Early reporting of the build up to the imminent June flotilla suggests a return to past trends of misrepresenting organisers as peaceful and Israel as belligerent. As the sequel to last year's attempt by the Turkish IHH to breach Israel's naval blockade of Gaza approaches, pre-emptive media reporting indicates a preference for omitting information which favours Israel's perspective. IHH as an extremist Islamist organisation On 7 April IHH head Bulent Yildirim made a fiery speech in which he gave full expression to his hostility to the state of Israel and his willingness to confront its soldiers once more. According to a MEMRI translation, Yildirim made plain that he views the supposedly humanitarian expedition due to take place at the end of June as an 'Intifada by sea' which was part of a quest to reclaim Jerusalem rather than primarily to deliver aid to Gaza: '[W]e do have a problem with one place, and we declare it boldly, without fear, and without hesitation: Our problem is Zionism, which has infected all of humanity like a virus.' Tues. 31 May 2011 @ 17.15 - A Guardian news piece published on Sunday makes a surprising and unsubstantiated claim about a number of buildings across Jerusalem, alleging they lie on 'former farm lands' of an abandoned Arab village. Harriet Sherwood's 'The ruined village Palestinians will never forget' reports on controversial plans to build an apartment complex and hotel on the site of the former Arab village of Lifta, to the north-west of Jerusalem, within the Green Line. Yacoub Odeh, the older brother of Zacharia Odeh, the Director of the Palestinian activist group 'The Civic Coalition for Defending Palestinians' Rights in Jerusalem' is quoted giving his account of his childhood in the village during the British Mandate. Odeh gives a tour of the ruins in an accompanying video, expressing his opposition to the plans. Tues. 31 May 2011 @ 15.15 - Article on opening of Rafah crossing cites Hamas spokesperson stating group must be accepted for peace; ignores multiple recent statements rejecting Israel's existence. Writing on the recent opening of the border crossing between Gaza and Egypt, The Independent's Catrina Stewart uncritically presents Hamas' argument that it must be recognised by the international community in order for there to be peace, whilst continuing to ignore statements by the group that confirm that it rejects Israel's legitimacy and is committed to its destruction. 'A rare taste of freedom as Egypt opens its doors to Gaza', published on Monday, concentrates on the direct consequences for the inhabitants of Gaza of the opening a crossing between the Palestinian territory and Egypt. However, the article concludes by discussing how the move will affect Hamas, placing concerns about how it might strengthen the Islamist group within the context of the recent reconciliation agreement between it and Fatah. Stewart cites Hamas' argument that, in order for there to be peace, it must be engaged by the international community: 'Hamas officials warned that there was no choice but to accept the militant group if peace is to be achieved. "The international community must engage with Hamas," said a Hamas official. "The policy of isolation will not help, it will not bring security."' Wed. 1 Jun. 2011 @ 13.02 - Wire service reports three Gaza militants killed by explosion in training camp, as Hamas continues to violently disperse peaceful meetings. The French wire service Agence French-Presse (AFP) has reported on an explosion in a Gaza training camp that left three militants dead. According to the report, the training camp is used by militants from the Popular Resistance Committees. Adham Abu Selmiya, spokesman for the Hamas-run medical services in Gaza, is quoted as confirming the three deaths and four injuries caused by the blast. The Israeli military are reported to have denied their involvement with the blast to the AFP. The Palestinian news service Ma'an also covered the incident, and highlights how similar events frequently endanger nearby Gazan civilians: 'On Oct. 20, 13 Palestinians civilians were injured by an explosion of undetermined origin in a Hamas security services building in Tel Sultan.'June 1, 2011 Media Analysis Groundwork being laid for anti-Israel flotilla narrative
The Wire Guardian claims Knesset stands on 'former farm lands' of Arab village Lifta
The Wire Independent cites Hamas as necessary for peace, omits belligerent statements
The Wire Hamas in Gaza: Militants killed in training exercise
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
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Britannia Radio