It’s All Cash Flow, Dummy! You can see it!You can smell it! The crash is coming! $15 Trillion Budget Debt - $60 Trillion Unfunded Future Liability -don't you understand?
Saturday, 18 June 2011
John Loeffler Steel on Steel-It’s All Cash Flow, Dummy!-You can see it! You can smell it! The crash is coming!! Social Security and Medicare-
Well there were more “celebrations” in Greece this week as austerity program riots struck that country again. Funny thing, but the U.S. situation is far worse. So is Greece a coming attraction trailer for what will happen here? This week we’ll hyper-focus on monetary considerations that may help us answer that question.
Well is there or is there not a social security trust fund? Dr.Merrill Matthews, Ph.D., from the Institute for Policy Innovation ( returns to the program to connect a series of dots which paint the real picture of social security and Medicare.
Then Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser, M.D., from the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons ( rejoins the show.
We’ll connect the illusions of Obamacare funding to the larger economic crises heading our way. Politicians’ projections always rotate around projected budgetary conditions, which never materialize.
John’s boralogue connects a debate between C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud with the reasons western countries are in such terrible economic shape. We didn’t arrive here overnight and the drumbeats of progressive socialism played a major role in setting us up for the situation in which we find ourselves.
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