Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Americans for a Safe Israel
Americans For a Safe Israel
1751 Second Avenue (91st Street)
New York, NY 10128
Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director
July 8, 2011

WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 8 P.M., PARK EAST SYNAGOGUE, 163 E. 67TH ST., NYC, (between Lexington & 3rd Aves.) -

you are invited to attend a free event to proclaim:

GUSH KATIF LIVES - That is the message we deliver on this upcoming 6th anniversary of the expulsion from 21 Gush Katif/Gaza communities, and 4 northern Shomron communities in August, 2005. Despite the fact that promises were made to the residents of Gush Katif that there would be a "solution for every settler", the majority of the Jewish refugees are still jobless and still living in temporary trailers or make-shift homes. We deplore this situation and continue to support all efforts to help the refugees rebuild their lives.

It is especially crucial on this anniversary that we affirm NEVER AGAIN will Israel turn brother against brother in destroying Jewish communities. As we hear talk of abandoning Jews living in Judea and Samaria, in exchange for meaningless promises from the PA/Hamas duo, it is especially important to recall the horrors of the 2005 expulsion.

It seems obvious that the defamation of the rabbis of Judea and Samaria is preparation for the delegitimization of the "settlers." This atmosphere of distrust is deliberately being created within Israel, so that if and when PM Netanyahu swaps land for promises, the citizenry will have been programmed to accept the betrayal of those Jews who fought so hard to reclaim the land and rebuild biblical Israel.

DROR VANUNU, representative from the displaced persons of Gush Katif, along with DAVID HA'IVRI and OSHRI DAVID from the Shomron Liaison Council, will be our featured speakers. Their talks will be followed by a Q&A period. This promises to be a very important event. Please make every effort to attend.

For those living outside the NYC area who are receiving this notice, may we suggest that you organize a comparable event in your community. Jews and Christians throughout America should be aware of the dual nature of life in Israel - while amazing and miraculous accomplishments occur which benefit Israel, America, and the entire world, a poison exists within competing elements in the government which threaten Israel's very existence. Feel free to contact AFSI with any questions or comments.