“Right through this episode, from the very start,” said King, “an awful lot of people wanted to believe it was a crisis of liquidity. It wasn’t and it isn’t. It was a crisis based on solvency, not liquidity. And until we accept that, we will never solve it”. The European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund and eurozone governments are in talks to extend yet more money to Greece, in a bid to prevent holders of Greek sovereign bonds enduring losses. The fear is that such a default could spark a “euroquake” – another Lehman moment, this time emanating from Europe. Greek debt is over 150pc of GDP, its annual deficit is massive and the market has imposed interest rates on Greek borrowing exceeding 25pc. Whatever the eurozone finance ministers tell themselves – odds-on future IMF supremo Christine Lagarde among them – Greek default is inevitable. The only issue is how. “Providing liquidity, can only be used to buy time,” as King correctly observed last week. “Simply the belief, 'oh we can just lend a bit more’, will never be an answer to a problem which is essentially about solvency.” Will default happen in a reasonably orderly fashion – with “haircuts” being imposed on creditors, as payments are cut and spread over a longer period? Or will the market force its own chaotic resolution by pulling the rug out from under Greece, possibly causing a fiscal crash in other countries too – including Spain, which has bigger debts that Greece, Portugal and Ireland combined? Eurozone finance ministers and their Brussels functionaries have convinced themselves that, if they keep throwing money at Athens, the problem will go away. They think like this in part because they are economically illiterate. They are also mindful that a default could well see Greece quit the eurozone altogether. Were that to happen, a number of other “periphery” nations could follow, their austerity-fatigued populations insisting, using violence if necessary, on the reinstatement of pre-euro currencies. They, too, could then devalue their way to competitiveness while regaining their economic sovereignty. So keeping Greece afloat is partly about shielding banks that erroneously bought Greek sovereign debt from the financial implications of their mistakes. Eurozone finance ministers give money to Greece, which Greece must then pass on to its creditors, with the Greek population (or the share of it that pays tax) then shouldering even more debt. This is yet another reflection of the deeply disturbing, umbilical relationship between the Western banking lobby and our so-called “political elite”. These Greek rescue packages, though, are also about trying to save the euro itself. Seeing one or more nations leave would mean admitting the entire structure is a mistake, a triumph of politic hubris over economic logic – which, of course, it is. A Greek exit from the single currency, while encouraging others to leave, would also generate pressure for opt-outs from other EU initiatives, undermining the vast Brussels bureaucracy. An unravelling of the eurozone and its related constructs, then, would make a lot of politicians look stupid while forcing thousands of eurocrats to look for a proper job. No wonder such denizens are now arguing that we need MORE European integration to save the eurozone, not less. Their attitude reminds me of the Russian ideologues of the early 1980s who insisted, as the Soviet economy collapsed around them, that central planning would work if only the state wielded even more power, and tried even harder to deny reality. Such delusion stemmed from arrogance, stupidity and an entrenched bureaucracy jealously guarding economic and social privileges paid for by others. Similar motives are behind the determination of those running the eurozone to avoid facing the economic music. Meanwhile, by delaying the inevitable Greek default, possibly to the point where the market takes matters into its own hands, eurozone politicians and mandarins are taking enormous risks not just with Europe, but with the entire global economy. King made clear last week that Britain’s banking sector has a “remarkably small” exposure to Greek sovereign debt. Yet the Governor also warned that contagion can spread through financial markets, especially when there is uncertainty about the precise location of exposures. “A UK bank could have lent to a bank that itself lent to a bank that is turn was exposed to Greek sovereign risk,” King said. UK banks may only be holding a limited about of Greek debt but they are mightily exposed to French and German banks which, in turn, are among the very biggest lenders to Greece. King’s words, and the Bank’s Financial Stability Report published last week, pay testament to the ghastly inter-connectedness, right across Europe, of sovereign insolvency and bank fragility. If Greece goes “bang” in a disorderly way, that will render quite a few banks insolvent – and not only those with the most visible exposure. Another banking crisis, in turn, would then put yet more pressure on sovereign balance sheets, as new rescue plans were cobbled together and, once again, economies were put at the mercy of a credit crunch. This is why it’s so important the UK is working hard to get its fiscal house in order, cutting spending and borrowing so our public finances are more resilient, in the face of very real systemic dangers emanating, if not from the US, then from just across the Channel. Except, that we’re not. Yes, I know the entire political debate has shifted and the Conservatives seem to have won reasonably wide support for their “austerity” programme. This doesn’t surprise me. Some of us argued for years that if the Tories abandoned their misguided pledge to “match Gordon Brown’s spending plans” and actually admitted that UK borrowing was far too high under Labour, and Government expenditure out of control, then they would win popular support. What does surprise me, though, is that despite the broad support the Tories have received since taking office, and despite endless rhetoric about “living within our means”, UK fiscal policy is actually becoming more profligate. Far from insulating ourselves from systemic dangers, we are making the UK even weaker. During April and May, the first two months of this fiscal year, the Government borrowed £27.4bn according to figures released last week, up from £25.9bn during the same months in 2010. That’s right, we’re borrowing more – despite all the Treasury’s tough talk. These borrowing rises happened despite higher tax receipts in April and May – up around 8pc on last year. But spending was also higher, not only on benefits and social services, but debt interest too. Interest payments, in fact, were up a staggering 18pc on last year, even though gilt yields have been kept artificially low by so-called “quantitative easing” – that is, creating money from thin air in order to buy your own government bonds, an activity the UK has practised to a greater extent than any other major economy on earth. In addition to the 2011 borrowing increase, a further borrowing rise was also sneaked through last week, when the 2010 total borrowing figure was revised upwards from £139.4bn to £143.2bn. Some members of the Government look across to the eurozone with a triumphant sneer, delighted the UK isn’t embroiled in this mess. They think, amid all the “toughness”, that Britain’s fiscal problem is solved. Both observations are tragically wrong. They are also phenomenally dangerous.Profligate Britain risks suffering its own Greek tragedy
Mervyn King delivered some harsh truths on Friday. The Bank of England governor
warned that stop-gap measures to extend yet more loans to Greece wouldn’t solve
the eurozone debt crisis.
Sunday, 26 June 2011
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Britannia Radio