrenica, when someone like Krstic is held responsible and they're not. One also has to wonder whether a conflict of interest arises when a UN Tribunal conducts the investigations, makes factual findings, and determines criminal liability with regard to events where the UN was as deeply involved as it was in Srebrenica. The UN's failure to demilitarize the enclave or prevent its collapse and subsequent massacre, when it had the ability to do so, certainly begs the question of whether those failures were deliberate or not. [END] NOTE FROM JULIA GORIN: So that the reader isn’t left with the impression that ALL THOSE CIVILIANS TRAPPED inside Srebrenica mentioned above were massacred along with the “Muslim men and boys” (indeed, if they were, we wouldn’t be hearing the qualifier “men and boys” ad nauseum), note that Ratko Mladic’s forces organized buses to take the civilians to Muslim-held territory, as the civilians had wanted from the start. He saw them off, talking to those seated on the bus and assuring them safety. There’s video of this. But the press uses these assurances to paint an even more sinister picture. For example, look at the insidious, malevolent writing that St. Louis Post-Dispatch writers Phillip O’Connor and Stephen Deere used in this article they co-wrote upon Mladic’s capture: Just hours before the 1995 attack, Mladic appeared in a now infamous video stroking the cheek of a terrified child and telling the crowd, “Don’t be afraid, no one will hurt you.” After women and children were loaded onto buses and transported out of the area, the killing began. It went on for days. This is supposed to stick in the reader’s mind as if the child didn’t make it to safety; the writers are conflating the subsequent deaths of escaping soldiers with the children Mladic gave candy and safe passage to. The “candy” mention comes from similarly insidious wording in this AP report, which the above article copies almost verbatim at some points (which is how Balkans reporting has always been done anyway): Just hours before the massacre, Mladic handed out candy to Muslim children in the town's square, assuring them everything would be fine and patting one child on the head. Then the shootings began and the bodies of the victims were bulldozed into mass graves. I think that the aforementioned “infamous video” of Mladic “stroking the cheek of a terrified child and telling the crowd, ‘Don’t be afraid, no one will hurt you’”—may be this one, viewable to those with a Facebook account: It's basically him hopping onto each bus and saying "Hi, I'm Ratko Mladic, you are all going to be safely evacuated." The monster! Meanwhile, the evactuation that the Serbs did--which the Bosnian government refused to do in order to keep the civilians in danger—is of course being referred to in media and government as ethnic cleansing. Just one example—and a more mild one at that—comes from that same AP report: “In early July that year, more than 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were executed by Serbian forces, and the town's women and children were driven out of the area.” (This recalls how a Serbian bishop was threatened by the internationals with a war crimes indictent for ethnic cleansing for obliging to help put together buses to clear Muslim women and children out of the crossfire in a Herzegovina town.) What else they’re doing in the media now is adding the phrase “including women and children” with regard to who was killed in Srebrenica. This is perhaps a conflation of Srebrenica and Sarajevo, or perhaps they’re seizing on the fact that, among all the remains at the identification office, exactly 5 are female so far. (Here I must emphasize that most of the remains are indeterminate re the potential cause, manner, place and time of death over the course of living through three years of war. But you’re just supposed to think they were “executed,” and by Serbs.) In an email from Nebojsa Malic, we get a broader picture of what happened (emphasis mine): Upon taking Srebrenica, the Serbs find it empty. Muslim soldiers had gone off towards Tuzla. The Serbs find the Muslim civilians overflowing the UN camp in the nearby hamlet of Potocari. They detain SOME men, and SOME of those are MIA presumed dead - but neither the Dutch nor ANYONE else who was there actually witnessed them die. The civilians are told they can stay if they want to, or be evacuated to Muslim territory. They choose evacuation. Gen. Mladic organizes buses and trucks (at a time when fuel was incredibly difficult to come by, no less) and sees them off personally. There are videos of him talking to the civilians in the buses (you can see clearly there are a few men in there as well, and boys aplenty), and guarantees them safety. They are bused to Kladanj and handed over to the Muslims. (NOTE: It’s not surprising that plenty of males survived as well, since the Serbs were weeding people out in order to find the perpetrators of the raids on their villages. Indeed, the majority of Srebrenica’s 40,000 population survived, with 35,632 registering with the World Health Organization and Bosnian government by the first week of August ’95.) If Mladic had used the same standard the Croats applied to Serbs a month later [Operation Storm], he'd have made them walk on their own, and shot them up every so often, just for LOLs. Instead, the Serbs WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY to AVOID harming civilians. Or as Emil Vlajki (half-Croat, half-Jewish VP of the Serb Republic currently) said on TV recently, "Had the Nazis acted the way the Serbs are accused of acting, 4 million more Jews would have been alive today." (Many of his own relatives perished in the Shoah.) One thing to keep in mind about Srebrenica is that it didn't start out as an enclave. Starting in March 1992, Oric actually marauded up and down the Drina valley, until his defeat in the spring of 1993. Oric then retreated to Srebrenica, where the Serbs had him cornered. The UN commander at the time, French general Morillon, led a convoy through Serb territory to get food into the town Muslim propaganda claimed was starving to the point of cannibalism. Once there, he tried to get some civilians out, but Oric prevented him - suffering civilians were a key element of the Muslims' war strategy; without them, there was no CNN Effect, and no chance of an outside intervention. Morillon did eventually manage to evacuate some seriously injured people and kids and set up food convoys into the town. