Weekly Roundup From
The Financial Brain TrustBill Spetrino: The June Swoon — and What You Should Do In the past six years, June has been a down month for the S&P 500. This month could very well be down as well. Thus, those people who need to liquidate soon for whatever reason should think of doing so in the next week or so . . . get the full story, click here.
Sean Hyman: Knowing the Rules of the ‘Money Game’ Americans earn a paycheck and spend their money as best they know how. But they don’t always know how to win in their finances . . . get the full story,click here.
ALERT: $14 Trillion in Debt? Try $107 Trillion!
Americans have been led to believe that we “only” have $14 trillion in debt. Some economists believe we are closer to $107 trillion.Gripping Video Reveals Their Findings.Andrew Packer: Buy Gold Stocks Without Paying Retail Recently, gold has held up against the $1,500 level, and in the past few days it’s been on the rise. Meanwhile, gold stocks have performed even better in the past few weeks . . . get the full story, click here.
David Skarica: Euro Still Better Than the Dollar, Despite its Problems Funny thing about bull markets is they really do climb a wall of worry. If you read anything about the euro, all you hear are the negative things. There are also a lot of good things about the euro and European Union . . . get the full story, click here.
Ashish Advani: Brazil Back in Vogue It has been a few months since I looked at Brazil and spoke to you about it. The recent data coming out of Brazil have compelled me to take a second look at the economy again . . . get the full story, click here.
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Saturday, 4 June 2011
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Britannia Radio