Thursday, 14 July 2011

WND News for Bloggers



CONTACT: Tim Bueler
(530) 401-3285

Conducting interviews on this topic is the author of Subversion, Inc., Matthew Vadum.

Author Profile and Information, Click Here:

Big Government
By Matthew Vadum

Remember that story from a few days ago, the one about the Obama administration giving ACORN a $79,819 grant in March despite a federal law that prohibits the government from giving money to ACORN?

It turns out that sum is a lowball figure.

I discovered Obama's Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gave ACORN another $461,086 in January. The funds were earmarked for ACORN Housing Corp. in January under HUD's Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP), according to the government website

In order words, the Obama administration gave fraud-ridden ACORN nearly a half million dollars to be used on housing development.

The administration isn't even trying to conceal the fact that it gave this money to ACORN. identifies the recipient as "ACORN Housing Corporation Inc." even though that nonprofit entity filed papers last year legally changing its name to Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA).

The website also provides the address of record for ACORN Housing as 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana. That's the renovated funeral home that until recently served as headquarters for ACORN's 370-plus shady affiliates.

This means the Obama administration has given at least $540,905 in taxpayer money to ACORN this calendar year alone.

The money was given to ACORN apparently in defiance of Public Law 111-117 which spells out in pretty clear terms that ACORN shouldn't be getting any government funding.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. More grants to ACORN are bound to surface.

As I warn in my new book, Subversion Inc.: How Obama's ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers, ACORN is still with us, doing its best to destroy American capitalism and democracy.

The group is gearing up right now to make sure President Obama, who worked for ACORN as an employee and as its lawyer, gets reelected in 2012. Its state chapters have adopted assumed names and remain active. Project Vote, ACORN's vote manufacturing factory, continues to operate unmolested in ACORN's Washington, D.C. office. ACORN International (a.k.a. Community Organizations International) has spreadwide worldwide and is now operating in many countries, including Canada, Peru, Kenya, Dominican Republic, and India.

Read More Here.

ABOUT YOUR GUEST: An award-winning investigative journalist, Matthew Vadum is a senior editor at Capital Research Center (CRC),a think tank that studies left-wing advocacy groups and their funders. "Subversion Inc." is his first book and the culmination of nearly three years of research and hundreds of interviews. Since joining CRC in 2006, his work has been cited in more than two dozen books and by multiple media outlets, including Fox News, Weekly Standard, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Christian Science Monitor.

In her bestselling expose of the Obama administration, "Culture of Corruption," Michelle Malkin hails Vadum for having "the foresight and insight to report on the [ACORN] story when nobody else would." Glenn Beck said he finally "got it" when Vadum appeared on his TV show to talk about ACORN and helped him draw one of his famous tree diagrams. The Washington Post recognizes Vadum as an opinion maker because he "writes some of the harder edged and more influential briefings" in the conservative movement.

A graduate of Georgetown University's master's program in American Studies, Vadum lives and works in Washington, D.C.

ABOUT THE BOOK: Ballot box stuffers. Urban terrorists. Gangsters. President Barack Obama's favorite community organizing group and former employer, ACORN, is all these things and more - and rumors of its death have been greatly exaggerated. The organized crime syndicate is alive and well, and planning to resurface before the critical 2012 elections.

In Subversion Inc., investigative reporter Matthew Vadum traces the checkered history of the group and proves that the members of ACORN, and the thousands of wannabe offshoots it inspired, are foot soldiers in a long-running war on America's free political institutions.

Following the "break the bank" strategy of Marxists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, ACORN seeks to overload the system with impossible financial demands - literally destroying America's economy. With group supporters dominating the Obama administration and the Democratic Party's organizing apparatus, thuggery and intimidation already have their talons dug deeply in the corridors of power in Washington and are dragging our country into a socialist nightmare.

Exposing the underbelly of leftwing politics and how to destroy it, Subversion, Inc. is the key expos to save America's capitalism and democracy in 2012.Exposing the underbelly of leftwing politics and how to destroy it, Subversion, Inc. is the key expos to save America's capitalism and democracy in 2012.

Tim Bueler
(530) 401-3285

WND News for Bloggers



Judicial Watch reveals grant to ACORN
CONTACT: Tim Bueler
(530) 401-3285

Conducting interviews on this topic is the author of Subversion, Inc., Matthew Vadum. Author Profile and Information, Click Here.

President Obama quietly has been funding the notorious radical group ACORN, his former employer and legal client, possibly in violation of federal law, according to a new report.

Obama's Department of Housing and Urban Development gave a $79,819 grant to a Florida office of the largest branch of the ACORN tree, the massive conglomerate known as ACORN Housing Corp, or AHC. The grant, awarded in March, was recently discovered by the nonpartisan watchdog group Judicial Watch.

"This is the first such grant to surface this year but more are certain to follow," said Matthew Vadum, an award-winning investigative journalist whose stunning new book, "Subversion Inc.: How Obama's ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers," tells the real story about the criminal activist group with longstanding ties to President Obama and the Democratic National Committee.

Vadum, senior editor at Capital Research Center, a think tank that studies left-wing advocacy groups and their funders, has compiled the information from nearly three years of research and hundreds of interviews.

ACORN Housing filed papers last year legally changing its name to Affordable Housing Centers of America, or AHCOA. HUD considers AHCOA to be completely separate from ACORN.

