A Sick Nation - A Sick People Three-monkey Authorities Ignoring another Black-on-white "Hate Crime" Marriage or Bankrupt Big Government?
George W. Bush literally destroyed social cohesion in the United States with his multi-cultural policies. His cuddlesome relationship with a Mexican president who encouraged an illegal across the border out-migration of his own indigent nationals - in order to evade financial responsibility for their well-being - encouraged in the United States lawlessness, fragmented social stability, disrupted educational, health, and human services institutional integrity, and emptied the coffers of the state & local.....
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret.
Like the three monkeys who see, hear and speak no evil, our authorities seem intent on ignoring the true nature of yet another black-on-white racial attack. In the New York City subway this past Sunday, 29-year-old Jason Fordell was attacked by a group of black men who taunted him for being white. Yet NYC police “are unsure” if the incident is a bias crime. The problem started when.......
by Selwyn Duke
Marriage-absence and uncontrollable deficit spending are inseparable problems bankrupting the United States. An accounting of the marriage-deficit demonstrates that recent major national problems, including health care coverage, home foreclosures, social entitlement spending, crime interdiction costs, and the disappearing middle class are all consequences of marriage-absence. Marriage-absence is a problem caused by.....
by David Usher
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
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Britannia Radio