Wednesday, 20 July 2011
by David Basch - 7.19.11
Caroline Glick's recent article was most moving as she gave her view
of the awesome decision that now faces Israel, namely, the choice
of annexing Israel's strategic territories or facing Israel's irrevocable slide
into the dust bin of history.
Given Ms Glick's proven capability as a political
and military analyst, hers is a view that Israel's leaders will ignore at the
peril of Israel's existence.
Unfortunately Israel's leaders are proven blunderers and the country has made
it to the present day with all its dangers only because of corresponding blunders
by the enemy.
But things are different today as Israel finds herself at a decisive
crossroad: the tide of affairs having reached a flood stage, which, unless taken
advantage of, will leave Israel in the shallows and miseries of lost opportunities
to save herself and insure her future.
Israel is truly at another decisive point, like the one in 1967, in which a true
miracle was wrought, as was called to attention by Rebetzin Esther Jungreis,
who presented thrilling evidence for this fact, which must hearten us all to learn,
as I have presented it and its implications in the article below.
Miracles don't happen every day. But even when they do happen,
not every one recognizes it. But can it be denied that mysterious
and even miraculous things happen? And when they do, they
puzzle the mind.
Shakespeare makes this point in a play when Hamlet, having
been confronted by a mysterious happening of seeing the
ghost of his father, declares to his skeptical friend Horatio,
"there are more things in heaven and earth Horatio than are
dreamed of in your philosophy." Apparently, the great Shakespeare
agrees with those who accept the fact of mysterious occurrences
in our universe. His towering intellect and sensitivity enabled
him to accept that there will ever be things that happen to defy
the odds and conventional explanations.
So, have any of us witnessed miracles lately? And if we saw
such a thing, would we known it as a miracle? Come to think of
it, was not the event that many of us witnessed about thirty seven
years ago in connection with Israel a miracle? What was it that
happened then? It was not simply Israel's winning of the
Six Day War, which some persons do regard as a miracle. But most
do not do so, especially many Israelis you ask. The typical
Israeli rationalist will tell you about Israel's superlative
defense forces. And while he may be thrilled about the
restoration of Jerusalem to the Jewish people in that war,
he and few others will have noticed a curious phenomenon
that accompanied this restoration of Jerusalem. Almost every
adult person can tell you the date of this event, June 7, 1967,
but not more than that, which is a pity.
In Isaiah 52:8, the Prophet prophesied that all, including the
nations, "shall see, eye to eye, (b'shuv hashem tzion) the L-rd
returning to Zion." How many recognize the signs that it was on
that p! articular date thirty three years ago that the L-rd did
indeed return to Zion before the eyes of all the nations --
except most failed to notice.
But there was something unusual about that date aside from what
happened on it. One only has to take note of the numerals of the
date to recognize it. This date when given in the summary form
used universally in the West in the international calendar is
written as 6/7/67. Let us review some of the events of that date.
It was on that date that Jerusalem, the site of the Holy
Sanctuary of the G-d that hallowed the SEVENTH DAY was retaken by
Israel, the descendants of the nation that "He," the L-rd, "had
known" among all the nations of the earth. The war was known as
the SIX DAY War. The day Jerusalem was liberated was on the
SEVENTH DAY of the SIXTH MONTH in the year nineteen
SIXty-SEVEN ('67). Of all the dates of the uncrowded calendar of
history, it was that day, 6/7/67, so suggestive numerologically,
that was the day when these events occurred. It was a date
befitting the contrivance of a G-d Who acts in history and Who
controls that history.
Let us look once more at Isaiah's remark, a remark that is said
at every Sabbath processional in the Synagogue as the Torah is
brought from the ark to the reading table: "They shall see, eye
to eye, the L-rd returning to Zion." Not only is it referring to
an event seen by all, but the phrase, "eye to eye," is itself
curious. What does it mean, "eye to eye"? Will we look into the
eye of the incorporeal G-d? Or should we look deeper into the
meaning of this scriptural line?
