Saturday, July 23, 2011
Are Europeans Becoming Eloi?
Obama Aims to Gut America's Armed Forces
The North Korean Threat to Australia
Norwegian Neo-Nazi Did Al Qaeda's Work
A Muslim-hating, Norwegian, neo-Nazi apparently accomplished what Al Qaeda and its affiliates could never have done: according to media reports, the monster massacred nearly 100 innocent "infidels" in a way that is almost certain to accelerate appeasement of radical Islam across Europe while strengthening the hands of those who seek to disarm (already mainly disarmed and defenseless) Europeans and (thankfully still armed and, for the most part, still self-defense-minded) Americans.25-Year-Old Guard Hacked to Death in Xinjiang by Rioting, Chinese Separatist Muslims Shouting 'Allah is the Only God'
More violence by Uighur separatists seeking to break away from China in order to establish an Islamic country. Clickhere for the report.Again, an Assassin With Three Names
Coincidence or conspiracy?Friday, July 22, 2011
Opinion: Syrian Regime's Survival is Lebanon's Demise
British Muslims Arrested in Afghanistan
Norway Update: 7 Dead in Bombing, 4 at Camp
Graphic New Iran Hanging Video
Islamists Confronting Egyptian Military
Thursday, July 21, 2011
N. Korea, Iran Building Nuclear Missile
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Are postmodern Europeans evolving into post-human Eloi?
It sure seems so.
But the nightmarish revelations are not so surprising, considering that back in the USA, a jihadist Muslim Army Major was able to singlehandedly slaughter 13 soldiers and wound 32 others--with a handgun--at the most populous U.S. Army installation in the world before being brought down, finally, by a ... civilian ... policewoman.
The 2011 attacks are also likely to boost the standing of Norway's idiotic, Islamist-appeasing intelligence service, which has rejected U.S. appeals to beef up Norway's anti-Islamist terrorist capabilities. As reported here, the nutty Norwegians don't even see Al Qaeda as a threat.
The relevant headline, sub-head, and lead (or lede, as the Times archaically insists on calling a news article's key, opening paragraph) in America's leading, leftwing, pro-appeasement, anti-legal gun ownership newspaper, The New York Times, speaks volumes. The headline: "Rightwing Extremist Charged in Norway." The sub-head: "Campers Tricked; Suspect is Called Anti-Islam." The lead/lede: "The suspect in Friday’s bomb and shooting attacks was described as a gun-loving, highly religious Norwegian obsessed with what he saw as the threat of multiculturalism and Muslim immigration to the cultural and patriotic values of his country."
Rightwing political Islam and its supporters, sympathizers, and dupes are going to have a field day.
Read it ... and recall that the Uighur movement enjoys U.S. support. Seriously.
No wonder China (like Russia, which has also suffered as a result of the U.S.-backed and -unleashed global jihad) has been reluctant to join the United States in a meaningful alliance to stamp out Islamic clerical fascism and fundamentalism. The Chinese (and the Russians) understandably suspect that the Obama administration (like so many previous administrations) aims to manipulate and exploit rightwing political Islam (a) to counter and contain and maybe even dismember rising China (and resurgent Russia), and (b) to advance U.S. interests, geo=strategically speaking, especially in the energy sphere. Brzezinski's insane "Arc of Islam" strategy is alive and well in Washington, Beijing believes--for good reason.
The U.S., China, and Russia should have set aside their differences right after 9/11 to reconstitute and expand their old World War II alliance. But that didn't happen. Bush blew the opportunity; he failed to defeat and destroy the Islamist enemy and instead embarked upon a seemingly endless and deliberately misnamed "War on Terror." Bush blew it--and Obama is burying it, narrowing the definition of the enemy to Al Qaeda and "irreconcilable" Taliban while appeasing and attempting to actually align with practically every other Islamist regime, rebellion, and movement.
God help us.
Another three-named assassin strikes. This time, however, he is a mass-murdering terrorist, a one-man army--with no military training--who manages to massacre dozens of people at two different locations in coordinated bomb-and-gun attacks that should inspire every jihadist and neo-Nazi on the planet. (In fact, Islamist Internet forums applauded his acts, and a previously unknown group calling itself "Helpers of Global Jihad" actually took responsibility for the horrifying attacks.)
