Friday 17 June 2011

Here is your Crux AM update:

Don't believe these lies about the gold standard
"As the Fed's debasement of the currency reaches unprecedented levels, more and more Americans are waking up to the merits of commodity money..."

Leaving America: Why more and more recent grads are looking to China for jobs
"China on a résumé for a year is better than a year working at TGI Friday's..."

Trader alert: This market-leading stock just took a major turn for the worse
"Today marked the end of a 551-day run of consecutive closes above its 200-day moving average..."

A new California gold rush is on
Some miners are making up to $2,000 per day...

A new credit crisis could be springing up where no one is watching
"Interbank liquidity" is freezing up here...

This could be the most important chart in the world today
"Investors are beginning to wonder if we're on the verge of a Lehman 2.0-type event..."


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux