>> WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011
I have often wondered about the tone to adopt in writing posts here about the BBC's reporting of climate change. Are my thoughts about Richard Black and Roger Harrabin too waspish, and should they be toned down? I need not have worried. So-called "independent scientist" Steve Jones, whose so-called report about BBC science reporting is published today, is a first-class Millwall-terraces-of-old thug in the downright nasty, vindicative and partisan remarks he chooses to hurl at those who dare to challenge his "consensus" views about climate alarmism. On the day that Lord Moncktonshowed vividly - yet again - that when alarmists dare to engage in public debate their arguments are annihilated,the BBC's trustees have given their blessing to an inquiry that is so tendentious, vicious and narrow that it lowers the tone of public debate to unprecedented depths of partisanship and shallowness. How does the BBC choose to report this travesty? With the revoltingly complacent "BBC praised for science reporting". Which is exactly as Professor Jones intended and exactly in line with the Pravda stylebook. The trustees should be hauled to account, every man jack of them, but such is the poverty and depravity of what the BBC has become that they cannot see their bigoted, blinkered nastiness. I will leave the last word for now to Melanie Phillips:
The BBC Trust is supposed to be the guardian of the public interest. Its role is to ensure that the BBC adheres to the high standards of its charter. But with this recommendation, the Trust has shown that it will destroy the BBC’s duty of fairness and impartiality and replace it by an Orwellian double-speak on the grounds that there are certain ideas which cannot be challenged. This is not guarding the sacred flame of journalistic integrity. It is a secular Inquisition.
Priorities and Agendas
One of the worrying things about the BBCs current wall-to-wall coverage of the Murdochalypse* is that when the Eurozone utterly collapses your average BBC viewer will ask themselves "when did that start?" and "how come nobody put that on the telly"? It's been brewing for Why didn't anyone say anything? The BBC, mindful of this, are getting their defence in first. Good tactics, lads.
Interesting because it flies in the face of the facts. Consider the results of searching the BBC News site for references to “hacking”, “euro” and “libya” over the last week: Libya: 23 mentions Euro: 32 mentions Hacking: 246 mentions Still - let's not allow BBC gloating to get in the way of impartial news reporting, eh? * Copyright SeanT :-)PHANTOM FLAN FLINGER
Newsnight gave the pie-thrower the briefest of mentions last night:
"There was an attack by a member of the public… A man was led away in handcuffs."A bit coy about identifying him there. In January Newsnight commissioned a film - UK Uncut in their own words. Look who had the starring role:

I was away yesterday and have just caught up with the news that the BBC Trustees are due to publish their long-delayed report on science coverage today. The Mail says that geneticist Steve Jones - who believes that private schools are a "cancer" (no clue to his politics and worldview there, then)and that those who dare to disagree with his views on evolution should not be allowed to practise medicine - has found no evidence of bias in the BBC's climate change coverage and also says there is a "consensus" on the subject, so scepticism can be ignored. Pardon me while I quietly guffaw. More when I have seen the report... But in the meantime, it is an utter disgrace if true. Science does not, never has and never will, work by consensus, much as climate liars tell us otherwise. See why, here and here. How wearyingly but obscenely predictable if an intolerant, bigoted, right-on BBC-appointed eco-loon finds that it does.
Vanessa Feltz on BBC London this morning showing up Alastair Campbell for the hypocrite he is. She puts all the big boys on Newsnight, PM, the Today programme, Radio Five Live etc to shame. UPDATE.

Alastair Campbell v Vanessa Feltz: listen to their sharp exchange over phone hacking…
Talking of hypocrisy, great stuff from Cityunslicker: "The voice of the people" (h/t George R.)
So, on the day of the Show Trials being held in the Star Chamber, who better for the BBC to give a prime time bully pulpit to but a blast from the past..Neil Kinnoch. Yes, the Welsh windbag was afforded an opportunity to bash Murdoch "an enemy of the Labour movement" as he helpfully put it and was sympathetically defined by Humphrys as "a victim" of the evil empire. Earlier in the morning, BBC favourite and staunch opponent of the Coalition, Sir Hugh Orde, was allowed to subtly put in his CV to succeed Stephenson. The BBC is clear - it wants to see the breakup of Murdoch's media empire and it looks like nothing can stop it. In this regard, it validates Melanie Phillip's view that it is the BBC which is the single biggest threat to our freedoms.
>> MONDAY, JULY 18, 2011
Monday morning and time to tell George what you think about the BBC. Please do not hold back as we are all adults here and we want to cast as much light as possible on the antics of the Corporation.
