Wednesday, 13 July 2011

BBC Spending in 2011

>> TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2011

Today The Guardian has published a breakdown of what the BBC is spending in 2011 on its channels - which is number-crunched from thelatest annual report. Click on the image to enlarge it. Some of the details are very interesting. They highlight the facts that:
    The report shows that BBC overheads rose by about £15m in its last financial year because of spending on the controversial relocation of several thousand staff from London to Salford and the redevelopment of Broadcasting House.
    The media focus is on the costs of the big talent stars, and that data is in the report too:
  • The BBC's overall talent costs dropped by £9m to £213m in the year to the end of March
  • In 2010-11, 274 people earned over £100,000, compared with 270 last year
  • 19 stars earned between £500,000 and £5m – down from 21 in 2009-10
With typical Guardian slant, a controversial rise becomes "compared with" and a tiny margin of error drop becomes "down from". But they crunched the graphics so its unkind to complain too much... A spreadsheet with with the full figures lives here. Feel encouraged to rip it apart in the Comments.


Is the BBC trying to mastermind the attack on Murdoch? Here's the assistant editor of The Independent Ian Burrell a short while ago (h/t MySiteC2E in the comments): Fishing around for a "safety in numbers" line of attack, perhaps? And as an update to my earlier post about the BBC and Guardian combining forces, the BBC's Kevin Bakhurst has explained how they are able to claim the Gordon Brown interview as an exclusive when the Guardian's Nick Davies says it was "an interview with the BBC and the Guardian": Hope that clears things up. No? Well, for the time being perhaps it's best we all just assume that the BBC and the Guardian are one entity.

BBC Censorship: Blame The Republicans Only Edition

While the BBC is whining about how the Murdoch Empire "cozied up to the Conservatives", here's some information showing how the BBC is the lapdog of another Government: that of the US. The other day, I posted about how the BBC isn't telling you the whole story about the budget and debt negotiations between the President and the Republicans in Congress. I showed how the BBC was only giving you the White House side of the story, and leaving out information about what the President was actually doing. Here's more. The BBC included video of the President's press conference warning about the dangers of not reaching a deal. The report itself makes the case that the President is doing everything He possibly can to reach a deal, offering up "sacred cows" that will anger His base, while the intransigent Republicans are merely obfuscating in order to protect the wealthiest people in the country. What the BBC doesn't want you to know is that the President in fact wants to raise taxes through the roof. They don't want you to know, so they edited that bit out of His speech. Here's the relevant bit the BBC censored: He states very clearly that He will raise taxes on everyone after He is re-elected: "In 2013 and the out years". Contrary to the BBC/White House angle, this is exactly what Rep. Boehner and the Republicans have been saying is the reason they backed out. Now here's video of the President doing a little more class war:

"We weren't balancing the budget off of middle-class families and working-class families. And we weren't letting hedge fund managers or authors of best-selling books off the hook. That is a reasonable proposition."
This is class war talk, whether one agrees with the ideology or not. The BBC told us He was going to govern from the center, to bring us all together. They dismissed all those who claimed The Obamessiah was a far-Left ideologue, yet here He is showing His true class warrior stripes when the chips are down. Of course, this isn't the first time the BBC has edited one of the President's speeches in order to create the impression they want you to have. They did it with His inauguration speech, too. Then there's the fact that in 2013 - again, after the next election, which means He won't be affected either way - the true cost of ObamaCare kicks in. That's now estimated at over $1 trillion and growing, maybe even up to $2 trillion, with no end in sight. Has the BBC ever told you about any of this? No, you have no idea. All you know from the BBC is the parable of how The Obamessiah brought free health care to the poorest and most vulnerable. In any case, He won't budge on that, because, well, it's basically His only accomplishment other than giving the order to invade a sovereign country and kill someone in cold blood without due process of law. The latter of which he's done several times now, but only one made the headlines. And that possible $2 trillion is just the government spending, never mind the expensive burden that will be dumped on small businesses - whichemploy more than half the people not working in the public sector, represent 99.7% of all private employers, and create more than half of US GDP (not counting government spending, obviously) - when their insurance premiums go up because of ObamaCare. It's as destructive a policy as there is, something He forced through while knowing full well we had a massive debt crisis looming, and He won't give an inch on it. Yet the BBC wants you to blame only the Republicans for being ideologically stubborn. Regardless of which side of the issue one is on, it's clear that the BBC is not reporting the whole story. They are censoring information on one side, and giving you only one perspective. The BBC is a White House propaganda organ and little else.