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 01:30 AM in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia: Militant Islam | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis The death count of our soldiers continues to rise in unprecedented numbers in the 21st century. To what end? What's the strategy? Where is the queen of the pig people, Cindy Sheehan? Here are today's latest fallen warriors: SGT Glenn M. Sewell, 23, of Live Oak, TX, died June 13 in Wasit province, Iraq, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He was assigned to the 6th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, TX. SSG Nicholas P. Bellard, 26, of El Paso, TX, died June 13 in Wasit province, Iraq, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He was assigned to the 6th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, TX. UPDATE: And yet another: SSG Jeremy A. Katzenberger, 26, of Weatherby Lake, MO, died June 14 in Paktika province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with small arms fire. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Hunter Army Airfield, GA. This month. 1st Battalion, 7th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Divi To date: Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 06:19 PM in Afghanistan, Iraq: Central Front , Obama: Post American Immorality, President Hussein, US MILITARY GREATNESS and Real American Heroes | Permalink | Comments (22) ShareThis This confounds all human decency. Islamic Jew-hatred is the leading cause of the worldwide record levels of anti-semitism. From Europe to the Middle East to Latin America and now America. And nothing is being said or being done to address the religious mandate of Islamic Antisemitism (Khaybar, Khaybar, ya yahud!) Or retribution for the Muslim world's evil role in the Holocaust. The Jews are allowing this to happen again. It doesn't matter who this Muslima is. What matters is the message. The first holocaust didn't happen overnight either. Israel suffers from these subversives, too. It's a drip, drip, drip, and then the unthinkable. Where are our warriors in the information battle space? This is war. Six million dead Jews are weeping and screaming from their graves. And the Islamic supremacists are howling and rubbing their hooves together in anticipation. Such stupidity is without equal. Critics question credibility of Manhattan College’s pick, and a change in center’s focus as supporters come to her defense. The Jewish Week The Jewish Week is part of the pro-holocaust mentality. They have demonized me repeatedly, here and here for example, but posit this as tolerance. Tolerance when applied to evil is a crime. How tolerant they are of this urbane atrocity. They demonize passionate Zionists while exalting the annihilationists. Pathetic tools. Manhattan College is revamping its Holocaust Center to include the further study of other genocides, as well as interfaith activities that would include Islam alongside Judaism and Christianity — the two religions that until now have been mostly alone at the core of Holocaust interfaith issues. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 02:41 PM in Islamic Jew hatred, Islamic/Leftist Alliance, Jewicidal Jews, Dhimmi, Leftard and Democrat | Permalink |Comments (51) ShareThis Finally, elected officials are holding a runaway President to account. Does anyone know what the hell we hope to accomplish in Libya? What is Obama's endgame in Libya, aiding al qaeda? On May 20th, the 60th day of Obama's war in Libya, Obama was requird by law to get Congressional approval to continue his ops in Libya. The war he consulted no one about, the war he did not go to Congress on, the tyrant's war. He is now engaged in four wars: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and a secret war in Yemen, and his strategy in Afghanistan and Iraq has resulted in the highest US military casualty rates, year over year, since these engagements began (in July 2009, I called it -- Obama's Afghanistan strategy: target US military). He refuses to identify Islamic terror, jihad or religious motivation. His counter terror adviser, John Brennan, says, "jihad is a legitimate tennt of islam," so what exactly is Obama fighting in these four wars, and who is he fighting for? Mind you, I have little in common with some of the lawmakers who filed the suit (i.e., Kucinich, Conyers, and Rand, for example), but then, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Where the hell is the media? Busy shining his shoes. A bipartisan group of House members announced on Wednesday that it is filing a lawsuit charging that President Obama made an illegal end-run around Congress when he approved U.S military action against Libya. the suit will challenge the Obama administration’s “circumvention of Congress and its use of international organizations such as the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to authorize the use of military force abroad.” It also will ask a judge to prohibit the White House from conducting a war without congressional approval. Kucinich has scheduled a press conference at noon in front of the D.C. federal courthouse. The suit comes a day after House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) sent Obama a letter claiming that military action in Libya will violate the 1973 War Powers Resolution if it does not end by Friday, 90 days after it began. The Kucinich-Jones group also includes Democrats John Conyers of Michigan and Michael Capuano of Massachusetts and Republicans Howard Coble of North Carolina, John Duncan of Tennessee, Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, Ron Paul of Texas, Tim Johnson of Illinois and Dan Burton of Indiana. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 01:59 PM in Killing America, Middle East Overview, Obama's Mafia Presidency, Obama's Shadow Government, Obama: Post American Immorality | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis A former Muslim speaketh, and none to soon......... more and more Muslims and former Muslims are speaking out. Let's encourage them. My friend Hassan Malik, a courageous ex-Muslim, has started an important new website: Islam Speaks. He explains in the inaugural post: Muslims come in all shapes and sizes and there are many different sects of Islam. This is not an attack on them. This is about the religion itself and what it says in the traditional source books. Hassan already has quite a bit of this material up, and much more is to come. Spread the word about this site to anyone you know who may be thinking of converting to Islam -- or to anyone who simply wants to educate himself or herself about Islam, as Hamas-linked CAIR exhorts us all to do! Islam Speaks: Bookmark it now and visit it often! And if you have your own site, link it! Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 12:40 PM in Apostates and "moderate" Muslims | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis The global jihad is buying off quislings in the West, and bit by bit, inch by inch, these craven bastards are surrendering our hard-won freedoms with one Islamic suicide bomb.The OIC (scroll this) has long been working on imposing Islam and Islamic law on the West, and here is how they are doing it. Any university colluding with an enemy hellbent on destroying our great nation and enslaving us all would be shuttered, at least in any rational world. But America has lost her reason. And by all accounts, so has a whole generation whose brains were marinated in leftist/Islamic poison. We are so compromised and infiltrated that it is going to take a Herculean movement by all Americans to purge this deeply infiltrated enemy. Patrick Poole has this: Georgetown U. Received $325,000 Funneled Through Terror Front Group Georgetown University has some explaining to do based on documents obtained exclusively by PJM from a confidential law enforcement source. The documents reveal a scheme to pass $325,000 through the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has been identified by the FBI as a front for the Hamas terrorist organization. The money was paid to Georgetown by the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to promote its “Islamophobia” agenda, which includes its stated international objective of criminalizing any criticism of Islam. Even more troubling: evidence that Georgetown is not the only American university to cooperate with CAIR and the OIC in their joint plan to subvert the First Amendment right to free speech. The plot was apparently initiated in 2006 by discussions between the OIC, CAIR, and Georgetown’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (CMCU). An email dated November 20, 2006, sent from OIC permanent observer to the UN Abdul Wahab to Nihad Awad and Hadia Mubarak — a CAIR board member and Georgetown CMCU “senior researcher” — urged them to expedite arrangements. The email also promised that funds would be transferred to Georgetown as soon as the OIC received a letter from John Esposito, director of Georgetown’s CMCU. Abdul Wahab’s email was followed up with a January 11, 2007, joint letter from CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad and John Esposito, which is referenced in a January 15, 2007, letter of reply from OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu (the letter is misdated as 2006). The letter offered $325,000 in cash from the OIC to finance an “Islamophobia” symposium to be convened at Georgetown University. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 12:26 PM in FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Obama say, "Respect it." A Muslim soldier from Fort Campbell has been approved as a conscientious objector to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but he has now been charged with possession of child pornography. And really, according to the sharia, this Muslim soldier did nothing wrong. He would not fight against jihad. According to the quran, he is absolutely correct. And our military sanctioned the sharia in approving his request as a conscientious objector. The child porn is also protected under the sharia. Muhammad's favorite wife was six-year-old Aisha, and lest we forget, Muhammad is "the perfect model" for every Muslim to follow. Child marriage is sanctioned under the sharia. In other words, kids are fair game under the sharia. I was about to joke that the soldier would use islamophobia as his defense until I saw that the soldier, Naser Abdo, will indeed be using islamophobia to fight the charge. Muslim soldier at Ky. post objecting to war charged with possession of child pornography Associated Press (hat tip Jean) NASHVILLE, Tenn. - A Muslim soldier from Fort Campbell has been approved as a conscientious objector to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but he has now been charged with possession of child pornography. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 11:50 AM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst, Military jihad | Permalink | Comments (22) ShareThis Obama continues to strangle the tiny Jewish state. As the Muslim world spins out of control under the euphemistic "Islamic Spring," what America and the free world needs, what is crucuial to our very survival as a civilization, is a strong Israel. It is as plain as day. A strong Israel is a bulwark against an overwhelming swell of Islamic totalitarian coups across the Middle East and the Muslim world. Obama must go. Everyone in this country must work towards his defeat. Every day. Want the skinny on the destroyer? It's all here: The Post American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America Israel Radio Reported Sunday that The United States gave Netanyahu an ultimatum on renewing negotiations with the Palestinians. According to the ultimatum, Netanyahu has to decide within a month whether he agrees to accept US President Obama’s proposal and resume talks based on 1967 lines. Washington is pressuring Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accede to its proposal to resume Israeli-Palestinian peace talks on the basis of U.S. President Barack Obama’s May 19 speech. An Israeli source who spoke recently with senior officials in Washington said the Americans were very frustrated with Netanyahu’s behavior, feeling that he was impeding America’s efforts to keep the Palestinians from unilaterally seeking UN recognition of a state in September. Netanyahu’s personal envoy, Isaac Molho, spent last week in Washington, where the Americans presented their proposal for resuming talks on the basis of Obama’s speech. Specifically, Obama’s plan calls for negotiating over borders and security first, while deferring issues such as Jerusalem and the refugees until later. It also calls for the borders to be based on the 1967 lines, with mutually agreed land swaps. The