Friday, July 29, 2011
The Washington Post reported on a "decade-old relationship" between al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri and Ahmad Vahidi, now Iran's minister of defense. In 2004, the 9/11 Commission wrote that "there is strong evidence that Iran facilitated the transit of al Qaeda members into and out of Afghanistan before 9/11, and that some of these were future 9/11 hijackers."
The U.S. finally acknowledges the terror connection. And finally US officials admit that Al Qaeda had been working in and with Iran leading up to the September 11, 2001 Islamic attacks on America. The question remans, why didn't Bush invade Iran? Had Bush removed the head of the snake, the world would be a far different place, a far better place right now.
U.S. Accuses Iran of Aiding Al-Qaeda Joby Warrick, Washington Post
The Obama administration said Thursday that Iran is helping al-Qaeda funnel cash and recruits into Pakistan for its international operations. Documents filed by the Treasury Department accuse Iran of facilitating an al-Qaeda-run support network that transfers large amounts of cash from Middle East donors to al-Qaeda's top leadership in Pakistan's tribal region.
A Syrian national who directs the network has been allowed to operate in Iran since 2005, and
senior Iranian officials know about money transfers and allow the movement of al-Qaeda foot soldiers through its territory, administration officials said. "By exposing Iran's secret deal with al-Qaeda, allowing it to funnel funds and operatives through its territory, we are illuminating yet another aspect of Iran's unmatched support for terrorism," said David S. Cohen, the Treasury Department's undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence. (Washington Post)See also below Observations: Al-Qaeda in Iran - Editorial (Wall Street Journal)
That there have long been links between al Qaeda and the government of Iran isn't exactly news.
In 2003, the Washington Post reported on a "decade-old relationship" between al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri and Ahmad Vahidi, now Iran's minister of defense. In 2004, the 9/11 Commission wrote that "there is strong evidence that Iran facilitated the transit of al Qaeda members into and out of Afghanistan before 9/11, and that some of these were future 9/11 hijackers." Throughout the war in Iraq, there was extensive intelligence that Iran was supporting the Mesopotamian branch of al Qaeda, never mind that they were terrorizing the country's Shiite population.
Yet it was only yesterday that the U.S. government formally acknowledged the connection between the world's most dangerous terrorist group and the leading state sponsor of terrorism. In a move by the Treasury Department, six members of a terrorist network based in Iran were sanctioned for serving as "the core pipeline through which al Qaeda moves money, facilitators and operatives from across the Middle East to South Asia," principally meaning Pakistan and Afghanistan. The leader of the group, Ezedin Abdul Aziz Khalil, is a Syrian who has been operating from Iran under an agreement signed in 2005.
The sanctions will likely have little effect on the terror network, at least so long as its members remain in the Islamic Republic. But at least it ought to put to rest the idea that doctrinal differences all but forbid radical Sunnis to make common cause with radical Shiites. As in politics, terrorism can make strange bedfellows, especially when there's a shared hatred of the United States.
The Obama Administration has come a long way since the days when it thought it could strike a "grand bargain" with Iran's mullahs, and yesterday's move is another good step. Above all, it's a reminder of why a regime that has no qualms serving as al Qaeda's facilitator can on no account be permitted to build a nuclear bomb.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, July 29, 2011 at 10:57 AM in IRAN: The Fourth Reich, September the 11th | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Ah, the powerful sulphuric stench off the fetid blossoms of the Islamic spring.
And here we have more poisonous fruit from the mainstream media's pounding propaganda campaign that paved the way for an Islamic sharia state in Egypt. The media couldn't help themselves. Endlessly blathering on Liberty! Democracy! Jihad! Sharia! (Though it hardly rolled off the tongue, more like they choked on it.) And still no mea culpa by the media. They suffered a sort of tourette syndrome even throwing their female journalists (ie Lara Logan.)
And now this.
We await same intense and extensive mainstream media coverage and obsession that we witnessed immediately after and in the ensuing days of the Norway massacre to determine those responsible for the call for a brutal and oppression Islamic state in Egypt. We await the same intense and extensive mainstream media coverage and deep investigative reporting on the ideology that commands the sharia. We await the same intense and extensive mainstream media coverage and intense investigation of the ideology that incites jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations, gender apartheid and enslavements.
I expect extremists Brian Williams, Anderson Cooper, the NY Times, LA Times, IHT, CNN, BBC, and all members of the mainstream meda et al, to be just as rabidly obsessed and consumed with investigating their role in cheerleading for the overthrow and downfall of the US-allied Mubarak government.
We await the apologies from the mainstream media for a Muslim Brotherhood Egypt. Brian Williams, you and your fellow travelers are cowards. Dangerous cowards.
Where are the wall-to-wall reports on the evil global agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and their stated goal of establishing a universal caliphate? Where are the probing investigative news reports on what a universal caliphate means or what living under the sharia is like for women, minorities, and non-Muslims?
Cairo protesters call for an Islamic state in Egypt Globe and Mail
Calls for an Islamic state have taken over Cairo’s Tahrir Square as the largest demonstration since February has been mobilized by the country’s Islamist organizations.
They have come in a show of force to demand that the country’s caretaker authority, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, cease its plans to present a set of principles that will form a framework for a new constitution.
Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, the former terrorist organization Gamaa Islamiya and disparate Salafist bodies argue that only God’s word is greater than a constitution and that only a parliament chosen by free election can set the terms for a constitution.The groups believe that they will poll enough support to dominate such a parliament and thereby set the terms.
They fear that a kind of bill of rights could close off the possibility of a state run by Islamic laws.
The secular youths who once dominated this central Cairo square are in a distinct minority these days, and especially today, dominated as it is by Islamists.
Leaders of the original secular groups such as the April 6 Movement have agreed with Islamist leaders that neither side will confront the other today.
In the past 24 hours, the secularists won agreement from the Islamists that the day would be known as the Day of Unity, rather than the Day of Sharia as called for by the Islamists.
No one, however, appears to have told the hundreds of thousands of Islamist supporters packed together in Tahrir Square in the midday sun.
“I fear there will be violence,” said Hisham Kassem, former editor of the independent al Masry al Youm newspaper, and former vice-president of the liberal Ghad Party.
“This effort is beginning to show the deep divide in the protesters,” Mr. Kassem said.
“They no longer are united to opposition to a dictator, and are seriously conflicted about the way ahead.”
UPDATE: More bad news, Mubarak will stand trial. When will Qaradawi stand trial and Nasrallah, Assad, or any of the thousands of Muslim leaders and imams inciting to genocide?
Mubarak declared fit to stand trial
CAIRO: The toppled Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, his two sons and several others charged with plotting to kill hundreds of anti-government demonstrators would face a very public trial in Cairo beginning next Wednesday, a senior Egyptian official said.The announcement on Thursday came after the Egyptian Health Minister, Amr Helmy, reported that Mr Mubarak's health was stable enough for him to be transported to Cairo.
This allayed fears among Egyptians that the 83-year-old former president would escape a trial or that it would be postponed - which probably would have fuelled massive protests.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, July 29, 2011 at 10:06 AM in Egypt, How the Left Destroys the Nation | Permalink | Comments (14) | TrackBack (0)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
More outrageous surrender demanded of our brave troops by the complicit elite in the Obama administration. Respect for the sharia? Respect for the dehumanization and diminishment of women? Respect for honor killings? Islamic antisemitism? Ethnic cleansing? Gender apartheid? Hatred of non-Muslims? Homicide bombings? Jihad?
Respect for sharia? WTH are our troops doing over there if respect for the sharia is US foreign policy?
US troops in Mideast told to abide by sharia law during Ramadan July 28, 2011 by creepingDidn’t critics of anti-sharia laws, including Muslims, swear that sharia law only applies to Muslims? Religion of intolerance. If it ain’t halal, they don’t tolerate it. via Troops in Mideast given guidance on Ramadan – Middle East – Stripes.
As Muslims prepare to observe the holy month of Ramadan with fasting and prayer, U.S. troops across the Middle East are being reminded to respect the customs of the societies around them. Among the guidelines: Do not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum in public during the daily fast, and dress appropriately: no shorts or short skirts.
During Ramadan, which this year begins Aug. 1, Muslims refrain from eating or drinking between sunup and sundown.
Among guidance issued to U.S. military deployed in Muslim majority countries, the Bahrain-based command of U.S. Navy 5th Fleet posted guidance for sailors and their family members to heed during Ramadan when off base.
U.S. personnel are not expected to fast during Ramadan, but community members must refrain from eating, chewing gum, drinking water, smoking or chewing tobacco in public during daylight hours, according to 5th Fleet. “‘In public’ includes riding in a bus or car (even your own), walking or exercising,” according to the 5th Fleet’s Facebook page. “Eating, drinking or smoking by a non-Muslim in public during the day is considered a civil offence by many local laws, which may result in a fine or confinement.”
Alcohol consumption by U.S. military personnel in any off-base venue is prohibited during the holiday, with the exception of USO/MWR facilities, private off-base dwellings, or hotel rooms occupied by troops who are transferring or on a business trip.
Shorts are prohibited while off base during Ramadan as well, according to 5th Fleet, and women are required to wear pants or skirts long enough to cover their knees when seated.
Fifth Fleet spokesman Lt. Frederick Martin said this week that the command sends out Ramadan guidance annually.
“When in public, both in Bahrain and elsewhere in the 5th Fleet area of operations, Ramadan brings increased cultural and legal restrictions, which we, as guests in these countries, are expected to adhere to,” Martin said in an email.
In Kuwait and Qatar, U.S. 3rd Army provides training to troops, and also instructs them not to eat, drink, smoke or chew tobacco while off-base, spokesman Capt. James Sweeney said in an email.
“They are also warned that these actions are punishable under local law,” he said.
In Iraq, personnel are encouraged not to eat, drink or smoke in the presence of Muslims during the daytime hours, according to U.S. Forces-Iraq spokesman 1st Lt. Joseph Larrew.
“Also, any troops conducting meetings with Iraqis are encouraged to do so earlier in the day to be considerate to their needs,” he said in an email.
While NATO troops in the field across Afghanistan are not restricted from eating, drinking or smoking outside the wire, they are made aware of the holiday, according to Air Force Maj. Deb Balentine, a spokesman for the coalition’s International Security Assistance Force.
Troops are encouraged to be sensitive to the importance of fasting and not to eat or drink in front of Afghan citizens, she said.
They are also told to be aware of the limits fasting may put on Afghan police or soldiers’ abilities to conduct operations or train, she said.
A Defense Department press release Tuesday said Afghan soldiers and Marines from 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment in Helmand province were planning to distribute more than 1,200 bags of wheat grain to the local population.
“The Ramadan holiday is part of the daily life of every Afghan person,” 1st Lt. Paul Mooney, the assistant civil affairs team leader for 1/3, said in the release. “Showing we respect the holiday will help the perception of Marines to positively change.”
When in the Middle East, abide by sharia. When elsewhere, demand sharia in everything you do.Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 10:36 PM in US MILITARY GREATNESS and Real American Heroes | Permalink | Comments (35) | TrackBack (0)
CODEPINK attempted to attack an amused John Bolton. This is the level of subversion and revolutionary violence we see increasing on the left.
The communists and Jew haters from Code Pink were back at it this week after returning from their failed nazi mission, aka the Gaza jihad flotilla. And on Tuesday, the hardcore leftists harassed Ambassador John Bolton outside the Congressional Building. That’s when a band of military mothers came to his rescue. My soul sisters, Bev Perlson of Band of Mothers and fierce patriot Katie O'Malley, were out there, flanking J to the B. Katie sent me this on this grotesque lack of respect for an American hero, stateman and patriot:
FYI: Bev Perlson, founder of Band of Mothers, and Debbie Lee, a Gold Star mother, surrounded Ambassador Bolton with military support signs and
protected him from the Code Pink attack. Then they got Code Pink kicked off the corner, which is why the video shows the Pinkos walking away. They didn’t have a permit. Blue Star and Gold Star moms protected Bolton from the vile leftists.
O'Malley opines,
"Hi Pamela,
"thanks...what you don't really see if the police pushing them across the street...and John Bolton laughing at them.....he was Ambassador to the UN with no power to declare or vote for is he a war criminal....asshats"Not to worry, Ambassador Bolton, the babes have your back, bigtime.
And warrior Mom, Bev Perlson wrote,"The Band of Mothers had secured a permit to stand for our troops on the Cannon Bldg corner in DC this past week and I am proud to say we stood for Ambassador John Bolton too!"
Video Hat Tip Founding Bloggers Katie O. sent this on the failed attack via Jim Hoft.
Photo right: Medea 'Zyclon B' Benjamin and the American statesman, John Bolton, checking his blackberry.
Go, read my column in today's American Thinker.
Mumbai vs. Oslo By Pamela GellerJust days before a barbarian (alone and belonging to no one, no group, just the twisted sickness of a legend in his own broken mind) murdered over seventy people in Norway, the city of Mumbai was attacked in a brutal jihad by Muslim extremists, again. Hear about that? Not so much.
But one cold-blooded killer who has been planning a slaughter in Norway (setting his plan in motion since before 9/11) has become the rallying cry of the dhimmedia in service to the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth.
Where is the same obsessive drive to determine the motivation and the manifesto behind the jihad? Where are the investigative reports on the imams and the mosques that teach, advance, and prescribe violence? Where is the Woodward and Bernstein team to investigate what motivated a Muslim to gun down U.S. soldiers in Arkansas?
Where's the round-the-clock coverage of the Muslim Najibullah Zazi, who plotted to blow up the New York subway system with the help of his father and his imam on the anniversary of 9/11? Where's the relentless outcry and hand-wringing over the ideology that attracts young Muslims in America to join Muslim armies in Somalia? Why are there no television specials on why Osama bin Laden quoted Allah and the Koran extensively? What manifesto incited four Muslims in a jihad plot to bomb New York City synagogues and shoot down military planes with stinger missiles?
Where is the pained outcry over Fort Hood jihadi Major Nidal Malik Hasan and his PowerPoint presentation on Islam and the jihadic doctrine? What motivated a Pentagon attack suspect back in June (a Marine, no less) to plot to bomb the Department of Defense? Was it his religious Al Qaeda notebook? This same pious Muslim was found to be responsible for recent random shootings at military installations in and around Washington, D.C. Diane Sawyer, call your office.
Did Brian Williams, who tried to smear Robert Spencer Monday night with this Norwegian nut, look deeply into the ideology and manifesto that motivated more than one imam who was found guilty of plotting to blow up the fuel tanks at JFK airport, which would have made 9/11 look like amateur hour?
Where is the New York Times' in-depth investigation of who and what inspired six American Muslims (including two imams), who were charged with aiding the jihad by providing the Taliban "material support to a conspiracy to murder, maim and kidnap persons overseas, as well as conspiring to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization"?
Read the rest here.
UPDATE: Pamela Geller Vindicated, Again, While the LGF Auto-Beclownment ... By Robert Stacy McCain
And let me just remind you that, three weeks before the Oslo massacre, Pamela Geller was being criticized for going public with her concerns about neo-Nazi elements in the English Defence League. ...
The Other McCain
Big thanks to Craig Edwards of the excellent website, who recorded the audio from my appearence today with Jaz McKay and posted it to You tube.
Pamela Geller Statement On Anders Behring Breivik
With the release of ‘2083 — A European Declaration of Independence‘ by Anders Behring Breivik, the media stretched itself to tie Blogger/Author Pamela Geller to the hip of Anders Behring Breivik's actions. Given the fact that Geller has already addressed the clear absurdly of such a connection on her site Atlas Shrugs, it has done little to reduce the stigma planted by the media in a move that was deliberately defamatory.
This audio was obatined from Pamela Geller's segment on 'The Jaz McKay Show' on KNZR 1560 AM.
LINKS: Pamela Geller
Jaz McKay - KNZR -
Further Reading: The Breivikish Effect On The Political Spectrum -
NBC had Spencer on to discuss the Norway murder smears -- they never showed any interest in his work before. The only time they contacted us was to advance this libel --- as if they interview imams of jihad attackers who really do preach violence.Anders Breivik went postal in 2000 -- he had been planning this for 10 years, long before any of us knew what a zebibah or za blog was...
Demonization roundup Jihad Watch
Antisemitic pseudo-scholarly fraud calls Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs "extremist."
Leftist dhimmi Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic calls Spencer and Geller "jihadists." I guess he watched all the YouTube videos of our beheadings of Leftist dhimmis.
Paul Woodward at the antisemitic War In Context website cites a poster for a SIOA conference that uses war imagery to claim that our martial rhetoric incited Breivik to murder. Evidently he hasn't heard of the 9/11 attacks, or the many declarations of war against the West by Islamic jihadists, or of the use of martial imagery in metaphorical contexts, such as the war on poverty.
The hapless Adam Serwer in the Washington Post lies outright when he says that "most of Geller and Spencer’s blogging consists of attempts to tar all Muslims with the responsibility for terrorism....assigning collective blame for an act of terror through guilt-by-association." In ten books, hundreds of articles, and over 25,000 blog posts, I have never "attempted to tar all Muslims with the responsibility for terrorism," and challenge Serwer to prove his claim. In reality, I have stated on this site since it began in 2003that "any Muslim who renounces violent jihad and dhimmitude is welcome to join in our anti-jihadist efforts."
Joost Lagendijk in Today's Zaman echoed Serwer's falsehoods. Do your own work, Joost! Do not copy off your neighbor's paper!
An unsigned editorial in the Los Angeles Times says the same thing, but tries to provide some evidence for the claim: "What Spencer failed to address is the fact that his site, and others cited by Breivik such as The Gates of Vienna, make a habit of blaming all Muslims for the actions of a minority of violent jihadists. As an example of Spencer's thinking, he wrote in November that the Transportation Security Administration should profile and give extra screening attention to Muslim males at airports, because this is the likeliest group to commit acts of terrorism. One could as easily argue that special attention should be paid to white males. In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, the Unabomber's reign of terror, the Tucson shootings and, now, the mass murder in Norway, this population also appears prone to terrorist violence."
That's four white male terrorists, versus 17,000+ jihad terror attacks since 9/11 committed by Muslim males (many of whom were white, by the way) and a handful of females. To the LA Times, the existence of those four is sufficient to refute the commonsensical call for the TSA to address the actual source of its troubles and reason for its existence. And somehow also to call for the TSA to focus on the group that is responsible for the overwhelming majority of terror attacks is to blame all Muslims for jihad terror. But the logic of that is so serpentine that I cannot parse it.
Yousef Munayyer in Al-Jazeera claims that "while these writers and bloggers are now franticly [sic] trying to distance themselves from Breivik by claiming that they never advocated violence, they contributed to the horrors that took place in Norway by dehumanising an entire religion and its followers and advancing a fear-inspiring, cataclysmic us-versus-them mentality." Never mind the innumerable imams who actually do advocate violence, dehumanize Jews, Christians, and Hindus, and advance a fear-inspiring, cataclysmic us-versus-them mentality. As always with Islamic supremacists, the fault lies with those who call attention to this activity and disapprove of it, not with the hate preachers themselves.
