Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project is counting on you to sign your CITIZENS INJUNCTION FORM… The above is from the Minute Man org. which I know very little about but do know that writing and emailing your representives will not do much good. What does work? Getting together with a few of your neighbors of like mind and actually IN PERSON visiting your representive in his own office.. Let him know he is only there until you decide he is not fullfilling his obligations to you. Dress well, no ragged jeans and t shirts you guys, but put on a tie and a nice shirt maybe even a jacket but do look well groomed and prosperous.. Ladies wear heels, look your very best, dress like you are trying to impress a new boyfriend ( you are) most of these perverts will remember cleavege for sure but not a fanny that is showing with thong marks .... Make them think you have money that is what they respect, when they see us dressed in our casual rags we look like the mass of nonedescript cattle they can controll. Show them a suit and tie and they are at a loss as they can't know how much power you have... it is all a game to them.. Just be very very proper which will be in your favor and ours. Remember you will be representing a lot of people who are too damn lazy and ignorant to do what you are doing. I do this on a regular basis... trust me these people know me by my first name. Sometimes I see some vague results and other times it is like I never said a word never the less... if enough people make their voices heard in person the perverts will get the message and being naturally chicken and childish they will obey. If they perceive they will lose their cash cow they will change tracks and behave but like parents we have to assert our authority.. and do it forcefully if need be. These people are naturally bullys and if you have ever encountered a bully know if backed into a corner they cry, whine and beg for mercy....Their only power is a mind game over you.. Just remember You are the PARENT and they are the CHILD . Treat them accordingly! I was only about 8 yrs old and a really skinny kid always in a hurry, one girl I remember vividly lived up the road from us, her name was Linda also, she was overweight and was teased pretty badly about it until she became the "Big Show" of the road... Every afternoon when I came home she would be hiding behind a hedge waiting to knock me silly and she did quite often when I couldn't out run her... One partivular day she caught me off guard and bloodied my nose, I got home with blood all over a good white shirt and blue skirt and even had some on my socks.. My Grandmother said very little but my Pop simply told me that the next time I ran or got my butt beaten with out fighting back he was going to punish me? Next day I carried a nice big stick with me and when Linda jumped out at me I whacked her right in the face.. she took off squalling and I walked home proud as a peacock. Of course her parents came over that evening with their beat up princess telling my grandparents that they needed to do something about me? Pop told her he already had and I had done a good job of kicking the crap out of their daughter who was a bully .. and if I ever let her beat up on me again I would be in deep deep doodoo and further more if they didn't get off his property he would show them how it felt to have a bloody nose ... they left... Linda became the terror of the school and I became a hero? All it took was a good sized stick and fear. I noticed that I became very popular with some of the other kids she started picking on as they would walk home with me till we were past her house ... PERVERTS IN OFFICE ARE OF THE SAME ILK.... Bullys and so cowerdly they have to pick on people who are scared to build up their own egos... A need for power and property is like a disease and these politicians have that disease and we don't offer a cure.. We are at fault... We need to cure this disease quickly before it completely takes over our lives and country...The cure is a very big stick used liberally. My biggest threat is that I can repaint the War Wagon and make it anti whoever I am talking to.. and drive it all over the county daily.. By the time they come around for re election their name will be mud. Every single mistake they have made and error in judgement will be shown... and maybe a call for arrest for treason. It is imperative for as many of you as possible to just make yourself get dressed and go.. Our lives are being turned upside down by these immoral perverts with all of the homosexual crap, messing with our food supplies, defying the very laws of our country by those that are supposed to be enforcing them.taking over our water supply, contaminating our air we breathe, how much more will you condone? Come on folks we need help. We need those of you that sit and read and agree to really stand up and get on the streets, talk to neighbors, get groups together to visit your local political offices. Let them know you are aware of their treasonist activity and are ready to do something about it. With all of the illegals in this country Amnesty will sink it totally... more and more will flood in and we will find ourselves in a real battle with guns and knives to just survive in our own country. Look at the LA area, Chicago, Detroit and NY with all of the gangs.. do you think this will go away? It won't it will grow as more and more ignorant and uneducated people flood into the country wanting support and find it slowly slipping away as we the working class continue to lose ground and money which supports this whole mess. I don't want to spend my last days on a battle field fighting for what was rightfully mine to begin with. No one has permission to give away our country,lives, religion and most of all Culture and Language. We were a Christian English speeking Country for a lot of years....WHAT HAPPENED? AMERICA LAND OF THE Death of America!
Obama Defies Congress With A Stroke Of A Pen AMNESTY
Obama and the Democrats have already put the Amnesty wheels in motion as orders are out to scuttle ICE raids of companies hiring illegal workers, removing key elements of 287G policies that give local law enforcement the ability to arrest illegal aliens.
And that’s not all. Lawsuits against state governments to protect the illegals? The liberals have already set the stage for the processing the illegal alien population to grant mass AMNESTY TO MILLIONS OF NEW ILLEGAL “CITIZENS” IN TIME FOR THE 2012 GENERAL ELECTION.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
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Britannia Radio