Americans told Molho that to block European initiatives such as France’s proposal for an international peace conference in Paris, they must have something concrete to offer, like Netanyahu‘s agreement to negotiate on the basis of Obama’s speech. The U.S. proposal was also given to chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, who said the Palestinians would resume talks on this basis. Meanwhile, a European diplomat who was briefed on Molho’s talks in Washington said they were fruitless. “The Americans didn’t get anything new from Molho,” the diplomat said. This week, American diplomat David Hale will arrive in Israel to hold further meetings with both Molho and Erekat. Hale is temporarily replacing George Mitchell, the U.S. special envoy who resigned earlier this year. An Israeli source who maintains close ties with both senior U.S. officials and people close to Netanyahu said that Washington‘s frustration began with Netanyahu’s trip to Washington last month, when he publicly fought with Obama and then refused in an address to Congress to endorse the president’s outline for talks. The Americans were now speaking very harshly of Netanyahu, said the source. “He’s asking us to protect him in September, but he isn’t giving us any tools with which to help him,” the source quoted one American official as saying. “Instead of helping us, he’s making it harder for us.” As a result, American officials complained, Obama was unable to get Britain and France to commit to opposing a unilateral Palestinian move when he visited Europe last month. “The Americans need Israel inside, but Netanyahu isn’t there yet,” the source said. “To date, from the American and European perspective, Israel hasn’t given anything.” European diplomats said Netanyahu’s speech to Congress was viewed in Europe as one long “no” and had thus increased European distrust of him. “We want to hear Netanyahu say he‘s willing to negotiate on the basis of Obama’s speech and that he’ll discuss borders based on the 1967 lines with land swaps,” said one diplomat. Since the barren talks with Molho last week, the White House has been upping the pressure on Netanyahu. On Friday, Steve Simon, who heads the U.S. National Security Council’s Middle East desk, told American Jewish leaders that Netanyahu needs to reply within a month to the U.S. proposal for restarting talks. The White House knew this remark would both be conveyed to Netanyahu and leaked to the American and Israeli press, thus making its displeasure public. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 11:37 AM in Obama: Lethal for Israel | Permalink | Comments (14) ShareThis Do check out my weekly commentary in today's WND. Here is a short excerpt, but read the whole thing. Tennessee passes worst law ever Pamela Geller While everyone in the counter jihad movement lauded Tennessee for the recent passage of a watered-down (and mostly symbolic) "anti-terrorism" bill, another bill that the Tennessee Legislature quietly passed could be the worst law ever. Completely under the radar screen, with no debate or histrionics, Tennessee has just criminalized thought and intent. According to journalist Timothy B. Lee, writing at the Ars Technica website, "A new Tennessee law makes it a crime to 'transmit or display an image' online that is likely to 'frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress' to someone who sees it. Violations can get you almost a year in jail time or up to $2,500 in fines." This legislation is a milestone in the history of free speech and free thought in the United States – yes, a milestone that Sayyid Qutb would love: a deathblow to free speech. You can be sure that among the first people who will try to capitalize upon this gross violation of the First Amendment will be the Islamic supremacist groups in the U.S. that are bent on silencing people who are telling the truth about Islam and jihad. Yet hardly anyone has noticed this legislation in all the excitement over Tennessee's anti-terror law. Forgive me for not jumping up and down over all this anti-Shariah legislation. I appreciate and respect its intent, but, ultimately, I think it is pointless. The Constitution specifies the freedoms that the government is not supposed to take away, and these include the freedoms that Shariah denies. So the Constitution covers the same ground as anti-Shariah legislation. The Constitution is supposed to have our backs. If we can't rely on the Constitution and the First Amendment in particular to safeguard our freedoms, then watered-down "foreign law prohibition legislation" is not going to save us. Read the rest. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 02:21 AM in Atlas Articles, Free Speech Silenced, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD, WND Geller Columns | Permalink| Comments (15) ShareThis This is just another in a long line of busts of Muslim gangs in the UK grooming underage non-Muslim girls for sex slavery. Has the UK so lost its civilizational spine that their children are now booty for the Muslim invaders? Stop importing these marauderers and destroyers. I have reported on these Muslim oppressors repeatedly, and still these news stories are a shock to the system. What's it going to take? Dawn raids across Manchester as police move in on gang who groomed under-age girls at drug-fuelled sex parties Daily Mail By Jaya Narain (hat tip Tel) Dozens of vulnerable teenage girls may have been rescued from the clutches of a paedophiles after a major police operation smashed a child sex gang. Around 100 officers swooped on houses in a series of raids yesterday arresting 10 men suspected of grooming young girls for sex. The victims were allegedly showered with gifts and then plied with drink and drugs before being taken to special 'sex parties' in Manchester and Salford. friends of the gang in what police say was a classic case of ‘sexual grooming and entrapment.’ Last night the men, all aged between 18-28, were being questioned by detectives at a number of different police stations across the North West. A mattress is taken away from one of the homes raided as part of Operation Windermere They are the latest in a wave of arrests carried out by police investigating gangs of Asian [Muslim] men grooming underage white girls for sex A string of disturbing cases in the Midlands and north of England prompted the launch of a nationwide investigation to look into the phenomenon. In January Former Home Secretary Jack Straw was accused of ‘stereotyping after suggesting some men of Pakistani origin see white girls as ‘easy meat’. Last night police were confident they had smashed yet another alleged gang after arresting the 10 men – seven Asian [Muslim], two white and one black – on suspected child sex offences. The arrests in Manchester, Salford and Buxton come after a major three-month inquiry into the sexual exploitation of a number of girls. Detectives say at least 39 underage girls have been spoken to, either as suspected victims or witnesses, as part of the major probe. It is understood a only six or seven alleged sex gang victims have been identified but detectives believe the true number runs into dozens. Police say the alleged victims had been groomed by the older men who bought them meals or took them out for all-expenses-paid nights out. The girls were understood to have been lured off the street with promises of cannabis, amphetamines, jewellery, new pairs of trainers and trips out to fast food restaurants. After four of five weeks of 'affection and flattery', it is claimed, gang members would then ask for sex often after first giving the girls drink and drugs. It is understood the girls – all aged around 14 and upwards - would also be taken to the 'sex parties' at flats and houses, where they would be ‘handed out’ to other men. Read the rest. Previously at Atlas: UK: Muslim Gang Charged in Child "Prostitution Ring" Charges ... Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 01:50 AM in Eurabia 2010 | Permalink | Comments (16) ShareThis The systematic slaughter of Christians by Muslims in Indonesia commands Obama's respect. The ongoing burning of churches in Indonesia commands Obama's respect. Islamic supremacism, ethnic cleansing, and gender apartheid? “Obama heralds Indonesia’s political, religious diversity in latest outreach to Muslims," according to the Washington Post. But the truly free, fully democratic, totally diverse country of Israel is the object of Obama's scorn and punishment, isolation and pain.Obama 's stealth jihad. This is a dangerous man with a very sick soul. Obama Praises Jew-Free Indonesia by Yarden FranklCHRISTIAN GROUPS PHYSICALLY ATTACKED IN DEARBORN, MICHIGAN
WJBK | myFOXDetroit.comFriday, June 17, 2011
You can’t turn on the news these days or pick up a newspaper without seeing or reading about Islam, Muslims or Sharia law. Unfortunately, most of what you hear is from politicians with a religious viewpoint or media outlets creating an illusion of an enemy.
Islam is an Arabic term deriving from two words: Salam, which means peace, and Tasleem meaning submit to the will of God. So the textbook definition for Islam is peace acquired through the submission to the will of God. Therefore, Islam conveys a practical application of God’s word to all aspects of one’s life.
The Sharia is Islamic rulings from Muslim scholars and jurists that keep Muslims on the path toward abiding faith. The source of the Sharia is the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Mohammed. The Sharia covers all aspects of a Muslim’s life and explains what is prohibited and permissible.
Some politicians, groups and individuals commonly reduce the totality of the Sharia to its penal code. The penal code within the Sharia is not unique to the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Mohammed. It is also in the Torah and Talmud and part of the teachings of Prophet Moses. Having said that, it is important to recognize that regardless of the contrast, the penal codes within these texts are not the totality of the teachings of any religion and never explained as such. Why the double standard?
It’s quite simple really — an election strategy.
Politicians who emphasize religion in over 20 states have introduced some sort of legislation regarding Islam, Sharia or “Foreign Law.” They claim that the “Moozlims” are trying to infiltrate our court systems and replace our Constitution. The fact of the matter is, not one Muslim has introduced anything to any legislative body calling for Sharia to replace the Constitution or for the Sharia to replace the law of the land. This claim is absolutely baseless and really shows how disconnected these politicians are from the real problems on the ground.
In some cases, unfortunately, this strategy is effective.
All we can do — must do — is try to stop this kind of rhetoric. Listening to it is a waste of your time. Those who espouse such views could not care less about the innocent Americans they hurt. The most effective way to deal with this situation is through education and action.
Educate yourself on Islam. If you don’t know any Muslims, try to meet one. Say “Salam” (peace), and ask questions. Get to know them. Go to a ballgame, or go fishing. Be American together.
By CAIR-Tampa Legal Fellow, Amala Abdur-Rahman
CAIR-Tampa wrote a letter on behalf of a TSA security officer, who happened to be Muslim, at the West Palm Beach Airport. The letter requested that the TSA permit Muslim employees time off for Friday prayer services. As a result of CAIR-Tampa's efforts, TSA granted that employee Friday's off so that he can perform his Friday prayers.PENTAGON ATTACK SUSPECT WAS A MUSLIM ID'D AS MARINE RESERVIST: BOMB MATERIAL AND PRO-AL QAEDA NOTEBOOK
Police blocked off roads around the Pentagon on Friday and were searching a suspicious vehicle and the surrounding area after arresting the man in nearby Arlington National Cemetery. (more here)Pentagon scare suspect ID'd as Marine reservist CBS
Pentagon attack suspect in military reserve
All of which raises an obvious question--but one that goes unanswered in the reports from CBS and AP, as well as others from ABC News and the Washington Post. We could only find one news organization that had the answer: Fox News Channel, which reports that Maliku is Muslim.
Now, it's possible that Fox simply got a scoop here, but our guess is that this fact was omitted from the other reports because of the politically correct taboo against making a connection between Islam and terrorism. It's analogous to the case we cited Monday in which the Chicago Tribune refused to mention the race of the members of "groups of youths" who had been attacking people in a downtown neighborhood, but it's worse. Whereas race is not necessarily relevant to the motive of the Chicago attacks, religion almost always is when a Muslim commits an act of terrorism or a related crime.
These politically correct strictures are not applied in a consistent or reciprocal fashion. If Maliku were a Christian and had been arrested outside an abortion clinic, you can bet his religion would have been widely reported. And the press sensationalizes "hate crimes" by whites against blacks or non-Muslims against Muslims.
One possible explanation is the man-bites-dog theory of news: that those types of crimes get more attention because they're unusual. But that doesn't hold up. Remember last August when a Muslim taxi driver was stabbed in New York? It was a sensational story that the New York Times used to further its narrative that anti-Muslim bigotry was behind opposition the Ground Zero mosque. But the Times deeply buried the real man-bites-dog element: The suspect turned out to be a volunteer for a nonprofit that supported the mosque.TREATMENT OF CHILDREN AT SCHOOL IN ISLAMIC COUNTRIES
Two men who were accused of plotting to blow up the largest synagogue in Manhattan, and kill as many Jews as possible in the process, were formally indicted on Wednesday, but not on the most serious criminal charges sought by the Manhattan district attorney’s office.
Plea To Reopen The Case Of The Death Of Fatima Abdallah BP
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Liveblog: Terror attack in Netanya? thanks to Carl in Jerusalem
Israel Radio is reporting on a terror attack in Netanya with at least three dead and 12 wounded. Liveblog coming here.
Israel Radio says that there was an explosion in a four-story building in Independence Square. Apparently an explosion of a gas balloon - they're not sure yet what caused the explosion. Independence Square is the center of Netanya - it's around the block from where Mrs. Carl and I were last night. The Yotvata restaurant in the area has apparently been destroyed. Twenty people now injured.
UPDATE 1:13 AMPicture from YNet.
"This is not a terror attack," a Netanya police spokesman said. A resident close to the scene told Israel Radio he smelled a strong smell of gas.LEADING ISLAMIC GROUP'S HIT LIST TARGETS SPECIFIC AMERICANS
An al-Qaida-linked website has posted a potential hit list of targets that include names and photos of several U.S. officials and business leaders, calling for terrorists to target these Americans in their own homes, NBC New York has learned.
The FBI has sent out a new intelligence bulletin to law enforcement agencies, warning that this new web-based threat, while not a specific plot, is very detailed. The bulletin said the list includes leaders "in government, industry and media."
The FBI has notified those individuals who are named.
NBC New York will not identify them or their companies. The list includes Wall Street firms, political leaders, leaders with think tanks and contractors who do business with the military.
The websites contain 40 specific names, 26 of them with photos attached, and they call for posting home addresses. One jihadist called for sending package bombs to any listed address as just one possibility.KANSAS CITY SERIAL RAPIST: ANYONE SEEN THIS TATTOO?
Woman are booty, chattel in Islam. Obama say, "respect it!"
Kansas City, Kansas police are investigating two recent rapes in the Rosedale area. They've released a sketch of the suspect. Police hope the public will be able to help them figure out the man allegedly behind the crimes.SIOA/SIOE EUROPE THIS SUMMER
TSA blows jet 'threat' NY Post (hat tip Zilla)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
6-13-2011 US Sewell, Glenn M. Sergeant 23 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Wasit Wasit U.S. Army Texas Live Oak 6th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Fort Hood, TX 6-13-2011 US Bellard, Nicholas P. Staff Sergeant 26 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Wasit Wasit U.S. Army Texas El Paso 6th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Fort Hood, TX 6-08-2011 US England, Matthew J. Private 1st Class 22 Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Najaf Najaf U.S. Army Missouri Gainesville 3rd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment Fort Hood, TX 6-06-2011 US Campo Jr., Emilio J. Specialist 20 Hostile - hostile fire - Rocket fire Baghdad Baghdad (southeastern part) U.S. Army Minnesota Madelia 1st Battalion, 7th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Fort Riley, KS 6-06-2011 US Fishbeck, Christopher B. Specialist 24 Hostile - hostile fire - Rocket fire Baghdad Baghdad (southeastern part) U.S. Army California Victorville 1st Battalion, 7th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Fort Riley, KS 6-06-2011 US Hartwick, Robert P. Specialist 20 Hostile - hostile fire - Rocket fire Baghdad Baghdad (southeastern part) U.S. Army Ohio Rockbridge 1st Battalion, 7th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Fort Riley, KS 6-06-2011 US Olivieri, Michael C. Private 1st Class 26 Hostile - hostile fire - Rocket fire Baghdad Baghdad (southeastern part) U.S. Army Illinois Chicago 1st Battalion, 7th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Fort Riley, KS 6-06-2011 US Cook Jr., Michael B. Specialist 27 Hostile - hostile fire - Rocket fire Baghdad Baghdad (southeastern part) U.S. Army Ohio Middletown Coalition Military Fatalities By Year
Year US UK Other Total 2001 12 0 0 12 2002 49 3 18 70 2003 48 0 10 58 2004 52 1 7 60 2005 99 1 31 131 2006 98 39 54 191 2007 117 42 73 232 2008 155 51 89 295 2009 317 108 96 521 2010 499 103 109 711 2011 173 23 47 243 Total 1619 371 534 2524 MUSLIMA NAMED DIRECTOR OF HOLOCAUST CENTER AT MANHATTAN COLLEGE
Perhaps nothing accentuates the change more than the appointment of Mehnaz Afridi, 40, to be director of what will be renamed the Holocaust, Genocide and Interfaith Education Center.
