Thursday, 14 July 2011

JewsForSarah Masthead
News from JewsForSarah
14 July 2011 · 12 Tammuz 5771
State Department takes tough immigration stance ... on Jews
Sarah Palin on Hannity - Obama unable to prioritize spending
N.H. grassroots rally for Sarah Palin - 'A crew of volunteers'
LA Times: Forget about Palin, if you want to look stupid by Fall


State Department takes tough immigration stance ... on Jews




Sarah Palin on Hannity - Obama unable to prioritize spending


This is mostly a detailed discussion of the debt/budget battle now going on between Obama and the Republican leadership in Congress. Palin says she would vote against a debt increase if she were in Congress, but acknowledges that a hike in the debt ceiling is likely, so the proposals of Sen. Jim DeMint are the best out there now.
Towards the end, she says her time frame for announcing her intentions about a presidential run is 'August-September.'

Via Palin TV -



N.H. grassroots rally for Sarah Palin - 'A crew of volunteers'

New Hampshire
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LA Times: Forget about Palin, if you want to look stupid by Fall

LA Times
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