The lone nut, we are led to believe, is "a right-wing Christian fundamentalist who may have had an issue with Norway's multi-cultural society."
How convenient.
The suspect turns out to be "a blond man with blue-green eyes and chiseled features, dressed in a preppy style."
We are also told that "[Anders Behring] Breivik is a member of the Oslo Pistol Club and has three weapons registered in his name ... a Glock pistol, a rifle and a shotgun...."
A legal gun-owner--who hates Muslims. So he slaughters his fellow Norwegians. Acting all alone, with no accomplices.
An anti-immigration Internet poster who pulls off a combination Oklahoma City-Virginia Tech.
Prediction: the attacks of July 22, 2011--the worst assaults on Norway since World War II--will be used by left-wingers, liberal loons, and appeasers of radical Islam to silence and intimidate Islamism's opponents, and by gun control fanatics seeking to disarm law-abiding citizens, even though the presence of one or two properly trained and armed guards at the island summer camp could have stopped the killer and saved many lives.
All of which makes this reporter wonder, just saying, if the bomber/killer wasn't programmed to commit mass murder and put in place and aided by some powerful organization--say, an Islamist terrorist-sponsoring foreign intelligence agency or government, such as Iran, which could have learned how to produce human robot-like killers from its partner in nuclear and missile crimes, North Korea?
A mentally unstable, Manchurian Candidate-style mass murderer isn't such a crazy idea.
Just saying.
By Elias Bejjani
For the majority of the Lebanese people, the holistic patriotic picture has become very clear. In general, they are now fully aware of the precipitating factors and perpetuating elements underlying the ongoing flagrant direct and indirect Syrian-Iranian occupation of their country through armed militias and a bunch of traitorous, Trojan horse politicians and officials spearheaded by the terrorist-fundamentalist Hezbollah.
Lebanese people both in the homeland and Diaspora are very much aware of the numerous evil, vicious Syrian-Iranian obstacles deliberately employed and imposed on them by force and murder to hinder their beloved Lebanon from fully reclaiming its independence, sovereignty, freedom, tranquility and peace.
Tools of Deception
The free and patriotic Lebanese strongly reject and ridicule the fake and camouflaging slogans of hostility towards Israel, the United States and the Western Free world, as well as those of resistance, liberation, the people, government, and army triad, one people in two countries, and the many other deceitful tools of deception that Hezbollah utilizes as a pretext to maintain its ministate and hegemony on Lebanon and its people.
Since 1975, a state of darkness started to prevail among some misled Lebanese, leaders and citizens because of the Machiavellian, Syrian-Iranian, divide-and-rule, imperialistic tactics. Meanwhile, subservient stances adopted by the Syrian-Iranian installed Lebanese officials and politicians created a class of shameless collaborators, opportunists, mercenaries and traitors. Sadly, these parasites still dominate the country from top to bottom and blindly serve the interests of their masters through persecution of the free Lebanese people.
The current Lebanese government headed by billionaire Najib Mikati is totally manipulated and controlled by Hezbollah on behalf of its two evil regime sponsors, Iran and Syria. This anti-peace and anti-freedom government that was forced on the Lebanese by terrorism, extortion and intimidation has nothing to do with Lebanon the state and the constitution or the interests and welfare of the Lebanese people. Simply it is a human tool that Hezbollah is using and abusing to continue its devouring of the country while hindering by force the work of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) that has already indicted four of its top notch leaders.
The current Lebanese-installed regime and government and on all levels are fully manipulated by the Syrian and Iranian Axis of Evil regimes. Sadly, our Lebanese people are used mercilessly to serve Syria's and Iran's terrorist and expansionism agendas.
Terrorism and Barbarism
Hopefully, the ambiguousness, terrorism, barbarism, and distortion created by the two Axis of Evil countries since the early 1970s to justify their ongoing occupation of Lebanon--through murderous armed proxies and mercenary officials and politicians--will vanish soon with the help of the Free World and the UN. One also hopes that after the al-Assad dictatorship regime is toppled, it will be replaced by a new, free and democratic Syrian regime.
