Mad Leaders, Mad Policies
A pseudo pod of the German government called the Scientific Advisory Council on Global Environmental Change has advised that the government will have to “limit democracy” in the near future. A nodding acquaintance with history will reveal that Germany has done that before, with unhappy results. But this time it’s to save the planet! No more of that “master race” stuff—this time they’re gonna take away people’s freedom for their......
by Lee Duigon
Casey Anthony and the Abuse Excuse
There is no crime more heinous and reprehensible than murder of a child. Next in line would be sexual abuse of a child. Casey Anthony, a young Orlando, Florida woman is facing Murder One charges for allegedly killing her daughter Caylee almost three years ago. Ms. Anthony's attorneys have alleged.......
by Dean Tong, MSc
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Vision With A Mission
Wouldn’t you expect the project to proceed in the same order in which it was first designed? The artisans working under Bezalel should first make the Ark of the Covenant, the Table and the Menorah. Then they should move on to the walls and assemble the structure. That is not what happens. They first build the walls and assemble them. Then they finally make the Ark, the Table, and the Menorah (Exodus 37)......
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin