Sunday, 26 June 2011

Take Action
Defend Israel Now!

Stanley Zir, Susan North, authors

Tabitha Korol, editor

America’s Top Priority Alert

Just as a pebble can start an avalanche, we will not rest until millions of righteous people arise to stop those who would destroy Israel and bring America to her knees. Our voices must be heard. Next step: take it to the floor of the People’s House. Take it to the Well!

As you know, Israel is receiving tremendous pressure directly from President Obama and his administration to accept the 1967 armistice lines as her new borders. Implementation of these borders would mean that parts of Israel would become Arab-Palestinian, regardless of a UN Hamas/Fatah mandate.

The reality is: Obama's G8 resolution and a UN mandate are one and the same – to place Israel in a most vulnerable, threatened position by September, forcing her to accept the word of terrorists. If the President were to pursue his desired course of action to fruition, the United States would be destined to collapse from within. She would never recover from the debt incurred from abandoning her position as defender of freedom in this world.

What we can do?

Everyone agrees that we must do something -- but what? There are those who say that we must make demands directly to the President through the White House, and those who argue that we must demand that Congress end appropriations to Fatah/Hamas. Unfortunately, none of the suggested strategies has been effective in stopping Obama’s advance. He has let us know that he is not going to listen. In order to be victorious, we need a change in tactics – an effective strategy that can produce real change.

Proven Strategy

There is one strategy proven to work, and it requires a simple action from all concerned. Everyone has to make one phone call per day, every day, to achieve what Americans were able to accomplish in 2007.

In 2007, there was a push by the President to pass the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act." Many Americans hated the bill, so they "melted the phone lines" day after day, until Congress got the message, and the bill was not passed. The initiative was abandoned.

Now it’s our time to turn up the heat – while implementing the same strategy is crucial, our challenge is far greater. The severity of the threat that that our nation faces from Obama’s foreign policy towards Israel is unprecedented. It calls for nothing less than a Congressional State-of-Emergency Referendum.

Tapping into the power that Congress can exercise from the Well of the House will produce the desired result. We must take our message to the Well, the "American People's Soap Box," so that our Representatives can make our case directly to the citizens of this great nation.

We urge every single member of our coalition to first call Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, 202-225-5021 or 305-668-2285, and request: “As an informed citizen, I ask Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a high-ranking member of the House of Representatives, to read the following statement daily from the Well of the House until she receives a reply:

'President Obama: Through your actions, you will be opening the way for a Hamas/Fatah alliance or one with Fatah now that they have revealed they are part of a terrorist initiative. Mr. President, how can we support this endeavor that goes against the very Constitution that you have sworn to protect and defend, against enemies foreign and domestic. In the name of the American people, I, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, demand a reply.”

Please make this call and follow it up every day with an e-mail of your verbal text to: http://www. gov/contact.asp

Subject Line:
Request for Ileana Ros-Lehtinen to speak from the Well of the House.

Last, please send us confirmation :l” s o we can track the number of calls and emails sent to Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen.

Why call one congressman? Why Ileana Ros-Lehtinen?

We must first concentrate our forces to get the desired effect, flooding the phone lines of a member of Congress to get their attention. Our plan, however, is more far-reaching. Ultimately, each state should have its own Joshua Operation, to reach out to their own representatives until the call from the Well, for the President to answer for his actions is deafening. We are activating a media blitz with this campaign. Details to follow.

We are beginning with Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen because she is the Chair of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. The Cuban-born Congresswoman is familiar with the effects of tyranny if left unimpeded. She serves to represent the will of the American people, and will do whatever is necessary to protect and defend the United States, and to ensure Israel's survival.

Is it Harassment?

People have asked is it harassment to call the Congresswoman’s office day after day. When you make your daily call, an intern will record your message. It is not harassment to make your one call per day, and not harassment to stipulate your request for confirmation, until that request is implemented. This is democracy in action. As with all members of Congress, she receives complaints, comments and requests, daily. If there is a problem, let us know.

Never Again is Now!

The time has come to acknowledge and thwart the impending destruction of Israel and America from within. Our job, especially Americans of Jewish descent, is to call our Congressional representatives and have them do their jobs and let democracy work for all of us. This is their privilege and our right. It is their responsibility to keep justice alive in the land.

If the men and women of the IDF are putting themselves in harm’s way, every day, to protect Israel, the least we can do is honor them by making the call. We strongly suggest that you read the essay, “The World is Hunting Jews Again and Obama has Joined the Expedition,” so that there is no doubt in your mind why we must take this action now. Go (click on UN poster)

To those who said, “No one will make the calls when we started our Joshua Operation, be reminded of a recent campaign where the supporters of Jonathan Pollard were able to shut down the White House phone lines -- their belief of that injustice was so strong. Is preventing the destruction of Israel any less worthy?

Calling is correct, but calling the White House was ineffective. It is essential to direct the calls to the right agent for the right results. So, join with us now and continue to make calls, but this time with Operation Joshua! And your calls will make a difference.
To join Operation Joshua,e-mail Subject line: “JOIN”

Please visit our website,, and sign the Jewish People's Declaration of Independence. Then, forward to our website link and email this op-ed to everyone on your Email, Twitter and Facebook lists, and join ours!http://www.

Thank You,
Buddy Macy / Stanley Zir
Founders, Never Again is NOW

Questions: Call Stanley Zir
Ph: 516.644.5698 or