Time to Close Down the ATF IndoctriNation: A Timely Documentary Trusting God as Freedom Fades
ATF has a long history of death and destruction. Waco was never adequately addressed at the time. Indeed, ATF got a bigger budget the next year. Innocent people such as David Olofson were convicted with perjured testimony. The Bureau has never published a manual detailing how they determine what is, or is not, a machine gun.....
by Larry Pratt
Our last presidential elections proved you can learn a lot about a fellah by the friends he keeps (i.e., Van Jones, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, etc.). You can also learn a lot about someone or something by its enemies. The key word though is learn. My experience as an English teacher taught me that some folks (like the socialists who are bent on destroying this country) don’t want to learn. And some folks (like the proles who put the current crop of socialists in office) can’t learn. They’re functionally illiterate and.......
by Randy Murray
To conform young minds to the vision of global solidarity, pluralism must replace God's unchanging Truth. So seventh grade World History text books promote Islam and demean Christianity. Social Studies are used to "normalize homosexuality."[6] And propaganda for "social justice" seems more acceptable than loyalty to our sovereign God -- even in churches! [7] As God warned us long ago.....
by Berit Kjos
Saturday, 25 June 2011
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Britannia Radio