However, a September 2010 report from HUD's inspector general found that the group may have concealed fraud by destroying or failing to produce records. The report said the group charged the government salary costs for employees after they were terminated and that ACORN may have corruptly funneled taxpayer dollars to its affiliates and engaged in money laundering. More than $3 million in taxpayer money has never been accounted for.

The new $79,819 HUD grant to ACORN funds what Vadum calls a "political agitation and indoctrination program" known as the Education and Outreach Initiative. HUD describes the grant program as funding "organizations that educate the public and housing providers about their rights and obligations under federal, state, and local fair housing laws."

"The father of modern so-called community organizing Saul Alinsky himself couldn't have devised better euphemisms than the ones HUD uses to describe the program," Vadum told WND.

ACORN and other left-wing groups that take in these grants use the money to radicalize tenants and encourage them to engage in political activism, Vadum said.

"Tax money shouldn't be used to further any group's political agenda, whether on the left or the right," he said.

Even worse, the grant money came out of fiscal 2010 appropriations, HUD admits.

That is a huge problem, according to Vadum.

This is because in 2009 Congress passed four separate appropriations bills that contained language blocking federal funds from flowing to ACORN during federal fiscal year 2010, which ran from Oct. 1, 2009, through Sept. 30, 2010. All four of the laws prevent ACORN and its affiliated groups from receiving federal taxpayer dollars.

The funding prohibition in Public Law 111-117 applies specifically to HUD. It spells out in clear language that ACORN shouldn't be getting any government funding. Three sections in the same statute ban the funding of ACORN:

Division A - Section 418. None of the funds made available under this Act or any prior Act may be provided to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or allied organizations.

Division B - Section 534. None of the funds made available under this Act may be distributed to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidiaries.

Division E - Section 511. None of the funds made available in this division or any other division in this Act may be distributed to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidiaries.

"There is no doubt in my mind that HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan was personally involved in making sure ACORN landed this new grant," Vadum told WND.

Vadum's book documents the very close ties between Donovan and ACORN.

"Perhaps no administration official has had more interaction with ACORN than" Donovan, the New York Times has reported. Reinforcing the newspaper's point, ACORN's then-national chief organizer Bertha Lewis praised the HUD secretary.

"We grew to respect him, and he grew to respect us," she said.

Roll Call said Lewis admitted "ACORN has friends in high places for the first time in a long time." She acknowledged "that she has particularly good relationships with Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan and with Patrick Gaspard, the White House political director."

Donovan's close ties to ACORN might help to explain why the Cabinet member went into overdrive two years ago publicly distancing himself from the group. That's around the time the undercover brothels-for-pedophiles videos surfaced that showed ACORN employees giving two conservative activists helpful advice on how to break the law without getting caught.

WND recently reported that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that actions by Congress to prevent ACORN from getting federal money were allowable.

After winning in court initially, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now had asked the high court to review a decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit which found that the funding cutoff enacted in 2009 was not a "bill of attainder" forbidden by the Constitution.

ACORN had advanced the novel legal argument that Congress had no power to stop funding the group unless lawmakers could prove it had done something wrong.

"Imagine if the court case had gone the other way," Vadum told WND. "Every liberal group from Honolulu to Key West could have brought ACLU lawyers to congressional appropriations hearings to whine about the supposed unfairness of not being able to feed at the public trough. That's nuts."

Read more: White House funneling tax money to radicals?

ABOUT YOUR GUEST: An award-winning investigative journalist, Matthew Vadum is a senior editor at Capital Research Center (CRC),a think tank that studies left-wing advocacy groups and their funders. "Subversion Inc." is his first book and the culmination of nearly three years of research and hundreds of interviews. Since joining CRC in 2006, his work has been cited in more than two dozen books and by multiple media outlets, including Fox News, Weekly Standard, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Christian Science Monitor.

In her bestselling expose of the Obama administration, "Culture of Corruption," Michelle Malkin hails Vadum for having "the foresight and insight to report on the [ACORN] story when nobody else would." Glenn Beck said he finally "got it" when Vadum appeared on his TV show to talk about ACORN and helped him draw one of his famous tree diagrams. The Washington Post recognizes Vadum as an opinion maker because he "writes some of the harder edged and more influential briefings" in the conservative movement.

A graduate of Georgetown University's master's program in American Studies, Vadum lives and works in Washington, D.C.

ABOUT THE BOOK: Ballot box stuffers. Urban terrorists. Gangsters. President Barack Obama's favorite community organizing group and former employer, ACORN, is all these things and more - and rumors of its death have been greatly exaggerated. The organized crime syndicate is alive and well, and planning to resurface before the critical 2012 elections.

In Subversion Inc., investigative reporter Matthew Vadum traces the checkered history of the group and proves that the members of ACORN, and the thousands of wannabe offshoots it inspired, are foot soldiers in a long-running war on America's free political institutions.

Following the "break the bank" strategy of Marxists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, ACORN seeks to overload the system with impossible financial demands - literally destroying America's economy. With group supporters dominating the Obama administration and the Democratic Party's organizing apparatus, thuggery and intimidation already have their talons dug deeply in the corridors of power in Washington and are dragging our country into a socialist nightmare.

Exposing the underbelly of leftwing politics and how to destroy it, Subversion, Inc. is the key expos to save America's capitalism and democracy in 2012.Exposing the underbelly of leftwing politics and how to destroy it, Subversion, Inc. is the key expos to save America's capitalism and democracy in 2012.

(530) 401-3285