The Syrian and Iranian Axis of Evil regimes have polluted Lebanon with their Stone Age education of hatred, rejection of others, hostility, fanaticism, wars, and anti-peace, anti-human rights mentality. The majority of the Lebanese have become completely disgusted with these devious tactics.
The Syrian leadership has imposed its version of nationalism on Lebanon to justify scarifying the Lebanese men, women and children in endless and futile Syrian wars. They brainwashed many politicians, officials and citizens through confusion, terrorism, manipulation, cheating, intimidation, and blatant instigation of sectarian divisions.
War Drums
Time after time, Syria, Iran and their armed proxies beat the drums of war and raise provocative sectarian slogans to further divide the Lebanese. All along, we have heard and witnessed numerous Syrian and Iranian figures, puppet Lebanese politicians and officials do so by their ferocious rhetorical attacks against each other and against patriotic figures.
Ever since Syria assumed total control over Lebanon in 1990 and installed a Lebanese satellite regime, the Lebanese have been spoon-fed by the Syrianized Lebanese media on a daily basis and told that the civil war will be rekindled should the Syrian army ever be forced to depart from their country. In fact when the Syrian army was forced in 2005 to withdraw from Lebanon, no such fallacies happened, but on the contrary the Lebanese from all sects became more united and laid ground for the Cedars Revolution.
Since the early 1960s, and even before that, the Syrian regime has instigated all the wars in Lebanon, supplied all the outlaws with arms, encouraged and used the Palestinian refugees to challenge the Lebanese authorities and the army and to erect their own ministates, helped the Iranian mullahs' regime to hijack the Lebanese Shiite community through the armed terrorist group, Hezbollah and establish its ministate. In fact, all Lebanon's problems since 1925 were made in Syria.
Militias' Model
Lebanon's enemies currently control its regime and follow the militias' model. They have created sectarian barriers among the people and destroyed the national foundations of the country. They boldly accuse patriotic leaders of preaching hatred and opposing social modernization. What proof do they have for these false allegations? What are their examples? Nobody in fact knows. Although they expect us to blindly believe what they say, march behind them and repeat like parrots whatever they utter, as some simple-minded imbeciles do.
The Syrian regime and its installed puppets in Lebanon do not want us to think or talk about the Syrian-Iranian occupation that is forced through Hezbollah, or otherwise they threaten that the massacres will start again. They want us to lose our national self-confidence and pride. They want us to live in continuous fear and intimidation under the delusion that only the Syrian regime is capable of preventing internal conflicts from igniting.
While the Syrian revolution against the al-Assad dictatorship has been getting stronger and more widespread, the Syrian regime's deceptive media propaganda is trying to sell the Free World a big lie in regard to the safety of Christian communities in both Syria and Lebanon. This lie alleges that al-Assad regime is protecting the Christians and in case it would be toppled the Salafist Sunnis will massacre the Christians as was the situation in Iraq after its liberation from Saddam Hussein's dictatorship by the U.S. and other Western armies. What a fallacy.
The question is, how can a wolf protect his prey? No way, because a savage, inhuman and murderous regime like that of al-Assad's dictatorship knows only how to enslave, torture and kill. Christians in Syria are abused by al-Assad regime and persecuted like the rest of the Syrian people from all sects. When Hafez al-Assad took over Syria 42 years ago through a bloody coup, Syrian Christian numbers were between 20-25% of the country's population. Since then their numbers have been reduced to 5-6%.
Bloody Occupation
Meanwhile, during Syria's bloody 30-year occupation of Lebanon all Christian Lebanese communities were persecuted, tortured, imprisoned, kidnapped, liquidated, displaced, terrorized, forced to leave the country and exposed to hardships that they never encountered in their history. In 1994, the Syrian occupation illegally granted Lebanese citizenship to more than half million Muslim Syrian, Arabs and Palestinians making the Christians less than 50% of the country's 4 million population. No occupier in history has harmed Lebanon's Christians more than the Syrian al-Assad regime.