She has become a virtually omnipresent presence on BBC TV and Radio in recent days; I refer to the elfin Yvette Cooper. Her job is to open the attack line on Cameron via Coulson and this is exactly what she did on Today this morning if you listen here. The mission is "Get Cameron" and in one way I have no sympathy for him ever since he bottled any chance of reforming the State Broadcaster and gave us Chris Patten as the new Chairman of this malignant organisation. But that is NOT the only part of the BBC mission. Robert Peston is leading the charge against Murdoch Stateside, constantly recycling the notion that an investigating is pending over there with so many leading politicians (All Dems + Peter King) champing at the bit to try and dismantle Fox News. The self induced media storm is not going away as it claims victim after victim, remarkably confining itself to News International with nary a mention of wrong doing by ANY other media organisation. It is as if all the world's ills are contained in NI and that is exactly the aim of those leading this jihad in the BBC. They are desperate to see Murdoch crushed and Cameron weakened - and I regret to say that these objectives look so much closer this week than just 7 days ago. Leaving aside my personal views of Cameron and Murdoch (not keen on either) I cannot help but repeat my sense of revulsion at the sight of the patronising BBC daring to allege that others are guilty of abuse of power when it is the biggest abuser of all, extorting £££billions from us each year and pumping out a toxic brew of liberal bias daily.
>> SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2011
First, News of the World folds. Then, Rebekah Wade and Les Hinton resign Now Sir Paul Stephenson resigns. Cameron next and whither a general election? With Labour ahead in the polls and the BBC declaring Miliband has found his voice the question is whether the BBC/Guardian axis of hypocrisy is moving in for the kill and does the Prime Minister represent their ultimate target in the UK (In the US we know it is Fox News they want to destroy) This is shocking stuff, a perfect media sustained storm. Could the BBC/Guardian actually bring the Coalition down and if this is even a possibility doesn't it prove that it is THIS axis which is the biggest threat facing the UK?
Robert Peston, as the Mail on Sunday pointed out today, is a media whore, happy to quaff the champagne and extensive private hospitality of Elisabeth Murdoch, and huddle conspiratorially there with his long-time buddy Will Lewis, the group general manager of News International. At the same time he has broken a strong of so-called revelations about the hacking affair, the latest of which has been posted this afternoon. Despite this clear concern about his position, the BBC are continuing to flaunt his works. He comments that the arrest of Rebekah Brooks is very bad news indeed for News Corp. Any journalistic organisation worth its salt and with any integrity would have quietly pushed him to the sidelines because of the clear conflict of interest. But not, of course, the BBC - it's pretending as usual that because this story was in the Mail, it is left-wing garbage. Meanwhile, Autonomous Mind, as ever with a very interesting slant on developments, spells out that back in 2003, the US journalist Michael Gonzalez, visiting the UK to report the aftermath of the David Kelly affair, spotted the real Guardian-BBC agenda: to smash forever News Corp so it would be free to dominate the UK with its liberal-left agenda. Nothing has changed, except now the BBC scents real blood and all its dogs - including Mr Peston - have been slipped from their leashes and are out to savage the Murdoch domain until the bitter end. Make no mistake, this is a battle for press freedom - and the BBC are not the good guys, blurred as some moral boundaries may be.