Conor Friedersdorf in The Atlantic says that Geller, Mark Steyn and I are not to blame for the Norway murders (gee, thanks, Conor), but that we should nevertheless temper our "rhetorical excesses." Mine is that I exaggerate "the prospect of sharia law being implemented in the United States. Put another way, although there is no chance of it happening, he treats it as an imminent threat that requires a legislative fix." Ridiculous! Who could ever get the idea that such a thing was an imminent threat? Nobody thinks there is any chance of that happening -- except the 20 states that are considering anti-Sharia initiatives. And could they have gotten the idea from the fact that Sharia has been used in court cases in 23 states? Naaaah. It's just rhetorical excess! But as for Spencer, "luckily, few take him seriously" -- except, of course, for Conor Friedersdorf, who considers it worth the time to try (however ineptly) to refute what I say.
Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post takes exception to my comparing being blamed for the Norway murders to the Beatles being blamed for the Manson murders: "The comparison is absurd, of course. There’s nothing in 'Helter Skelter' about Sharon Tate or any of Manson’s other victims; the angriest line is 'You may be a lover but you ain’t no dancer.' Spencer’s oeuvre, by contrast, is all about how Muslims supposedly threaten all who love peace and freedom." The fact that some Muslims do indeed threaten all who love peace and freedom doesn't enter Robinson's mind. I will leave it to him to explain these and others like them (but of course he won't):
"We reject the U.N., reject America, reject all law and order. Don't lobby Congress or protest because we don't recognize Congress. The only relationship you should have with America is to topple it. . . . Eventually there will be a Muslim in the White House dictating the laws of Shariah." -- Muhammad Faheed, Muslim Students Association meeting, Queensborough Community College, 2003
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth." -- CAIR cofounder and longtime Board chairman Omar Ahmad, 1998 (denial noted and full story explained at link)
"I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future." -- CAIR spokesman Ibrahim "Honest Ibe" Hooper, 1993
"If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate." -- prominent American Muslim leader Siraj Wahhaj, 2002
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 10:53 PM in Norway | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (0)
Where is the media's demand for apologies from the Islamic world for 270 million victims of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations and enslavement? Or their "regret"?
The media, the chattering classes, and the politicians are too afraid to ask (let alone demand), but they will put these words in the mouth of one of the most courageous scholars on the world stage. The brilliant, compassionate author and historian is not fluent in English; what better opportunity for the ghouls and destroyers to have their way with her.
Author who inspired Norway terror suspect apologizes CTV
Author cited by Norway attacker expresses regret CBS News
These urban savages hit new lows, and keep digging.
We are all deeply saddened and morose over the deaths of the 73 people in Norway. But that in no way implies any culpablity. The evil agenda of the Goebbels-style media has never been more transparent or destructive.
AP misrepresents Bat Ye'or as "regretting" her supposed role in inspiring Norway murderer JihadwatchAs Pamela Geller said yesterday, "Clearly the media is no longer taking a passive role, or even objective reporting. The media has become an activist voice for supremacists and the far left."The pioneering historian Bat Ye'or is the latest victim of this irresponsible advocacy. She was misrepresented yesterday as expressing regret for inspiring the mad murderer in Norway, as if she were accepting the media's relentless claim that she had some responsibility for his murders. In fact, that was not the case. Here is her statement:
The immediate rush of the press upon authors mentioned in the writing attributed to the criminal looks like a set up campaign to make them responsible for this crime perpetrated by a psychopath whom no one knew except the police. It is clear that it is a libelous campaign to suppress any criticism and free thinking.This sudden smear campaign and accusations against authors who live in different countries miles away from Norway, authors that governments want to silence, is very suspicious. Now more things are known: the text of the man could be a fabrication put together at the last minute; the police knew the criminal, yet he could buy all this ammunition and do this massive massacre by himself. And now, authors, writers and politicians disliked by the Norwegian Leftist government are accused of having inspired, by their democratic criticism, this massive crime that the police should have prevented, because this is their duty to do so. Something smells in all that. Is this a new tactic to suppress free thinking and free culture? Universities? Books that displease the regime? Are we going back to dictatorial Nazi or communist regimes, burning books and fabricating proofs to label people?
