Saturday, 25 June 2011

Weekly Roundup From
The Financial Brain Trust

Tom Hutchinson: The Correction That Isn’t
To a casual observer, the market may appear to be plummeting. The S&P 500 posted six straight weeks of losses (until this past week). But, the actual fall in value has been quite . . . get the full story, click here.

David Skarica: Get Ready for the US Empire to Collapse
The big problem in the United States is quite simply that the government is overextended. There are wars to pay for and more than $50 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Special-interest lobbyists sticking their fingers in the cookie jar and stealing from the American people left, right and center . . . get the full story, click here.

ALERT: Inflation Super Cycle Unstoppable. There’s Still Time to Protect Your Investments.

Andrew Packer: How to Put Cash to Work in Sideways Markets
While it’s always important to keep some cash on hand to take advantage of market opportunities, at today’s rates, there’s little room to beat inflation with CDs. Government bonds have even lower yields . . .get the full story, click here.

Sean Hyman: Fathers, Leave Your Kids a Financial Legacy
When I was a young boy, my grandfather used to talk to me about saving my money and learning not to spend it all. He was a child of the Great Depression and knew what it was like to really live through some very tough times . . . get the full story, click here.

Bill Spetrino: Even Elected Officials Need to Sacrifice to Balance the Budget
Government spending needs to be reduced. We make $2 trillion and spend $3.5 trillion. That is simply too much money. China has four or five times the population of the U.S. and spends less than we do . . . get the full story, click here.