Murdoch v The Media Elite Lynch Mob = Dan Rather's Revenge?

In the old Soviet Union one tool Kremlinologists used to forecast shifts in the political climate was to peruse the inside pages of Pravda and spot the apparently insignificant article that they could identify as a marker for any forthcoming reconfiguration. The articles were placed as signposts for mid level Communist Party members to prepare for changes in direction in their party “work” which, for the CPSU, as with any other totalitarian party, was almost exclusively agitprop –agitation and propaganda. The BBC in very many ways can be seen as an agitprop arm of the British liberal/left cultural elite, a group which usually manages to direct the UK’s political and social agenda even though much of it (EU membership, unrestricted immigration, political correctness etc etc)is deeply unpopular with the majority of the population. Moreover, with the globalisation of information media ,the lack of any patriotic affinity in the mindset of this elite allows it to integrate seamlessly with its equivalents in the USA and elsewhere So the appearance of this article by Tom Geoghegan on the BBC website “Rupert Murdoch:Could his US empire be affected?” should be ringing alarm bells for conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic. For this is not really about the rather shady ethics of a few phone hacking tabloid journalists. Indeed, while the story only appeared to involve celebrities and politicians it never really gained traction. Moreover, because the hacking took place several years ago under a Blair/Brown Labour government that at the time was very cosy with Rupert Murdoch and his tabloids meant that it remained low key with Milliband, Balls and co. Besides News of the World staff had been jailed and the editor at the time had resigned so heads had rolled. But what has given it legs in New York and London is the revelation that the paper’s staff had hacked into a murder victim’s mobile phone. This has, quite rightly, created immense public anger – and given the liberal/left media elite, so often out of tune with popular opinion, a golden opportunity to spearhead a lynch mob. It’s not about Murdoch and his papers – after all the dead tree press as a vehicle for news is a dinosaur on its way to extinction. The real target is Murdoch the TV baron with Fox News in the USA and Sky News in Britain. Note how Geoghan slips “right wing” into the mix. It’s a standard adjective that is permanently attached to any comment about Fox News in the UK and, it must be admitted, a brilliant example of the effectiveness of well organised agitprop. The fact that every other US network/cable news platform is imbued as deeply as the BBC in the liberal/left metro mindset is always studiously ignored. It is no accident that the long buried phone hacking story was disinterredby the New York Times last autumn and quickly picked up in Britain by the Guardian and the BBC just as Murdoch’s bid for the whole of Sky. the BBC’s only meaningful TV competitor was about to go under public scrutiny. All three have a keen interest in undermining Murdoch and emasculating Fox because they know that Murdoch is the only player in the game who threatens the dominant position of the liberal/left cultural elite in the UK and the USA. A perceptive piece in The Commentator reads the runes with chilling accuracy. This is not about journalistic ethics. It’s a fight to protect the authority of the great and the good against the upstarts of the new media – and, at the moment, the right wing establishment is doing what it does best....running for cover. It’s the revenge of Dan Rather.


George is on holidays and so has asked Gordon and Rupert to seek your comments on BBC bias, assuming of course that you can find any?


Rebekah Wade: 2008: Prime Minister Gordon Brown hosts a lunch for women in business One of the most disturbing features of the entire News International/phone hacking has been the systematic elevation by the BBC of a rogues gallery of moral hypocrites; John Prescott. Steve Coogan, Hugh Grant, Chris Bryant and now, of course, Gordon Brown. Brown has joined in the jiahd against Murdoch and the BBC have played itwith violins for him. However as Guido points out, the Brown allegations are far from clear cut and NI seems quite content to counter his allegations. But the BBC coverage rolls on - desperate to damage Murdoch as much as possible and oblivious to every other angle.


Most newspapers are trying to come up with new angles on the phone hacking scandal but it seems one in particular is getting some extra help from the state broadcaster.