Saturday, 2 July 2011

By Mike Shedlock

The plan to spoon-feed payments to Greece in 12 billion-euro bites while demanding "progress". This will ensure Greece is sucked dry (at fire sale prices) of any government assets worth owning by the time the "bailout" is over.

By Mike Whitney

When austerity-minded congressmen slash the deficits, the last thread keeping the economy in positive territory will be cut and deflationary pressures will reemerge.

US states slash spending, cut jobs: The majority of US states begin their new fiscal year July 1, with budgets that impose crippling reductions in public services, particularly health care and education, and destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs.

The Maid’s Prison Connection: Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s accuser allegedly has a romantic relationship to a mysterious Arizona inmate with a reported penchant for fraud. No wonder her case is crumbling.