Max Mosley. Hugh Grant. Steve Coogan.
How can men like this pose as our new moral arbiters?
11th July 2011
As the News of the World hacking scandal continues to grow, the moral compass of public life seems to be spinning crazily in all directions.
For just look at the people touring the broadcasting networks to gloat at the disaster that has not merely shut down one of Britain’s oldest Sunday newspapers, but threatens to destabilise Rupert Murdoch’s media empire.
One of the first was the comic actor Steve Coogan.
He has repeatedly found himself the subject of lurid revelations about his louche lifestyle, including claims of drug-taking and sexual excess.

No right to gloat: Hugh Grant, left, and Steve Coogan are certainly not upset at the demise of the News of the World - but they are far from role models themselves
Yet on TV last week, he accused a former News of the World executive of being a ‘morally bankrupt’ individual who ‘peddled tittle-tattle’.
Next on his moral high horse was the actor Hugh Grant, who fulminated against the tabloid Press on BBC1’s Question Time.
This was the same Hugh Grant who was arrested for soliciting a prostitute in the U.S. in 1995. But to bring up that unsavoury history, as a fellow panellist did on the show, was in Grant’s outraged view ‘cheap and pathetic’.
The sound of scores being settled here is as shrill as the hypocrisy. For heaven’s sake, these preening luvvies ruthlessly manipulate the media in order to burnish their profiles and their fortunes.
Indeed, Coogan even admitted in his next breath that he saw no problem in dealing with the film and TV arms of Rupert Murdoch’s empire.
Yet these sanctimonious celluloid sybarites have the gall to pose as moralisers when that same media dares lift the curtain to reveal the sordid reality beneath the image.

Leg to stand on? Former motorsport chief Max Mosley has revealed he believes he was a victim of phone hacking - but his chequered life caused him the most damage
Even more surreal was the revelation that the former Formula One chief Max Mosley, who was caught by the News of the World in a sadomasochistic orgy with prostitutes, has been quietly funding a number of individual phone-hacking court cases against that newspaper.
Now, there’s no question that if the allegations against the News of the World turn out to be true, it will be seen to have debauched not just the media, but political life and the police, too.
And, of course, it’s right — and essential — that the book should be thrown at anyone in its parent body News International who may have connived in this.
Nevertheless, the notion that people who use prostitutes, indulge in sadomasochistic orgies or engage in serial lewd behaviour should become the moral arbiters of the nation is clearly ridiculous.
‘They were already in the gutter,’ said Steve Coogan about the News of the World. Well, excuse me Mr Coogan, but you, Hugh Grant and Max Mosley got there first.
In a democracy, it’s essential that questionable behaviour — or worse — by people in the public eye who act as role models should be exposed to public scrutiny. Of course, they would dearly love to prevent the Press from thus exposing them. And now they have been handed the perfect opportunity.

Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International and Rupert Murdoch chairman of News Corporation were all smiles in spite of rocking the media world by closing down the News of the World
For that reason, those in the media who can scarcely contain their excitement at the scent of Rupert Murdoch’s blood in the water may soon find the gloating dies in their throats.
For now a head of steam is building up not just against the Press Complaints Commission, which demonstrably failed to grasp what was happening at the News of the World, but against the whole system of Press self-regulation.
Indeed, the Prime Minister David Cameron has said the entire Press needs to be cleaned up, and that journalists must ‘never again be solely responsible for policing themselves’.
It’s true that journalists figure even lower in public esteem than politicians. But whether or not the public are in a mood to realise it, the fact remains that the political class would dearly love to muzzle the Press — and democracy would suffer as a result.
For any system of outside regulation would inevitably enable those in public life with something to hide to do so.
It’s hard not to detect in all this hysteria that MPs can see the chance to get their own back on the Press for exposing the scandal over their abuse of expenses. Moreover, Mr Cameron himself is hardly a disinterested party on this issue.

End of an era: A copy of the front page of the last edition of the British tabloid newspaper, the News of the World
For the scandal has seriously damaged him by shining an unforgiving spotlight upon his own appalling judgment in hiring Andy Coulson as his spin doctor.
He did so in the teeth of repeated concerns that Coulson’s alleged role in the scandal was a timebomb waiting to explode.
The impression that Mr Cameron was so desperate to cosy up to the Murdoch Press that he brushed aside such important concerns suggests a degree of shallowness, cynicism and absence of principle that could permanently tarnish his leadership.
And now he wants to fetter the Press, which as well as being responsible for this scandalous behaviour also brought the revelations to light — thanks to investigations by the Guardian and other liberal papers — that are causing him such embarrassment.
Yet there is layer upon layer of murk here. For those other newspapers are themselves hardly playing a disinterested role in Murdoch’s difficulties — not least through their relationship with that other principal actor in this drama, the Metropolitan Police.
We don’t know who chose to disclose to the Press last week, at precisely the point at which Murdoch’s takeover bid for BSkyB had reached its most critical stage, the explosive news that Milly Dowler’s phone had been hacked.

Mistake: Assistant Commissioner John Yates expressed his 'extreme regret' that he did not act to reopen police inquiries into phone hacking two years ago
But why have the police been feeding the media juicy revelations ever since — which have kept the scandal at boiling point — with most of the attention focused away from the Met?
After all, its still inexplicable failure until the beginning of this year to undertake a proper investigation into the allegations swirling around the News of the World is a major factor in this affair. Now, with more than 50 officers on this inquiry, the Met is in effect investigating itself.
Undoubtedly, it is terrified of the inquiry into the whole issue by the Independent Police Complaints Commission. Which is why yesterday’s interview in a Sunday newspaper with Assistant Commissioner John Yates, the officer responsible for the failure to investigate the News of the World back in 2009, was so astonishing.
He claimed he’d had no reason then to re-open the inquiry, not least because officers at the time were fully engaged in foiling the transatlantic airline terror plot.
Yet he also acknowledged that thousands of pages of evidence containing the names of 4,000 potential hacking victims were kept in bin bags for three years before he finally decided to have the names entered on to a computer database, which he never looked at himself because, apparently, he was too grand to do so.
The question is who in the Met allowed him to publish this self-serving and frankly risible mea culpa, which appears to be an attempt to contain the damage to the Met and head off the inquiries now under way.
The chairman of the Home Affairs Committee Keith Vaz (himself no stranger to controversy) says he had written to Yates asking him to give evidence, but he had not received a reply.
Instead, Yates chose to make his case not to Parliament, but to the media.
Nonetheless, neither this kind of media manipulation, nor the illegal hacking, nor the alleged corruption of the police, will be addressed if the Press are muzzled by regulation.
On the contrary, such failings will then occur with even greater impunity.
For this reason, the News of the World scandal has the potential to destabilise not just the Murdoch empire, the Prime Minister and the police, but one of the central pillars of a free society.