Wednesday: The First Post's super-quick catch-up on the main news talking points Number 10 chief-of-staff asked police chief not to brief PM on phone hacking ‘for your sake and ours’ Follow The First Post on Twitter for the latest news The Mole: Back in London, Cameron faces grim headlines as the crisis gets closes in on Downing Street Michael Bywater: The debacle of the Murdochs, Brooks and Coulson is foreshadowed in this astounding book The Mole: Bumbling MPs fail to ask Murdochs any forensic questions in three-hour session Rupert Murdoch’s wife appeared to land a right hook on a protester who threw a custard pie at her husband (with video) Twitter went crazy not over James or Rupert Murdoch, but over the man in the green tie behind them Strauss-Kahn acts with ‘the obscenity of a soldier’ says politician Anne Mansouret revealing long-ago tryst In pictures: Six people are mauled after a wild leopard strays into a city in West Bengal, IndiaThe First Post
Ten things you need to know today
Guarding the PM: the very secretive Ed Llewellyn
Where’s a kick-boxing Sam Cam when you need her?
Exposed: the nightmare of the London Olympics
Rupert and James made their excuses and left
‘Charlie’s Angel’ Wendi Deng avenges Murdoch
Mr Glum of the Murdoch show is Joel ‘Dobby’ Klein
Tristane Banon’s mother had ‘brutal’ sex with DSK
Leopard attack - pictures
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
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Britannia Radio