I do not think that this international campaign against intellectuals will in any way benefit the Leftist Norwegian government, which itself sponsors hatred and violence against another people. It is this government that has to make some self-examination before spreading another media campaign of hate.
Bat Ye’or
This is the inaccurate report to which she is responding: "Author cited by Norway attacker expresses regret," from AP, July 25:
(AP) GENEVA — An author cited in the Norway massacre suspect's rambling, 1,500-word manifesto expressed regret Monday that her writing might have served to inspire his rampage.Gisele Littman, who writes under the name Bat Ye'or, said that since her books are in the public domain she had no control over who quoted her.
"Of course I regret if this man took inspiration from what I wrote or from what other writers wrote," she told The Associated Press by telephone from her home in Switzerland. "As an insane person he should have been treated before, and I am greatly saddened for all the young innocents who tragically lost their lives, and for their families."...
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 07:22 PM in Norway | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)
He says that both are "morally unacceptable," but then he turns around and justifies the "Palestinian" attacks on Israeli civilians as a response to the "occupation" and says that Hamas has to be given legitimacy and a place in the "negotiations."
Envoy contrasts terror in Israel, Norway JTA July 26, 2011 (hat tip Gateway)
JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Norway's ambassador to Israel drew distinctions between the Oslo and Utoya massacres and Palestinian terrorism.
Svein Sevje said in an Israeli newspaper interview Tuesday that while the Norwergian bomb and gun rampages that killed 76 people and Palestinian attacks should both be considered morally unacceptable, he wanted to "outline the similarity and the difference in the two cases."
Palestinians, the ambassador told Maariv, "are doing this because of a defined goal that is related to the Israeli occupation. There are elements of revenge against Israel and hatred of Israel. To this you can add the religious element to their actions."
Yes, a "religious element" that wants to destroy the Jewish state and initiate a new genocide of the Jews.
"In the case of the terror attack in Norway, the murderer had an ideology that says that Norway, particularly the Labor Party, is forgoing Norwegian culture," Sevje said, referring to suspect Anders Breivik, a Christian nativist who is opently anti-Islam and anti-immigration.
Unlike European Union states, Norway has engaged Hamas and often been fiercely critical of Israel, to Jerusalem's dismay.
While Sevje voiced sympathy for Israeli terror victims, having experienced "the inferno" of such attacks during his posting, he saw little chance of Norway reviewing its Middle East policies.
"We Norwegians consider the occupation to be the cause of the terror against Israel," he said. "Those who believe this will not change their mind because of the attack in Oslo."
He added, "Can Israel and the Palestinians solve the problems without Hamas? I don't think so."
The murderous jihad terrorists have to have a place at the table!
Svein Sevje's antisemitism is no surprise: we're talking about Norway. Here is video I posted of a pro-Hamas demo in Oslo in January 2009:
January 2009: NORWAY: Jewish children are not allowed to play outdoors
April 2011: Norway: Muslim Taxidrivers Refuse to Drive Jews to Synagogue
May 2009: More Jewish Graves Desecrated in Norway
2011: Norway: ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims
2008: Jewish Genocide watch: Jew Hatred in Norway Part II
2009: JIHAD ON THE JEWS: Something rotten in the state of Norway
2008: ISLAM ATTACKS - Death for Writer! Norway Hides
2007: Massive Islamic Terror Plots: Germany, Norway, Denmark
2007: Email from Norway
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 06:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (26) | TrackBack (0)