More U.S. News The BBC Thinks You Don't Need To Know
The current top story on the BBC's US & Canada News page is about the President meeting with the Dalai Lama. How many people really care? I realize that this will probably get pushed down the page within a couple of hours as new stories are posted, but why is this even worth reporting at all? Surely there are far more important issues to cover. It's very revealing of the BBC's newsgathering priorities that a non-functional meeting with someone who isn't head of state and isn't ever going to be one is more important than, say, the news that Standard & Poors just upgraded the state of Ohio's credit rating because the Governor passed a budget that will mostly fix the state's economic troubles. Oh, but that's a Republican Governor, while the Democrat-led US is about to get spanked by S&P instead. No, the Beeboids love the Dalai Lama, their favorite ex-feudal lord, and so anything about him is more important than mundane economic issues, especially when it makes Republicans look good. What else is the BBC ignoring in order to make room for celebrity gossip, non-stories about LA road construction, and a non-story about a possible technical glitch in the statehood status of North Dakota (this last one is actually pathetic in that a real story worth reporting is mentioned as an aside near the end: the movement to break Southern California away from the destructive far-Left Northern half. But again, that would be a real story that makes Democrat economic policy look bad, and we simply cannot have that at the BBC.)? Lots of stuff to cover this week. The BBC thinks you don't need to know about the following: Remember when the President signed that "landmark" ObamaCare into law, the one which the BBC championed for ages and lied to you about how it would provide free health care for all those uninsured? One of the President's favorite anecdotes in His fight for it was about how His mother battled evil profit-driven insurance companies while on her cancer deathbed. The BBC included that anecdote in their report of Him signing the bill into law. Turns out that it's a little white lie. Book Challenges Obama on Mother’s Deathbed Fight
The White House on Wednesday declined to challenge an account in a new book that suggests that President Obama, in his campaign to overhaul American health care, mischaracterized a central anecdote about his mother’s deathbed dispute with her insurance company. During his presidential campaign and subsequent battle over a health care law, Mr. Obama quieted crowds with the story of his mother’s fight with her insurer over whether her cancer was a pre-existing condition that disqualified her from coverage. In offering the story as an argument for ending pre-existing condition exclusions by health insurers, the president left the clear impression that his mother’s fight was over health benefits for medical expenses. But in “A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother,” author Janny Scott quotes from correspondence from the president’s mother to assert that the 1995 dispute concerned a Cigna disability insurance policy and that her actual health insurer had apparently reimbursed most of her medical expenses without argument.And the BBC will be silent.
Austerity - BBC style. "The BBC is set to spend thousands on a “comedy conference” at a leading arts venue while its sparkling new multi-million media hub nearby is half empty. It has announced the event will be in The Lowry centre, Salford, parts of which cost more than £7,000 a day to hire, excluding catering. The October conference, close to the Corporation’s flagship northern home in MediaCityUK, where the BBC is struggling to attract staff, will also involve Channel 4, ITV and Sky."
Biased BBC has readers all over the world. Such is the malign influence of the BBC that it annoys people in places other media providers just can't reach - take Scotland. North of the border, the BBC is just as annoying as in this instance kindly provided me by a B-BBC reader. "The BBC are terrified of the SNP and their choice of picture accompanyingthis item tells it all.

Is she a woman more spinned against than sinning? The BBC certainly has no interest in finding out. But why? "News International, parent company of the best-selling Sunday tabloid said that its chief executive Rebekah Brooks had her own voicemail hacked while she was editor of sister newspaper The Sun. "News International can confirm that Rebekah Brooks was recently shown documents by the police that proved she was a victim of illegal voicemail interception," the British newspaper arm of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp media empire said. News International said the documents related to a period around 2005 when Brooks, the first female editor of the Sun, was married to actor Ross Kemp, who was famous for playing Grant Mitchell in the long-running BBC soap EastEnders.'A fact that is fairly relevant in the context and yet I certainly haven't heard anything mentioned about it on any discussion about hacking on BBC radio. The story is buried in a BBC article about Ryan Giggs suing NOTW ..why would she allow herself to be 'hacked' if she knew the NoW private investigator was doing such things, especially at a time when she was in the headlines herself. It might suggest she didn't know about 'hacking'...a suggestion the anti Murdoch BBC might not want to propagate. But, of course, were that true, it would be evidence of systemic BBC bias which we all know does not exist since impartiality is in their DNA. UPDATE; Brooks has now been arrested as this strange non-story created traction between Leftist MSM and Police. |

Andy Coulson may have authorised payments to police officers or the hacking of phones but he has not been charged or convicted yet....except in the BBC's kangaroo court where verdict and sentence have already been pronounced and Cameron castigated for bad judgement by the BBC.
The same BBC that, as has been noted before, has quite happily employed Alistair Campbell. The same BBC that we can see now trying to re-establish Labour's jacqui Smith in the public's consciousness as an uporight and respectable person. The same Jacqui Smith that defrauded the public taxpayer of £116,000. Whilst many of her fellow MPs are now residing in jail she roams free in the corridors of the BBC....once again receiving fat cheques paid for by public generosity. She was given a platform to talk about pornography, she has been a regular on the sofa with Michael Portillo on the political programme 'This Week' and today appears on 'Saturday Live' to talk about her inheritance tracks. Hopefully no one will inherit her house (which ever one she decides is her main residence) as it must surely belong to the state now.
BBC coverage of Islam is done with such sensitivity, such consideration, one could almost be forgiven for thinking that the BBC is horrifically dhimmified. A Biased BBC reader notes; "BBC only show programmes that are sensitive to Muslim sensibilites......they must be horrifed that Islamically 'insensitive' programmes are being beamed into the heart of the Muslim Muslim, Middle Eastern channels....sense the outrage.