Saturday, 4 June 2011
Dear Harold,
I do intend to write a Director's Bulletin in the next day or so. This
will tell you about all our broadcasting and publishing and general
outreach of the past fortnight - and it has been a lot.
For the moment, though, I'm writing to say that I'm on BBC Radio 5 this
evening - Saturday 4th June at 22:00 BST - to discuss whether there should
be laws to stop children from dressing in provocative ways and from
watching certain kinds of music video. I'll be up against Esther Rantzen
and some Tory MP whose name is still unknown.
It will be a phone-in programme, with the ability to receive text messages
and e-mails. It's also broadcast on the Web, so it can be heard all over
the world. I'd be most grateful if you could find the time to support me
tonight. If you call in, you will probably not get on air. But the weight
of texts and e-mails can be impressive - especially if they come from
Here are the details:
Steve Nolan Show
10pm-Midnight BST, Saturday 4th June 2011
BBC Radio 5
909/693 AM
Call 0500 909 693
Text 85058
Best wishes,
Sean Gabb
Director, The Libertarian Alliance (Carbon Positive since 1979) Tel: 07956 472 199
Skype Username: seangabb
Wikipedia Entry:
What would England and the world have been like in 1959 if there had been
no Second World War? For one possible answer, read Sean Gabb's new novel
"The Churchill Memorandum". If you like Bulldog Drummond and Biggles and
the early James Bond, this will be right up your street: Don't be frightened of the TinyURL - the
original is just too long for a sig file.
Posted by
Britannia Radio