Afridi, a Pakistan-born Muslim woman, has been teaching at Antioch University, and her writings have primarily focused on Muslim identity and the intersection of Islam and the Holocaust.
Among her goals at Manhattan College, Afridi said, will be “to bring more diversity and interfaith events, especially with Muslim academics and Muslims [in the] nearby community. I think this will be important to Manhattan College and it’s Lasallian [Catholic] tradition.”
“I want to educate people about Muslims,” she said, “but I don’t want to [always have to] defend Islam, because I don’t think it’s the greatest religion in the world. I happen to like aspects of it; I’m a liberal Muslim. When people ask me about the Five Pillars [of Islam], I say, you know, I’m kind of like a two-pillar girl.”
Afridi, who is Muslim but not Arab, tells of a well-traveled life as the daughter of an international banker, moving from Pakistan to Switzerland to Luxemburg to Dubai, and then to high school in Westchester County’s Scarsdale, before graduating the University of Syracuse where, she says, “my interest in the Holocaust truly began when I was a teaching assistant for a post-Holocaust undergraduate course.” She then earned her doctorate in religious studies at the University of South Africa.
The Center’s expansion into interfaith projects was made to better fulfill “the spirit of Nostra Aetate,” the Vatican reformation encouraging a reconciliation of the Abrahamic religions including Islam, said Jeff Horn, the outgoing director of the center, who is Jewish and will remain on the faculty as chair of the history department. He emphasized that the changes will be a “broadening” of the Center, not a dilution. Afridi, he says, will be able to “devote far more time and energy to [the Center] than I was ever able to,” because of Horn’s other academic duties, “so when we say expansion, we mean expansion.”
The expansion, however, has aroused concern from some survivors who had become informally connected to the center, and from children of survivors, such as Borough Park’s Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who worry that the centrality and Jewish specificity of the Holocaust are being diminished. At the college’s community reception for Afridi, some of the survivors privately expressed some half-embarrassed doubts about an Islamic woman leading a Holocaust program.
“I’m not surprised” at the controversy, Afridi said. “A Muslim woman to head a Holocaust center — it’s an oxymoron, in a sense. I’m not shocked.” She added, “I would be more than happy to meet Dov Hikind. I think he’s done some wonderful things, working hard [to fight] anti-Semitism. We may have more in common than he thinks.”
Aside from her academic work, Afridi has worked extensively with organizations such as the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, “creating educational journeys,” she said, “for Palestinian, Israelis, Jordanians and Jewish-Americans, in Israel,” and the Women’s Islamic Initiative In Spirituality and Equality, a program of the American Society for Muslim Advancement.
The changes at Manhattan College prompted novelist Thane Rosenbaum, a professor at Fordham Law School and a frequent essayist on post-Holocaust themes, to wonder whether the Holocaust is becoming unmoored from its Jewish specificity.
“It hasn’t even been two generations,” said Rosenbaum, and already the message is, ‘We now have transcended the Holocaust,’ time for something else. Only with Jews, do people change the parameters like this, going from the Final Solution to exploring ‘Prejudice Around The World.’ This is Holocaust Studies for a new century: led by a Muslim, dealing with issues not exclusive or particular to the Holocaust, [issues] from Islamophobia to racism, looking for a wider appeal. They can do whatever they want, but I’m not sure that morally they have the right.”
Hikind, noting that his Brooklyn district includes “the largest contingent of Holocaust survivors,” asked Manhattan College to drop the word “Holocaust” from the center’s name because “the addition of Dr. Afridi and the expansion of the Center’s mission diminish the magnitude of the Holocaust as a defining Jewish event.”
Rabbi Yitz Greenberg, one of the pioneers in Holocaust studies in the 1970s, and the former chair of the national Holocaust Memorial Council, said that the debate over the universalistic expansion of Holocaust studies “has been an issue all along, going back decades.”
“Each case is different. In some places its worked,” protecting and underlining the distinctiveness of the Shoah, “and in other places not.”
The increased emphasis on interfaith relations is “great,” said Rabbi Greenberg. “One of the lessons of the Shoah, and part of what drove me [to Jewish-Christian] dialogue was that we have to recognize and break down the horrible poison and stereotypes [that predominated in Christian Europe] to prevent future Holocausts. That’s a legitimate application. I’m in favor of Muslim dialogue, too. The real issue is that most of the Muslim dialogue, so far, has not been very honest. That’s where the danger comes — not the concept of interfaith, but it’s how you do it, with whom, and how it’ll play out.”
Hikind’s criticism of Afridi was partially provoked by an article she wrote for Common Ground but widely circulated by the Khaleej Times (Aug. 11, 2008), an Arab newspaper. In the article, Afridi recalls an exchange at a Jerusalem bar that happened 18 years before, when she was studying archeology in Israel. An Israeli Jew at the bar, not knowing Afridi wasn’t Jewish, voiced the opinion that “surely you know, as a Jew, that this is our ancestral homeland.” She responded, “Well, no … First, I am not Jewish, and second, I am not quite sure whose land this is.”