In conclusion, as long as the Syrian Baathist regime remains in power, Lebanon and its people, as well as all the neighboring countries, including Israel, will never have peace or stability. Sadly, Lebanon will remain in the eyes of President Bachar al-Assad and the thugs of his regime the haven they have always aspired to own and control. Without a shred of doubt, Syria would have preferred to keep the Israelis in south Lebanon in the year 2000 so it could continue occupying the rest of the country.
Meanwhile, the Syrian regime will do anything not to lose its iron grip on Lebanon and definitely has no intention whatsoever to let this country peacefully reclaim its confiscated independence and sovereignty. Al-Assad's agenda is to keep Lebanon under occupation indefinitely and accordingly will instigate all kinds of wars no matter what the consequences in a bid to maintain his full hegemony.
Hopefully, the Baathist, al-Assad Stone Age regime will be toppled soon by the free Syrian people simply because the equation for Lebanon is: The Syrian regime's survival is Lebanon's demise.
Elias Bejjani is a Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator, and a frequent contributor to Foreign Confidential™.
Norway's Oklahoma City--or Reichstag Fire?
Today's terrorist attack on Norway isn't an atrocity, but a "tragedy"--like an earthquake or a tsunami or a terrible fire or industrial accident--according to America's first Muslim-born/Third World President, who has basically banned U.S. Government references to radical Islam, Islamism, Islamic fundamentalism, etc.
The attack "is a reminder that the entire international community has a stake in preventing this kind of tragedy from occurring," Obama told cameras in the Oval Office after he met privately with New Zealand's prime minister. "Our hearts go out to them."
Scroll for complete coverage of the attack.
Scroll for additional stories, video, images.
Two British Muslims have been arrested in Afghanistan. In what appears to be a trend, the men had been trying to join the Taliban to carry out attacks on British forces deployed in Afghanistan.
Many Norwegian Muslims have also travelled to Afghanistan to take part in fighting and training. Radical Norwegian Muslims have also been found in Pakistan, Somali, and Yemen.
Another related item: Craven British Museum Sponsors Muslim Pilgrimage Exhibit
Graphic new video has emerged of public executions in Iran, the nuclear-arming, Islamist nation that U.S. President Barack Obama was bent on engaging (appeasing and attempting to align with) when he came to power. Click here for the story.
Attack on Norway Could be Model
for Future Mass-Casualty Assaults
Foreign Confidential™ intelligence experts report that Egypt's caretaker government and military rulers are under sustained assault from the Muslim Brotherhood, which the pro-Islamist Obama administration is engaging (appeasing and attempting to align with).
Muslim Brotherhood members and other opposition supporters have reoccupied Cairo's Tahrir Square, and demonstrations have also spread to other cities, including Alexandria and Suez.
The Islamists and their stooges, sympathizers, and dupes may well believe that they have a green light from the United States to confront the military--i.e. that the White House is playing a double game of sorts, pretending to back the military while covertly supporting the opposition.
Meanwhile, post-Mubarak Egypt is in a state of seemingly permanent chaos. There is an epidemic of violent crime; and the economy has practically collapsed. The Christian community, abandoned--and actually despised--by the Obama administration, is being relentlessly persecuted. The Christian minority fears forced conversion campaigns ... and worse. Annihilation is a real threat as the Islamists move to take power, stage by stage.
The Islamists are confident that the U.S. under Obama would never intervene in a predominantly Muslim land to save Christian (or Jewish, or Hindu, or Buddhist, or secular, non-observant Muslim) lives. The administration's Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine, used to justify the unnecessary intervention in Libya--on the side of Al Qaeda-connected rebels--clearly does not apply to non-Muslims or non-practicing Muslims. The administration's oxymoronic "Islamic democracy"--Islamocracy--promotion campaign is really a campaign to promote Islamic clerical fascism and fundamentalism, which Obama and his henchpersons view as unstoppable, pliable, and, incredibly, also--and most ironically, considering their leftwing ideological perspective--essentially progressive forces.
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