"According to Mathilde Redmatn, deputy director of the International Red Cross in Gaza, there is in fact no humanitarian crisis there at all. But by God there is one in Syria, where possibly thousands have died in the past month. However, I notice that none of the Irish do-gooders are sending an aid-ship to Latakia. (emphasis added)
Monday, 27 June 2011
June 27, 2011
"Seeing a Direction"
For purely personal reasons of the best kind (another blessing: the bar mitzvah reception of my second grandson), I must at least try to make this post short. But it seemed to me that a post was very much in order.
Abbas has apparently decided on his direction (although, who knows?):
After a joint meeting of the PLO executive committee and the Fatah central committee, he has declared that the PA will be seeking recognition of Palestinian Arab statehood from the UN in September.
Following this announcement there were the usual garbled statements from PA leaders regarding the way in which this move will enhance peace, and how negotiations would still be possible.
Never mind... There is no need to panic about this turn of events. Not at all.
You might find enlightening a briefing for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs -- --by Linda Menuhin Abdul Aziz on "How Arab Media View a Declaration of Palestinian Statehood." (all emphasis added)
"...Unlike the vibrant debate in Israel over the Palestinian plan to seek support for statehood in September in the UN General Assembly, the Arab media is occupied with the wave of changes sweeping Arab countries, leaving little room for discussion of the projected Palestinian plan.
"Some commentators believe Abbas' plan is a dream and that, in order to save face, it is better not to push the plan all the way to the end since this step will not create a Palestinian state on the ground, due to the opposition of Israel and the U.S. Others believe that Mahmoud Abbas is seeking to use the declaration as a tactic to reshuffle the cards and achieve better terms.
"The Arab media predicts that a declaration of statehood by the Palestinians would not result in any immediate changes on the ground. Any Palestinian state would lack sovereignty and authority, with borders dictated by certain facts on the ground - the security fence, the settlements, and Israeli control of Jerusalem, as well as continued economic dependence on Israel.
"The Oslo II Agreement of 1995 established that neither side shall initiate or take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and Gaza. In order to avoid Israel's accusation of breaching the Oslo agreements, Palestinians are advised to shake off their commitment to the Oslo agreements, under the pretext that Israel did not live up to all its commitments."
The Flotilla is coming. Expected later this week, with ships first doing a rendezvous from different points in order to approach Gaza together. Some of the steam (forgive the pun) has been taken out of the venture by the fact that the Turkish IHH ship is not participating. But as it is, 10 ships carrying people from Greece, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Canada and the US are expected to be involved; additionally there may be a ship leaving from Jordan and carrying Palestinian Arabs.
The ship from the US is called -- outrageously and significantly -- "The Audacity of Hope" and will carry some very self-deluded Americans. Among them will be writer Alice Walker, and one Samuel Hart, a former US ambassador to Ecuador. The State Department has warned against the participation of American citizens, saying, that the Gaza coast is "dangerous and volatile" and warning that "Delivering or attempting or conspiring to deliver material support or other resources to or for the benefit of a designated foreign terrorist organization, such as Hamas, could violate U.S. civil and criminal statutes and could lead to fines and incarceration."
Yesterday the Security Cabinet reviewed and approved the navy's plans for stopping the ships. Preparations are extensive, and Prime Minister Netanyahu has given the order to prevent any ship from reaching Gaza. All possible care will be taken to avoid loss of life, but action that may be required to stop the ships is sanctioned.
Make no mistake about the determination of Israel in this regard. The maritime blockade is totally legal according to international law. Any claims that the people of Gaza are starving is nonsense, as unlimited humanitarian goods are being permitted by Israel to enter the land crossings into Gaza. This is a political ploy intended to give support to Hamas.
With regard to the situation in Gaza, please see this, by Ethan Bronner of the NY Times:
"Two luxury hotels are opening in Gaza this month. Thousands of new cars are plying the roads. A second shopping mall will open next month. Hundreds of homes and two dozen schools are about to go up. As pro-Palestinian activists prepare to set sail aboard a flotilla to Gaza, the Palestinian coastal enclave is experiencing its first real period of economic growth since the siege they are protesting began in 2007. 'The siege on goods is now 60 to 70% over,' said Jamal El-Khoudary, chairman of the board of the Islamic University, who has led Gaza's Popular Committee Against the Siege.
"Gaza has never been among the world's poorest places. There is near universal literacy, relatively low infant mortality, and health conditions remain better than in much of the developing world. Hundreds of BMWs, pickup trucks and other vehicles have arrived in recent months from Libya, while dozens of white Kia Sportage models are widely thought to have come from the same looted dealership in Benghazi."
And see this, by Kevin Meyers in the Iris Independent:
"What is it about Israel that prompts such a widespread departure from common sense, reason and moral reality? As another insane flotilla prepares to butt across the Mediterranean bringing 'aid' to the 'beleaguered' people of Gaza, does it never occur to all the hysterical anti-Israeli activists in Ireland that this is like worrying about the steaks being burnt on the barbecue, as a forest fire sweeps towards your back garden?
"Israel, just about the only country in the entire region where Arabs are not rising up against their rulers, is also the only country that the Irish chattering classes unite in condemning."
Humanitarian cargo -- such as there may be, as delivering humanitarian goods is not the real purpose of the Flotilla -- can be unloaded either in the port of Ashdod or at El Arish, Egypt. (The fact that Egyptian officials consented to the participation at El Arish seems to me a good sign.) The cargo will then be brought to Gaza.
With regard to ships that don't cooperate, they will be towed into the Ashdod port and their passengers arrested. Cargo will be searched and then genuine humanitarian supplies brought to Gaza.
Tamar Fogel, the 12-year old girl from Itamar who lost her parents and three siblings in a terrorist attack three months ago, has paid a condolence call to Jonathan Pollard, who has just finished sitting shiva for his father, whom he was not permitted by Obama to see.
I confess: I am in awe of this girl, who seems to have strength beyond what is comprehensible. May the Almighty bless her with healing and with a life of purpose and love.
I end here by sharing (with thanks to Judith N.) an excellent video of an interview of Prime Minister Netanyahu, in which he makes the case for Israel as only he can do. Share this broadly, please:
© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by Arlene Kushner , functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced onlywith proper attribution.
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