This industrial action involved teachers, civil servants and the UK Border Agency, as well as staff in other vital public roles, causing disruption in courthouses, employment centres and airports, as well as schools. While I stoutly defend the right to strike in principle, I deplore last week's stoppages. They were wrong, not only because negotiations over public sector pensions haven't even begun but also because the system in its current form is indefensible. Yet, the unions' blood is up because a British government now finally looks serious about addressing a problem which, for far too long, has been allowed to fester. That seriousness of intent, I welcome. To Chancellor George Osborne and Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander, credit where credit is due for raising this issue high up the political agenda. There it must stay, until significant changes are made. More than 9 out of 10 of the UK's public sector employees – accounting for 20pc of the workforce – enjoy taxpayer-funded final salary pensions, the majority of which are still payable from 60 years of age. In the private sector, meanwhile, as the demographic pressures crank up, the security of such a retirement scheme is now available to only one in 10 employees. Private pay-outs are also often much lower than promised and pension ages are being pushed ever further into the future. This public-private "pensions apartheid" is getting worse. At the same time, though, private sector workers are also being asked to cough up ever more tax so a fifth of the workforce can be insulated from the fiscal realities of our ageing society and keep their sweetheart pension deals. That's just not on. The Coalition needs to talk a lot more about the potentially ruinous costs of the UK's public sector pensions system. The word "system" flatters the crude mechanism by which these pensions are actually paid. Most UK public sector pensions aren't financed by contributions paid into a fund that has been invested over many years, so benefiting from share returns, dividends, bond yields and compound interest. If only that were true. The UK's arrangements are so chaotic that the vast majority of state workers receive occupational pensions paid directly from current taxation. That's why our public sector pension system is so incredibly vulnerable to changing demography, as the number of state retirees whose pensions must be paid-out year after year grows and the number of workers supporting them falls, so shrinking the tax base. We're talking about mind-boggling sums of money. The Government says total outstanding public sector pension liabilities are equivalent to 53pc of national income. Even this alarming figure relies on unrealistic assumptions designed to understate reality. The true size of the pension debt, according to the Institute of Economic Affairs, is 74pc of GDP. Towers Watson, a highly-respected group of actuaries, calculates total liabilities of no less than 83pc of national income – bigger than the UK's official national debt. It is disgraceful that, in one of the world's most sophisticated countries, arguably the centre of the global asset management industry, years of political cowardice have resulted in almost entirely unfunded public sector pensions. Successive governments have hired millions of people and worried not one jot how the public purse would cope with paying their promised pensions. This is surely one of the most astonishing instances of "kicking the can down the road" in human history. For the financial implications of our changing demography on public sector schemes have been deliberately hidden by generations of ministers and civil servants who have been determined not to rock the boat, so allowing them to cling on to their own taxpayer-funded retirement benefits, while avoiding tough policy changes. For years, the numbers have been rigged so as to minimize estimates of future public sector pension costs, with the entire liability then buried off-balance sheet. Anyone running a business in this way would be convicted of fraud. Pensioners are now spending at least twice as long in retirement as previous generations. The cost implications of this have been very visible for private sector schemes. The UK's public sector pensions, meanwhile, have barely been modified in almost 50 years, even though life expectancy has risen almost two decades. That's why there's a giant Ponzi scheme at the heart of the UK's public finances, the nature of which is only now starting to be understood beyond a small circle of analysts and commentators, many of us dismissed as cranks, who have been banging on about it for years. So the Coalition government needs to shout from the rooftops that the unions are talking nonsense when they say generous public sector pensions are "compensation for lower public sector wages". State sector wages are, on average, considerably higher these days than those in the private sector – especially outside London and the South East. On top of that, public sector employees generally work fewer hours than the rest of us, get more holiday, have much more job security and take (a lot) more sick leave. On top of that, they also have much better pensions. Ministers need to make clear that rising longevity means many state workers retiring at 60 – as the vast majority still do – will draw a final salary pension for more years than they actually worked. Any striking teacher who doesn't accept this is either innumerate or incredibly selfish. The unions say that public sector pensions average just £6,000 in the civil service and £7,000 in the NHS. But that average includes pensions paid to part-time workers and those who held their jobs for a short period of time. Many former state workers command annual pensions exceeding £25,000 – or even £100,000 in the top echelons – and are set to draw such amounts for up to 30 years or more, paid out of current taxation. That simply cannot be sustained. The Government says it wants to raise the age at which workers can collect a full public sector pension to 66 by 2020, while switching to schemes based on average earnings, not final salary. State workers would also contribute more – a further 3pc of earnings – although the lower paid would be exempt. These proposals are a good start, but ministers need to be bolder. In these tough times, the general public is increasingly miffed at shelling out to pay for state workers' guaranteed pensions, the majority of which, for decades to come, will still be payable at 60. Private workers, increasingly, are having to wait until they are 68, or even 70, to collect their denuded retirement incomes. Once the facts come to light, and the extent of the UK's public sector pension liabilities are more widely understood, I believe strike-stoking union leaders will be blown away by a barrage of public disdain.The real danger of gold-plated public sector pensions is finally hitting home
Hundreds of thousands of public sector workers staged a one-day strike on Thursday, protesting against proposed changes to their pensions.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
This issue is pressing because the demographic time bomb isn't set to explode at some point in the distant future. It is exploding around us right now – as the baby-boomers, born during the decade after the Second World War, are retiring in earnest. Between 2011 and 2016 the number of UK citizens aged 65 and over will increase by 1.4m while numbers in work and
below 50 will fall by 160,000. As this trend continues, pressure on the public finances ratchets up and up.
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