My View on our President and Congress, Part 6 Obama Admin. hurting Appalachian job creation, energy production Wayne Madsen, a regular contributor to the Russia Today propaganda channel, has been making the rounds for a year claiming that Barack Obama or his family members have had CIA connections. Now, the American Thinker, a premier conservative news site, has taken the bait. In a July 15 post, “The network that produced Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.,” Thomas Lifson cites an article on the site of the Claremont Institute that “raises the intriguing network of connections among.....
We have been deceived and lied to on ever key issue, from illegal immigration, to stimulus packages –TARP--and quick bail-outs, from clunkers, to an unneeded hate crime bill, to health care, and to global warming (of course we should be good stewards of the Earth and reduce pollution), but the ruse of Gore’s climate change is used as a mantra to make money and to unite people under one cause—albeit a false one. They’ve passed bills on phony notes of “urgency,” so no one will be.....
by Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D
Roger D. Horton a miner and labor leader told the committee he was "deeply concerned and troubled by the actions of [Obama's] EPA with respect to mining permits in West Virginia and Appalachia," as well as what he called EPA's "open attack" on coal. He added, "These regulatory initiatives, coupled with the agency's obstruction of mining permits, threatens to cripple the viability of Appalachia and West Virginia as a source of domestic energy...." Horton also noted that.......
by NWV NewsRussian-backed Propaganda Networks Claim Obama is a CIA Agent
by Cliff Kincaid
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
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Britannia Radio