Compliments of Anglo Saxon Ra’anana Real Estate STOP PRESS The blue and white duo of Peer and Erlich have won through to the quarters of the mixed doubles at Wimbledon without so much as dropping a set on the way. What happens when you put Vinegar together with oil? Well if the Vinegar happens to be Shell Oil’s remarkable top scientist, Harold Vinegar, then you’ll hear things that will make us all happy, things like; the Shfela Basin oil is not only abundant but premium quality as well: “The equivalent of Saudi extra-light.” Add such investors as Lord Rothschild (the banker and philanthropist), Rupert Murdoch (the media magnate) and Dick Cheney (the politician) and Israel should be pumping oil within three or four years. And don’t forget Myra and Sarah with a 6.5 trillion cubic foot natural gas discovery with possibly more than 150 million barrels of oil just below. And then there’s Tamar with 8.6tr m³ and Leviathan with 16tr m³ … Yes, “the world’s newest... Barry Rubin in a major article in Pajamas Media argues that Obama has disguised this embrace and says that far more than Israel will be upset by it. Op-ed: Unilateral declaration of independence will likely lead to Palestinian Authority’s collapse Guy Bechor, YNET It’s hard to understand, but Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is heading full force into his own collapse, and that of his Authority, in September. Indeed, since 2008 Kosovo is a state in its own eyes, yet it is not a UN member. This week, the Americans sent a special envoy to warn... Like I said in my earlier comment, this is an attempt to change the rules of war by suppressing freedom of speech.. Ted Belman Op-ed: Rabbi Lior’s arrest had nothing to do with rule of law, was meant to convey message Benny Katzover, YNET The affair involving the arrest and interrogation of Rabbi Dov Lior has nothing to do with matters of law and order. The same was true when Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, who wrote the “King’s Torah” book, was cuffed by police. Both moves were meant to humiliate the rabbis rather than to enforce the law.Good News Israel
Obama legitimizes the Muslim Brotherhood
Abbas headed for disaster
Why was Rabbi Lior detained?
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Saturday, 2 July 2011
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized President Barack Obama for recognizing and legitimizing the Islamist, anti-Semitic, anti-American Muslim Brotherhood, which is currently a part of the interim Egyptian government. A U.S. official claimed as justification of this move that “The political landscape in Egypt has changed, and is changing… It is in our interests to engage with all of the parties that are competing for parliament or the presidency” (Tim Mak, ‘U.S. recognizes Muslim Brotherhood,’ Politico, June 30, 2011).
The Muslim Brotherhood – also known as The Ikhwan – was founded in 1929 by Hassan Al-Banna. Before and during World War Two, it collaborated with Nazi Germany. It was...
It’s already clear that a Palestinian state will not be established. New states are only established through a Security Council decision, and the United States already made it clear in the most explicit way that it would impose a veto on a unilateral Palestinian move, just like Russia did in the case of Kosovo.
After all, there was no real need to interrogate Rabbi Lior. His words in the book are open and he does not deny writing them. Hence, any legal decision regarding his actions can be taken without him present. The demand to probe him, at a police station of all places, was a belligerent provocation by Attorney Shai Nitzan, who for years now has been leading a McCarthy-like hunt against Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria.
Nitzan, Israel’s...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
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