Sunday, 17 July 2011


“Jewish” Democrats Reiterate Support for Sharia

National “Jewish” Democratic Council reaffirms its support for Sharia in the United States
by Bill Levinson

The National “Jewish” Democratic Council obviously had a chance to re-think “Bachmann “Does Not Hesitate” to Sign Offensive Pledge,” as shown by its update of this entry a few days ago. The fact that the posting reaffirms the group’s support for the implementation of Sharia in the United States demonstrates that the original was not a mistake or misstatement, and that NJDC really does support this repugnant agenda along with the “right” of Islamic fundamentalists to batter or even kill women.

    Bachmann “Does Not Hesitate” to Sign Offensive Pledge **UPDATED**
    Ariela Fleisig — July 8, 2011 – 4:38 pm | Candidates | Have They No Shame? | Republicans Comments (2) Add a comment

    Presidential candidate Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN) signed a highly offensive pledge advanced by the Iowa social...

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muslims are converting in big numbers in surprising places

Be sure to watch this to the end.

Palestinian Muslims convert to Judaism Part 1

Six Million Muslims convert to Christianity in Africa every year

10,000′s of Muslims Convert to Christianity in UK


UNWRA, the UN agency devoted to the Palestinian refugees, is the Primary Obstacle to Peace



by Martin Sherman To solve a problem means mapping the features of the solution to the essential facts and features of the problem. The Jerusalem Summit has been constructing a plan for restructuring how we view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and using this paradigm as a basis for intelligent action. This takes into consideration historic truths and the inescapable fact that the tiny area that is Israel (inclusive of “West Bank” and Gaza) constitutes 1 tenth of 1 percent of the land mass of the surrounding Arab states and can not support two states, especially given that either Israel or...

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Top CIA officer: Israel will probably attack Iran in Sept

At first I was going to ignore this story as too speculative, but I changed my mind.

I saw Gen Amidror speak in December at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ conference on Iran. What struck me at the time was that he was very clear that Israel would strike Iran as a last resort. One of the panelists from the AEI as I recall, wasn’t buying all his bluster. This offended him and he came back with something to the effect “I don’t bluster”. He wasn’t in the empty gestures business. A few months later, Dagan resigned and went pub;lic with his misgivings about attacking Iran. See: Dagan: Israeli airstrike on Iran nuclear plant ‘foolish’

Then Amidror replaced him as the Israel National Security Advisor. The question of where Amidror stood on the question was analysed in the article Is Netanyahu’s New Adviser In The “Attack Iran” Camp?. The answer is becoming obvious. Ted Belman


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The Left is losing it

Yossi Verter complains in Haaretz The settlers are the real government of Israel.

As the left continues to crumble and be increasingly irrelevant, the parliamentary right is becoming ever more militant against the Arab public, “the professors,” the Supreme Court, creative artists, so-called intellectuals, donors from abroad and so on.

In the past Israel’s right wing was characterized by grace and decorum, as decreed by Revisionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky, and by grace and courage, as per the Betar anthem.

These days, Benjamin Netanyahu is not ashamed to take the floor and declare that if not for his support of the problematic law, it would not have come to a vote. If so, why didn’t the government sponsor it? Why was it dragged in by Elkin? And why didn’t Netanyahu bother going to the Knesset Monday night to vote?

The answer is that there is no government in Israel and no head of government. The...

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British Jews and Israel

Carol Gould, one ot the participants to this debacle, wrote to me as follows “It has taken me four days to recover from this ordeal. At one point I really felt that I would be murdered before leaving the building on Sunday night. What appalled me was the South Bank giving a free dinner afterwards to about forty members of the audience of hecklers — almost all Jews.”

Carol’s website, the CurrentViewpoint, has her own report.

By Marcus Dysch, Jewish Chronicle

Earlier this week I attended three events, on consecutive evenings, which revealed much about British Jews and their relationships with Israel.

One discussed the rising boycott and delegitimisation campaign (Omar Barghouti, Jonathan Freedland, Carol Gould and Seni Seneviratne) debate the value of cultural boycotts at the 2011 London Literature Festival , another looked at support for Israel from the left, and the third was something altogether different, and, thankfully, more positive.

On Sunday I watched my...

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Dr Jacques Gauthier addresses ICEJ on the question of Jerusalem

Conference on extending sovereignty held June 2011

JCPA’s video on Israel’s security needs.

NATO’s Surrender?

By Stephen Brown On July 14, 2011 FrontPageMag

In a major shift in its position on the war in Libya, France has announced it wants the rebels to begin direct negotiations with representatives of Muammar Gaddafi. NATO has been trying for more than three months to depose the Libyan leader in an air campaign, led by France, which has cost tens of millions of dollars and caused fractures in the alliance.

In a strong indication of mounting frustration over NATO’s lack of success from the air and the rebels’ slow progress on the ground, France’s defence minister, Gerard Longuet, said last Sunday on French television that NATO had “stopped the hand that was striking” against the insurgents and “now was the time to sit down at the negotiating table.

“We have asked them to speak to each other,” said Longuet, whose government was the most ardent supporter of military action three months ago and was the first to launch air strikes.

But the biggest surprise in Longuet’s...

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Israel’s economy will continue to grow exponentially

They tried to kill us, we won, now we are changing the world

David Horovitz, Jerusalem Post, April 1st, 2011

To our considerable sorrow here at The Jerusalem Post, our super-smart, relentlessly questioning, insightful editorial writer, Saul Singer, left the paper three years ago to write a book. To the great and still evolving benefit of the State of Israel, that book was Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle.

Along with his New York-based co-author Dan Senor, Jerusalemite Singer set out to answer the question of how our tiny country, all but bereft of natural resources and in the midst of a constant struggle for physical survival, has nonetheless managed to outstrip every other nation on Earth in terms of hi-tech innovation.

The two answered that question with such conviction and flair as to turn their book into a bestseller, with over 100,000 copies in print in its English-language edition and numerous foreign language translations emerging worldwide. So...

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Ted Belman