Laura: The left is escalating its propaganda war against the Jewish state. This is just evil and vile. Anyone calling for the dismantlement of Israel’s security fence is advocating for the massacre of Jews. There’s no two ways about it. Leftist scum like Amnesty International are not simply useful idiots but are in fact willingly abetting evil. They are willingly aiding the jihadist aim to perpetrate genocide against the Jews. One would have to have been living on another planet to be unaware that Israelis had been victimized by suicide bombers exploding in restaurants, buses, cafes, malls etc. prior to the building of the security barrier. So what can we conclude about those calling for the fence to be torn down other than they are anti-Semites and need to be called out for it. In a region where regimes routinely oppress and perpetrate human rights atrocities, where currently regimes like Syria, Libya and Iran wantonly are gunning down their own citizens-Syria’s... By Ted Belman Michael J Totten is a foreign correspondant and foreign policy analyst reporting from the Middle East. Last summer I hung out with him one day. We visited the Arab Shuk and the eastern part of Jerusalem. We shared our opinions and it was no surprise to any of us that he stood to the left of me. His article is long but very much worth the time. It is replete with some great pictures. I also read some of the comments. Terry from Eilat wrote, Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis) By Ted Belman Rahm Emanuel says Obama doesn’t mean return to 1967 lines “ reminded us that every president and many Israeli elected leaders have recognized that the borders are one starting point for negotiations, not the end point. That statement does not mean a return to 1967 borders.” “No workable solution envisions that. Land swaps offer the flexibility necessary to ensure secure and defensible borders and address the issue of settlements.” They both avoid the real issues. There is no question in my mind that swaps won’t make the borders defensible and they agree with Saudi Arabia that Israel must retreat from the equivant of 100% of the territories. Like Obama, re sorts to fear mongering. Obama, understands that... Famed playwright and screenwriter David Mamet came out of the ideological closet three years ago as a newly minted conservative. The book, a scattershot series of essays unified by Mamet’s striking prose, doesn’t read like a typical conservative manifesto. Would Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter expound on the id, the ego, and the superego in explaining how liberals brush aside inconvenient facts? There’s plenty of red meat for right thinkers, but the Pulitzer Prize winner concerns himself with the... On campus, community money flows to Islamist propagandists. by Debra Glazer, PAJAMAS MEDIA Whether UC Irvine should run the OTI is an issue for another forum. The issue for us is... The leaders of the industrial nations waited until last weekend’s Group of Eight (G-8) summit to respond, and at the initiative of United States President Barack Obama proposed what sounds like a massive aid program but probably consists mainly of refurbishing old programs. The egg has splattered, and all of Obumpty’s horses and men can’t mend it. Even the G-8′s announcement was fumbled; Canada’s Prime Minister John Harper refused to commit new money, a dissonant note that routine diplomatic preparation would have pre-empted. The numbers thrown out by the IMF are stupefying. “In the current baseline scenario,” wrote the IMF on... Compliments of Anglo Saxon Ra’anana Real Estate JERUSALEM EDITION Quote for the Week Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.” The Book of Psalms Chap 122 About 3000 years before it actually happened the Psalmist said; “ Jerusalem is as a city that is united together” and for us this became a reality on the twenty eighth day of the Hebrew month of Iyar 1967 and so we commemorate the 44th year of a united city, a vibrant, bustling and unique city. A city that is home to 800 000 people, Jews, Moslems and Christians who all enjoy freedom of worship in the myriad synagogues, churches and mosques that fill its space. A meeting place of the best that western culture has to offer and the exotica of the east. And if mediaeval maps, that tended to sacrifice topographical accuracy for spiritual license, are to be believed; the center of the world. Laura: Not that photographic evidence of the real aims of the ”peace activists” aboard last year’s jihad flotilla will make any difference to most of the world. After all, video evidence of IDF commandos being brutally beaten in the head and bludgeoned didn’t prevent the world from condemning Israel and giving aid and comfort to the muslims and leftists waging war against Israel’s existence. I don’t why Israel would think this will matter. IDF has photos of armed flotilla activists Ynet News Navy recently obtained photos showing IHH men carrying firearms on board Marmara, one featuring MK Zoabi standing next to armed man Yossi Yohoshua The Left’s War Against The Jews
Transfer is preferable to the “Dance of Death”
Israelis support undivided Jerusalem and construction east of greenline
Emanuel and Obama are pushing the Saudi Plan.
David Mamet Demolishes the Left’s Sacred Cows
Are Jews Funding Israel’s Foes?
Humpty Obumpty and the Arab Spring
The making of a martyr
Good News, Israel
Photos of Armed Flotilla Jihadists
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Michael was putting the finishing touches to his latest book, The Road to Fatima Gate. In it he covers the Beirut Spring, the rise of Hezbollah and the Iranian war against Israel.
While in Israel he got Eve Harow to take him to Hebron. He wrote Darkness in Palestine to convey his thoughts about settlements In Judea and Samaria with particular emphasis on Hebron.
Israel has made many mistakes, blunders, over the years.
In 1948, we should have expelled all the Arabs from the new State.
In 1967, we should have pushed...
Poll of representative sample of Israeli adults carried out by
Geocartography Knowledge Group - Prof. Avi Degani -
Would you oppose or support having part of Jerusalem part of a Palestinian state?
Oppose any part 66% Support some Arab neighborhoods 23%
Would you agree to international control of the holy places within the framework of a peace agreement?
No 73% Yes 21% Don’t know 6%
Should construction be frozen in Jerusalem neighborhoods beyond the ’67 lines?
Build 67% Freeze 23% Don’t know 10%
1. the ’67 lines even with swaps cannot be defensible.
2. Do they support the Saudi Plan requiring the retreat from all territories or Res 242 requiring retreat fromsome of the territories.
The author may be making up for lost time with his new book, The Secret Knowledge, but to conservative readers it’s a pleasure to be in the company of a man who can state their agenda in such plainspoken, and endlessly biting, terms. (And don’t miss Roger L. Simon’s review of Mamet’s book here.)
The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture lets Mamet smash the liberal groupthink he blindly called his own for too long.
Since its birth, Israel has repeatedly defended itself against conventional military threats, terrorism, and hateful propaganda. The Jewish community would be aghast if it learned that its local Jewish Federation was subsidizing Syria’s army or Hezbollah. It should be aghast when it learns that its Jewish Federation has been funding a program that gives credibility to the trained operatives of the International Solidarity Movement — an organization whose goal is to eradicate Israel via the “soft” means of boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS).
Yet, California’s Orange County Jewish Federation & Family Services (JFFS) has been supporting such a program — the Olive Tree Initiative (OTI) — since 2008, and public statements by its leadership indicate that it intends to continue.
I’ve been warning for months that Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and other Arab oil-importing countries face a total economic meltdown (see Food and failed Arab states, Feb 2, and The hunger to come in Egypt, May 10). Now the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has confirmed my warnings.
The IDF possesses photos showing IHH activists carrying firearms on board the Marmara ship in May 2010, Yedioth Ahronoth reported.
At the time, the organizers of the flotilla insisted they did not have so much as pocket knives on board the ship. They later changed their version claiming that knives...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
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Britannia Radio