Sunday, 19 June 2011



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Ed Miliband brazenly rules out poll now

Saturday June 18,2011

By Patrcik O'Flynn and Martyn Brown

ED Miliband showed his true colours yesterday after ruling out holding a referendum on Britain’s European Union membership.

In a move that alienates millions of voters, the Labour leader said a nationwide vote on membership was not needed despite confessing that it “provokes strong feelings”.

And he wrongly claimed the British people had voted on the issue before – suggesting that a referendum on the EU had taken place in 1975 even though it didn’t exist then.

His brazen refusal, revealed in today’s Daily Express by Patrick O’Flynn in his column, was made in a private letter to a constituent. It is likely to set off a blazing row in Westminster and within his own party, with many Labour MPs backing a referendum.

The letter, written on his behalf, informs constituent Kathryn Heaney: “Mr Miliband does not believe that a referendum on UK membership of the EU is appropriate at this time.”

The letter, sent this month, then outrageously claims “UK membership of the EU, of course, was confirmed by a referendum in 1975” even though the European Union was not officially established until the signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1993.

His views mean that anyone under the age of 54 will never be able to vote on EU membership under his watch.

Bridget Rowe, of the EU Referendum Campaign, last night said: “He sees himself as the people’s politician so why doesn’t he consider what the people of Britain want, a referendum on the EU?

“These comments show how out of touch he really is.”

And she blasted the Labour leader for his poor historical knowledge. She said: “It is extraordinary the leader of the opposition has so little knowledge about what this country has or has not voted on. He seems to think we have had a referendum on the EU. We haven’t. We had a referendum on the Common Market. That’s appalling.”


Conservative MPs are increasingly hostile to the European project after the dispute with the European Court of Human Rights over whether prisoners should have the vote, and rapists and paedophiles be given the chance to have their name removed from the sex offenders’ register.

The spiralling bill over the eurozone bailouts has increased tensions further, with many MPs lending their support to this newspaper’s Crusade for Britain to pull out of the EU altogether.

Tory MP Peter Bone said: “First of all Mr Miliband needs to get his facts right. The referendum in 1975 happened in the only year in history when Europe paid money to Britain. It was an economic trading group then and now the EU is a super-state. It beggars belief he thinks the two things are the same.

“However, it is very interesting that he has not ruled out holding a referendum in the future. I would challenge Mr Miliband, and the Prime Minister, to say they would hold a referendum. It is clearly what the British people want.”

Mr Bone added: “British taxpayers are having to give up millions of pounds to the European Union. It is high time we let the people speak.”

The Daily Express has been spearheading a campaign for Britain to quit the EU. Earlier this year, we delivered a petition to 10 Downing Street backed by 373,000 readers calling for an exit from Brussels rule.

Ed Miliband’s spokesman said the Labour leader does not agree we should have a referendum at this time. In a stark demonstration of the strength of feeling among our readers, a phone poll showed 99 per cent wanted an EU referendum. A YouGov poll of 2,436 voters also carried out earlier this year found 61 per cent would support a referendum, against 25 per cent opposing it.


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