A Critical Demographic Misperception JOEL H. GOLOVENSKY Jerusalem Post Opinion/OpEd, July 03, 2011 True fertility rate numbers bust the idea of an Arab demographic threat. The most comprehensive study on Jewish-Arab demographics was published on January 15, 2011 by Yakov Faitelson, Institute for Zionist Strategies. The study sheds light on the surge of Jewish demography, especially among secular Israeli Jews, and on the sharp decline of Arab natural growth and population growth Facing ongoing attacks from the global BDS movement, Israel cannot be expected to support those who work toward its economic destruction. The anti-boycott legislation recently enacted by the Knesset has invoked a firestorm of criticism from many, fulminating against such legislation as inherently “undemocratic.” Allow me to present an alternative viewpoint, dealing with the particulars of the case. A careful reading of the bill shows that it merely provides possible protection, via the creation of a civil tort, for individuals and... By Ted Belman Joel Meltzer organized this conference which was held in Jerusalem about a month ago. I helped promote it and arranged that it be videotaped. The speakers were Caroline Glick, Amb. Yoram Ettinger, Dani Dayan and Motti Kedar. Below are the videos from the event. They are not very professionally done but I did the best I could. Paris David Blumenthal came in from Ashdod to take the videos and David Reaboi of the Centre For Security Policy in the US edited the videos. Thanks to both of you. By Ted Belman Israel’s boycott bill has passed. According to Netanyahu: Boycott law reflects democracy in Israel it may be summarized as follows, According to the law, a person or an organization calling for the boycott of Israel, including the settlements, can be sued by the boycott’s targets without having to prove that they sustained damage. The court will then decide how much compensation is to be paid. The second part of the law says a person or a company that declare a boycott of Israel or the settlements will not be able to bid in government tenders. “Don’t get confused,” Netanyahu continued. “I approved the law, and if I hadn’t approved it it wouldn’t have passed. I am... The unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state, and its international recognition, would be a huge mistake. A peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians is essential, but can be achieved only through honest negotiations – not by one party imposing a unilateral decision.
Yoram Ettinger Yoram Ettinger, June 23, 2011 Powerpoint presentaion on Demographic facts (in English).
Yoram Ettinger Yoram Ettinger, June 23, 2011Powerpoint presentation on demographic facts (Hebrew)
Yoram Ettinger Straight from the Jerusalem Cloakroom #239, February 06, 2011Boycott Law lets Israel defend itself
Declaring that boycotts, per se, are illegal might be anti-democratic. However, the legislation in question does not criminalize boycotts. Rather, it provides a balance, allowing those who reject all (even indirect) contact with Israel to act as they see fit – so long as they do not harm otherwise binding contracts between parties who think otherwise, by inciting for their economic destruction and international sanction.Conference: Extend Sovereignty Now
Israel’s boycott bill
Netanyahu said the law does not taint Israeli democracy. “What stains (Israel’s) image are those savage and irresponsible attacks on a democracy’s attempt to draw a line between what is acceptable and what is not,” he said.How not to have a Palestinian state
Now is the moment of truth for the Palestinians. They must choose negotiations, with all that such negotiations entail.
Over the past two years, the Palestinian Authority has refused to sit at the negotiating table with the Israeli government, hiding behind the excuse of construction work on a few West Bank settlements. At the same time, it has been negotiating the creation of a national unity government with Hamas – a terrorist group whose stated aim is the elimination of Israel. A Palestinian “government” of a unilaterally established, self-declared “Palestinian state” in which Hamas is a member will make negotiations, to say nothing of a...More Recent Articles
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Friday, 15 July 2011
From Demographic Fatalism to Demographic Optimism (ENGLISH)
From Demographic Fatalism to Demographic Optimism (HEBREW)
Demographic Trends in the Land of Israel, by Yakov Faitelson
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