The 32-year old Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik who admitted to carrying out twin terrorist attacks in Oslo and Utoya island Friday, July 22, boasted in court Monday, when he was arraigned before a judge, that he had acted in a cell and "two more cells" were prepared to carry out further attacks.
The prosecution later told the media that the investigation had ignored his claim when he turned himself in to the police Saturday that he had acted alone and were investigating further.
The judge accepted the prosecution's request to hold the hearing behind closed doors denying the demand by the accused to to explain his motives to the public. He was remanded for eight weeks in solitary confinement without letters or access to the outside world.
Prosecution spokesmen declined to answer whether information about terrorist cells had been passed by the UK internal security agency MI5 to the Norwegian authorities.
Sunday, July 24, Scotland Yard was reported to have informed Oslo of the Norwegian gunman's meetings with other right-wing extremists in London beginning in 2002, including the English Defense League. Some British papers reported a search for suspected accomplices or abettors of the Norwegian terrorist in Great Britain.
The Norwegian police spokesman denied reports of arrests in Poland but admitted that he may have purchased there chemicals he used for making the bomb he used against government buildings in Oslo and from March was on the watch list for such purchases in Norway and Poland.

The police statement also revised the death figures from the two attacks – the number of victims shot dead at the ruling Labor youth camp on the island near Oslo was reduced from 86 to 68, while the new figure for the bombing attack was eight instead of seven. Neither figure is yet final.
The mass killer peering out of the window of the vehicle bringing him to court looked quite different from the young angelic figure shown by the mass media. Balding and unshaved, he looked calm and confident. The prosecution spokesman reported that he remained calm and self-assured at the hearing too and showed no sign of being affected by the horror of his actions, which he earlier described as "gruesome but necessary."

In answer to questions, he readily explained his motives, but when he started reading from the 1,500-page manifesto he released on the Internet on the day of the murders, the judge stopped him.
He apparently believes he is on a mission to harness the Christians of Europe to wage a united war against the rising influence of Muslims on the continent. He turned himself in willingly in order to broadcast his mission, believing he could tap into the underlying insecurity of many Europeans and their fear of being swamped by immigrants of different cultures.
Breivik said the leaders of the Labor party which rules Norway should be punished for betraying the country by opening its doors to Muslim immigration from all over the world.
Judge Kim Heger when denying his demand for an open hearing ordered him to examined by a psychiatrist.
In a recorded statement released to the journalists besieging the courtroom, he stated that the accused "had not denied the charges read out to him and said he believed he had to acted to save Norway and western Europe from Marxist culture and Islamic influence."