Sunday, 26 June 2011

The Churches’ Soft-Core Paganism
Overt, in-your-face paganism in the Church—it’s not hard to find, these days. I’ve written about it before. (See my blog,, and scroll back a couple of pages for a series of those articles.) But there’s also a soft-core paganism in the Church, so hard to see, it’s practically invisible. In this it resembles termites munching away at the timbers of a house. To see it at all, we have to approach it indirectly. A colleague of mine who is involved in missionary work says.....
by Lee Duigon

Name That Place
Our actions do impact the world around us. When you show up regularly at synagogue or church for services, you are not only satisfying your own spiritual needs. You are making that place more spiritually significant for all the other worshippers. When you perform an action in a certain place, you change the.......
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Part 8
We will continue to look at how our Founders looked at incorporating religion into government policies and regulations. The next is what would have to be called the most conclusive historical demonstration proving that the Founders never intended what we see today and that is a religion free public arena. This documented evidence is the passage of the “Northwest Ordinance.” That Ordinance which legal texts consider.....
by Pastor Roger Anghis