Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Here is your Crux PM update:

Doc Eifrig: Start taking advantage of the world's most powerful wealth-building secret
"The secret is not hard to grasp... And it starts with one simple idea..."

How MBAs ruined American business
"When the finance guys started displacing the product guys, it was all downhill from there..."

This chart shows stocks could be building a significant long-term top
Little-known indicator is showing a big divergence...

These blue chip stocks are paying out almost twice as much as 10-year Treasurys
A list of S&P 500 stocks yielding over 5% right now...

Top gold miner: QE3 could send gold to $5000, silver to $1000
"It is very scary... the flight to gold is accelerating at a faster and faster speed..."

This brand name blue chip is selling for close to 50% of book value
Could be the best deal going in large cap stocks...


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux