Our World: Since his policy speech, president has taken a series of steps that only reinforce sense that he is most hostile US leader Jewish state has ever faced. In the aftermath of US President Barack Obama’s May 19 speech on the Middle East, his supporters argued that the policy toward Israel and the Palestinians that Obama outlined in that speech was not anti-Israel. As they presented it, Obama’s assertion that peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians must be based on the 1967 lines with agreed swaps does not mark a substantive departure from the positions adopted by his predecessors in the Oval Office. But this claim is exposed as a lie by previous administration statements. On November 25, 2009, in response to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s acceptance of Obama’s demand for a 10-month moratorium on Jewish property rights in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, the State Department issued the following statement: Should Ukraine Regulate the Practice of Islam? Beauty queen Katya Koren stoned to death by Muslims for being in pageant A would-be teen beauty queen was stoned to death after her participation in a Ukranian pageant reportedly infuriated local Muslim youths. Katya Koren, 19, was targeted by three fellow teens who said her seventh-place finish in the beauty contest was a violation of Muslim laws, according to British newspaper reports. This is a strong argument for the regulation of the practice of Islam in Ukraine or elsewhere. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom to commit murder under color of religion. Even in the United States, a strong argument could be made that advocacy of replacement of the Constitution by Sharia law, violence, misogyny, and so on are no longer a religion but purely secular activities that can be banned or regulated, and certainly not deserving of 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. We are coming to the point where we believe that the... By Ted Belman While Robert Fisk writes that Israel prefers the devil it knows in Syria, But, most ominously for the protest movement in the time being is the emergence of Damascus as the battle grounds for Iran to re-assert its regional authority and policy. Tehran can ill afford the loss of the Syrian regime as a regional ally and a nodal point for its projection of power and deterrence strategy against Israel. Hezb’allah, Iran’s proxy militia, can also ill afford a regime change that may put the Islamist party far out on a limb by severing the overland weapons supply from Tehran and denying the party Syria’s strategic depth. In his recent speech, Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezb’allah, asserted that “the downfall of the Asad regime is an... Yes I know Fisk is extremely anti-Israel and distorts everything about Israel. But he is a student of the ME and in this article he seems to know a few things. He thiks the Arabs are “demonstrating and fighting and dying for freedoms” and should be supported. He faults Obama for not doing so. True to form, he calls settlements, “internationally illegal Jewish colonies built on land stolen from Arabs in one of the biggest property heists in the history of “Palestine”" and faults Obama for accepting demographic changes. Ted Belman By Robert Fisk, The Independent President Obama has shown himself to be weak in his dealings with the Middle East, says Robert Fisk, and the Arab world is turning its back with contempt. Its future will be shaped without American influence This month, in the Middle East, has seen the unmaking of the President of the United States. More than that, it has witnessed the lowest prestige of America in the region since Roosevelt met... Minister without portfolio Benny Begin (Likud), in an Israel National News Radio interview on Monday, rejected the creation of an Arab state west of the Jordan River saying the right of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland was ‘obvious’ and that such a state would become a ‘haven of impunity’ for terror. Begin’s remarks mark a stark departure from the “two states for two people’s” visionendorsed by Israel’s current Likud-run government. “I think any second state of any nature, another sovereignty west of the Jordan River, especially when it comprises the PLO or Hamas, would negate or contradict two basic rights of the Jewish people and the citizens of Israel,” Begin told Israel National News Radio’sJosh Hasten. during an interview on the IsraelHasbara Hour. “One is the right of the Jewish people to our homeland, and our right to our homeland does not stop exactly east of the... Laura: The despicable scoundrels of the BBC and Guardian once again are all too eager to give voice to the lies and historical revisionism as told by the fakestinians. It is now no longer enough to erase Jewish history and deny the Jewish people their right to the eastern part of Jerusalem, but now the denial of Jewish rights to the entirety of Jerusalem is being advanced. The British media along with most of the rest of the left-wing western media has made its choice to back those who wish to obliterate the Jewish homeland and perpetrate another Jewish genocide. Guardian Places Knesset on Arab Farmland Only yesterday I blogged the BBC’s video report on the Arab village of Lifta, located at the western entrance to Jerusalem and abandoned since 1948. Within 48 hours of the BBC’s report, the Guardian has also published its own story and video. Is this an amazing coincidence or is this an...Where Obama is leading Israel
...Muslims Stone 19 Year Old Ukrainian Girl to Death
by Bill LevinsonSyria to Become Iranian Vassal or Saudi Ally
Robert Rabil and Walid Phares writing in American Thinker, are silent on the matter. It seems to me that Israel should be backing the rebels in a de facto alliance with Saudi Arabia to thwart Iran.Who cares in the Middle East what Obama says?
Begin Breaks Likud Ranks on INR Radio; Rejects PA State
BBC and Guardian’s Agenda of Denying Jewish Rights to All of Jerusalem
Mon May 30, 2011 04:46 from HonestReporting » Backspin Category Feed by Simon Plosker.More Recent Articles
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
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Britannia Radio