In the Common Ground article, she goes on to write, “Jews can help Muslims navigate in a post-9/11 world by sharing with them the difficulties that they, too, faced in Europe and the United States…”
Hikind wrote to Manhattan College that Afridi’s equation was “both erroneous and offensive. It is inconceivable to me how Dr. Afridi can even begin to equate what the Jews of Europe suffered under Nazi rule with what she perceives Muslims in present-day America are enduring.”LAWMAKERS SUE PRESIDENT OBAMA OVER LIBYA
Lawmakers sue President Obama over Libya Politico
This site is about Islam and NOT Muslims. If there is anyone thinking of converting to Islam or you know someone thinking about it, please show them this site so that they may be aware of some of the superstitious and frankly stupid teachings that are both in the Quran and the Hadith. Most people that convert are unaware of these texts. So are those born into it for that matter. On the other hand, many of their “du’aat” (callers to Islam) love to taught the “perfection” of Islam in making their case to those they are trying to convert.
Pfc. Naser Abdo, a 21-year-old infantry soldier, applied for the status last year after he decided Islamic standards would prohibit his service in the U.S. Army in any war. The Army approved his status in May, but his discharge is on hold until the criminal charge is resolved.
He faces an Article 32 hearing, similar to a civilian grand jury, on Wednesday at the installation on the Tennessee-Kentucky state line. Abdo says he intends to fight the charge, which he believes is part of ongoing discrimination within the Army.OBAMA LAUDS SHARIA STATES, BUT GIVES NETANYAHU ULTIMATUM
Report: US gives Netanyahu ultimatum on resuming talks The Blaze
Muslim gang rape girls as young as 12 Somali Muslim Gangs Ran Sex Ring in 3 U.S. States -
Islam Gone Wild
Dutch Girls Stoned by Muslim Gang in The Netherlands
Muslim Violence Infects, Spreads Across ContinentsTuesday, June 14, 2011
Obama is out there courting the Moslems again, but at least let him be truthful.
Nov 10 Washington Post top story headline (INN put it differently):
“Obama heralds Indonesia’s political, religious diversity in latest outreach to Muslims.
The U.S. President heaped praise upon Indonesia as the model of what an Islamic Country can be. He especially noted the incredible religious diversity of Indonesia when he remarked:
"Across an archipelago that contains some of G-d’s most beautiful creations, islands rising above an ocean named for peace, people choose to worship G-d as they please. Islam flourishes, but so do other faiths."
Are other faiths in Indonesia “flourishing?” According to the latest statistics (from the U.S. government), over 86 percent of Indonesians are Muslim. That makes 209,000,000 practicing Muslims in the country. Let’s see about the other “flourishing religions”:
5.7 percent of Indonesians are Protestant
3 percent are Roman Catholic
1.8 percent are Hindu
.00001 percent are Jews
That’s right, 209,000,000 Muslims and 20 Jews.
If this is Obama’s definition of “flourishing religious diversity,” I am really worried.
Of course it’s not a problem for me. See even if I wanted to, I could never even visit Indonesia let alone live there. That’s because this “model of democracy” does not permit those with Israeli passports from entering the country. Really gives you a good feeling about Obama’s vision of Middle East peace, doesn’t it?
Yet the President does not seem to feel there is a problem with a country that is almost free of Jews. I guess he can praise the country because there is little anti-Semitism there.
There is not a single synagogue that holds services among hundreds of thousands of mosques in Indonesia, not even a Chabad House. That’s saying a lot. There are Chabad Houses in almost every nation in the world. From Kathmandu to Nigeria, there are Chabad Rabbis making cholent and holding Shabbat services. Not in this diverse nation of 242,000,000 people though.
Yet while standing in this virtually Jew-free Muslim nation, Obama choose to chastise Israel for allowing Jews to build homes in Jerusalem. According to the President, this is the real problem in the Middle East.
If he wanted to find a city where different religions really “flourish,” all he would have to do is take a closer look at Jerusalem — where hundreds of mosques, churches, and synagogues provide religious services in the city every day. Walk around the Old City of Jerusalem and you can hear church bells, Jewish public prayer, and the Muslim calls from the minarets. Think you will hear that anywhere in Indonesia? Not a chance.
For my liberal friends, how can you believe in freedom of religion and support a President whose model of “religious diversity” means a mixture of Shite and Sunni Muslims with a handful of Christians and no Jews? If you believe in freedom of religion, how can you believe that the Holy City of Jerusalem should be divided again?
The last time there was Islamic control of the city, all the Jews were driven out, all the synagogues were burned down, and ancient Jewish graves were dug up and used to build latrines.
Was that an example of the religious “diversity” that we should return to?
If not for the liberation of the city in 1967, there would be fewer Jews in Jerusalem than there are in Indonesia.
Sound like a good plan?
No thanks.
While there are those who delude themselves into thinking that Jew-less countries are to be admired and praised, I will stick with Jerusalem. Whatever faith you believe in, thanks to Israeli control, you can practice it freely here.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
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Britannia Radio