Wednesday, 1 June 2011

May 27, 2011

Why Antidepressants cause brain damage, breast cancer, early mortality

The study showed that the use of anti-inflammatory pain medications, such as ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen, reduced the “effectiveness” of the most widely used type of antidepressants. A combination of an animal study and a large scale human data evaluation led researchers to conclude that the typical response rate to SSRIs of 54% dropped to 40%. “The mechanism underlying these effects is not yet clear......
by Byron Richards, CCN

Democracy Or A Republic?
In 2001, Dr. Stanley Monteith and I co-authored an article that was published in the Lake County Record Bee entitled, America: Democracy or Republic, and what does it matter? Today, most Americans mistakenly believe that our form of government is a democracy. In the above referenced article, I examine that belief. I have herein included excerpts from that article that substantiate the original intent of America’s founding fathers........
by Al Duncan

Which GOP Candidates Really Care About the Constitution?
For over two years now, a mountain of evidence has been collected and released on the Internet proving numerous ways that Barack Hussein Obama is not a “natural born citizen” eligible for the office of President and Commander-in-Chief. Every member of congress knows it and so does every member of the U.S. Supreme Court. But nobody, not even the newly elected Tea Party candidates of 2010 have raised a finger to do anything about it. The precedent stands, anyone from anywhere, loyal to.....
by JB Williams

Dictatorship transformation almost complete
A few weeks ago we saw President Obama reveal yet again another bold, birth certificate fraud to the world, calling it the ‘long form’ birth certificate. Hopefully this would finally quiet the ‘silliness’ and ‘distraction of stupidity’ around this subject by all the ‘birthers’ and ‘racists. Within 24 hours, it was easily proven to be a fraud on several levels and dimensions. Obama had flipped off the nation, while congressional leadership and our media sold out AGAIN. I interviewed Attorney Steve Eichler and Dr. Jerry Corsi who.....
by Laurie Roth