"I am by birth a free Commoner of England, and am thereby intailed or intituled unto an equall priviledge with your selfe, or the greatest men in England, unto the freedome and liberty of the Lawes of England." William Thompson, 14. of December, 1647SATURDAY, 2 JULY 2011
Ah, but we would be talking here about democracy, honour & principle
"The answer is that Europe has never been a great issue of principle for either man. A colleague explains: "David and George are pragmatic politicians. They like power and the fact is that they enjoy being members of the club of European leaders"."
"Before deleting you, will you provide evidence for your rant against IDS or are you just an unevidenced ranter"
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Message to the Tory Eurosceptics
I've got no patience with so-called 'Eurosceptics', the term says it all; passive, reluctant, but incapable of resisting the pull from Brussels. What does it amount to? Nothing more than this: the Eurosceptic will hand over money and control just the same as the EU-enthusiast, but they'll frown and furrow their brow while they do it. Oh, well done! What principle!
I am not a Eurosceptic; it doesn't come close to describing my position: I am pro-sovereignty. I define myself by what I'm in favour of, not what I'm against. I want the laws of this land and the taxes we pay decided here in this country with the active consent of the people of this country.
As a libertarian, I don't lionise democracy as an end in itself, nor do I have much faith in the Parliament at Westminster. Government must be limited and severely so. Nevertheless, when confronted by a choice between a government in London, elected and accountable to the people, and the unelected, unaccountable Commission in Brussels, I do not need to reflect long on which is preferable.
All these Tories better put the fuck up or shut the fuck up. Muttering when the party leaders are out of ear-shot ain't nearly enough. Raise the banner for national sovereignty and start campaigning to get us out, or sit down and count your 30 pieces of silver.