The Jewish alphabet is a cipher alphabet, meaning it is an
alphabet in which its letters are also numbers. The number 7 is
the letter Zayin. Another Hebrew letter that is in a sense a
number 7 is the letter "Ayin" which represents the 7th of the
units of tens, the 70, and which name, "Ayin," is also the Hebrew
word for "eye." That both versions of the number 7 (Zayin and
Ayin) are related is told by the fact that there is an "AYIN" in
"zAYIN." Now let us look again at the date in which Jerusalem was
restored to the Jewish people:
Notice now that there are two "AYINS" in this date, the two
AYIN's of the numeral 7. But also note the two "eyes" that show
in the configuration of each of the number 6's (6/6). Notice the
loop in the 6 that looks like an "eye" -- Ayins. Interestingly,
the name of the numeral six in Hebrew is Vav, which means "hook,"
each of which in this date shows up as the "rounded looped hook
of the eye." Are the Jewish people seeing their rendezvous with
history in this, a rendezvous witnessed by the entire world?
While some religious Jews are only willing to credit the Hebrew
calen! dar with significance, the Prophet's vision was supposed to
be seen by "all." How better for "all" to see it than by its
being recorded in what is today the universal calendar,
accessible universally today?
Unfortunately there are certain types, the arch secular
Universalists, who are determined to prove that no miracle
occurred on June 7, 1967. They hope to prove this by undoing the
miracles that occurred on that date, the miraculous recovery by
Israel of the strategic territories of the Mandate of Palestine
that had been occupied by foreign Arab nations ever since 1948.
Aside from restoring the territories stolen by the Arabs, the
recovered territories greatly strengthened Israel against Arab
By the way, as a party to the Mandate of Palestine,
Israel happens to be the only sovereign nation that has a
legitimate claim to these lands. There is no other such since
there never was a sovereign Arab nation of Palestine. Of course,
the Arabs wish to undo the miracle of that day, as do some
secularist Israelis. The Arabs wish to do so as part of their
continuing campaign to weaken and to destroy the Jewish State.
Interestingly, no Orthodox rabbi of any stature before 1967 ever
suggested that Israel go to war to capture Jerusalem or the rest
of the territories of the Mandate stolen by the Arabs, nor was
there a plan to accomplish this. Yet, these lands fell to Israel
like ripe plums in 1967 when the Arabs attacked. The territories
that were gained had, prior to their restoration, been considered
as lands that awaited return only during a later messianic time,
a time in which all G-d's promises to the Jewish people would be
fulfilled. Now, here these lands were in Israel's possession and
were a surety that the Arabs would have a real tough time undoing
the Jewish nation as long as Israel controlled the lands.
As intolerable as this situation was for the Arabs, it has proven
even more intolerable for some of those fanatic secularists whose
obsession it is to nullify the miracle of the Six Day war. So
obsessed are they to accomplish this, to prevent forever that any
Jew could claim that G-d had surrounded the Jewish nation with
miracles, they are willing to risk the existence of the nation
itself to accomplish that task through giving away these
territories to the same enemies who had used them to attack
Israel. Here is leftist mentality in action -- an irrational,
secular-religious obsession -- that works against all logic and
against self-survival, so dedicated are they to eradicate all
signs of a G-d active in the affairs of the world. But I have bad
news for them.
Even if these lunatic, overly "righteous" Jews that are surely
slated for self-destruction were to succeed in throwing back into
G-d's face His great gift to the Jewish people -- the gift of
Jerusalem and the historic lands of Israel, strategic lands
which enable Israel to be forever defensible against implacable
Arab enemies who plot daily to destroy Israel through either war
or alleged "peace" -- they will not have eliminated the miracle
recorded in the date of the miracle, 6/7/67.
If Jews fail to choose life, to use the great gifts given by
their Friend in the High Place to guard Israel's future, these
Jews will have to bear the consequences of their self-destructive
acts. They will be squandering this gift on behalf of the
impossible chance that the proven Arab enemies who forced five
wars on Israel will henceforth agree to live in peace when they
will have been greatly strengthened by again taking possession of
the strategic territories they used to launch the 1967. Such Jews
must be shown that thirty-seven years ago, there was a great
miracle there, an event forever enshrined in the history of the
world, even if some wish not to recognize it.
In sum, the faithful G-d delivered on His promise to the Jewish
people, returned them to their land with defensible borders and
included historic Jerusalem. If now some lunatic Jews want to
throw this back in the L-rd's face, that is their problem. The
L-rd did His part and we saw Him "eye to eye" -- a'yin be'a'yin
-- when He returned to Zion.
Posted by
Britannia Radio