Barack Obama’s and Eric Holder’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) killed at least one law enforcement officer with Operation Gunwalker. Did it also commit an act of war against Mexico? Issa asks THE question at ‘gunwalker’ hearing; anti-gunners scramble for excuses This is not a discovery process of what happened–we know what happened. We know that this administration, at the highest levels, approved a process that allowed thousands of high-powered weapons–basically AK-47 and M-16 look-alikes–to go to the worst of the worst on both sides of the borders, that those weapons have been used to commit crimes, and they have led to the death of federal agents on our side of the border, obviously, also Mexicans on their side of the border. This is known. The real question is what were they thinking. It is a felony to knowingly and willfully sell (or presumably enable the sale of) firearms to... Canada was absolutely right to deny entry to unrepentant American terrorist Bill Ayers. Ayers, a self-described “small-c communist,” was barred Wednesday by the Canadian Border Services Agency. He had hoped to spread his visceral hatred of freedom and democracy at the Worldview Conference on Media and Higher Education on Thursday in Toronto. The conference was co-sponsored by the notorious Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. OISE is well known for its embrace of radical left-wing politics. According to the National Post, conference organizers whined that Ayers was being denied his so-called academic freedom. A spokesperson said Ayers’s refused admission to the country “should raise red flags for citizens concerned with free and open debate.” Compliments of Anglo Saxon Ra’anana Israel has its fair share of generals most of them involved in the indispensable job of protecting the country, but one of the few that occupies itself with almost exclusively peaceful pastimes is General Electric that has seven R&D and healthcare centers employing 450 people engaged in a wide range of research. As a display of real confidence in the scientific workforce they’ve just inaugurated their eighth, a multidisciplinary center that will concentrate on research in medical devices, water, and clean energy and offhand we can’t think of any fields much more important than those. We reported last week that a record number of 35 lifesaving organs were transplanted into 27 patients during the week prior to that and now the National Transplant and Organ Donations Center announced on Sunday that the first half of 2011 saw a 54% rise in organ donations, as well as setting a new record for actual transplant procedures. Between... National Review Online just published one of the best critiques of the “peace process” that I have read. It included a recommendation that all Americans embrace the admonishment of Herman Cain, a GOP nonimee hopeful, “You mess with Israel, you mess with us.” Faithful NRO readers are increasingly clear-eyed about what President Obama and his supporters call “the Middle East peace process.” They know this process has a diplomatic language of its own, a propaganda language that uses code phrases to make maximalist demands sound like righteous — or at least reasonable — negotiating positions. I call these phrases “the peace pieties.” Four of them are fundamental to the process, and NRO authors like Andrew McCarthy, Charles Krauthammer, Mona Charen, and Clifford May have done an outstanding job of translating the first three into plain American English. First Bibi and now Lieberman. The government apparently has decided to call the PA’s bluff and not offer any further concessions. I hope Israel is not bluffing when it says it will abrogate Oslo. Ted Belman. Lieberman: Israel will renounce past agreements if Palestinians seek unilateral statehood “The unilateral move at the UN is the end of the Oslo Accords and would be a violation of all agreements that we have signed until now,” “Israel would not be obligated to the agreements that it has signed with the Palestinians over the past 18 years.” “Abbas does not want an agreement, but rather confrontation with Israel. This is his personal interest, even though it is contrary to Palestinian interests and many in the Palestinian Authority oppose him.” The proposal would revoke Barak’s right to veto West Bank construction by the World Zionist Organization’s Settlement Division. The division budgets NIS 25 million a year for this purpose. The Settlement Division was set up in 1967 after Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula. For years, it was tasked with building settlements in the West Bank and did not deal with the Negev or Galilee at all. Sasson recommended disbanding the division. The state comptroller has also castigated the division’s activity. ... [Adapted from a speech by the former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan, who spoke in Tel Aviv this week to a group of young professionals and IDF soldiers.] It is an honor for me to stand in the same room as those of you in IDF uniforms. You might think that you’re simply defending your country, but in fact you are fighting against violent jihadist terrorism for the whole of the Western world, and you are at the front lines of the battle. Obama Wants Israel to Pay for UN VetoDid Obama’s Cop-Killing BATFE Commit an Act of War Against Mexico?
by Bill LevinsonCanada slams the door on Ayers
By Mathew Vadum, Canada Free Press
The spokesperson is absolutely right. Those flags should...Good News, Israel
Israel, Palestine, and the Peace Pieties
Peace piety #1 holds that “Israel must return to its 1967...Israel is calling the PA’s bluff
Cabinet to remove Barak’s veto on settlement construction
Attorney Talia Sasson’s report on illegal West Bank settlement outposts, which was published in March 2005 and later adopted by the cabinet, said the division mainly set up unauthorized outposts in the West Bank, without the government’s approval, including some that were on privately-owned Palestinian land.A salute to the IDF
You may think that you’re simply defending your country, but in fact you are defending mine too.
Although not quite a lone voice, mine was certainly a very lonely voice among the many dozens of speeches endorsing the Goldstone Report and repudiating Israel that were made over the two days of the UN Human Rights Council hearing after Operation Cast Lead. This is what I said to the Council: “During its operation in Gaza, the Israeli Defense Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone...Obama wants Israel to pay for his veto
By Jonathan S. Tobin, AMERICAN THINKER
Obama administration officials are in Israel this week for more talks with Israel and the Palestinians. Their goal isn’t simply to try and get Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to bend to the president’s demand Israel accept the 1967 lines as the starting point for future negotiations, though that is certainly on the top of their agenda. It is to force Israel to make concessions that will somehow convince the Palestinians to abandon their effort to have the United Nations recognize an independent Palestinian state inside those same 1967 borders.
The Americans are pretending the purpose of the president’s controversial Middle East policy speech and the subsequent diplomatic hammering of Israel by Secretary of State Clinton and envoy Dennis Ross is to revive the long stalled peace talks with the Palestinians. But no one seriously believes the Palestinians are interested in...More Recent Articles
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 18 June 2011
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Britannia Radio