Here is your Crux PM update:
This could be one of the worst hurricane seasons in years
"The odds point to big storms in the Gulf over the next 60 days..."
The Ron Paul op-ed everyone will be talking about this weekend
"Default now, or suffer a more expensive crisis later..."
With "leaders" like this, it's no wonder California - and the U.S. - is bankrupt
"As usual, the government overlooked the unintended consequences of their legislation..."
Everything you need to know about oil today
"It's a different kind of bull market..."
Doc Eifrig: A simple way to lower your energy bills
One of the most effortless ways to save money we've ever seen...
Commodity investors should pay attention to this little-owned emerging market
A "flood of money" is about to "supercharge" its economy...
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Saturday, 23 July 2011
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Britannia Radio