In case there are any lingering doubts, here's more proof of the BBC's bias and dishonesty when it comes to reporting on the budget crisis in the US. They've put up a report about a problem caused by Minnesota's shut down f the state government. Minnesota shutdown puts MillerCoors beer sales in doubt Beer giant MillerCoors may be forced to stop selling 39 popular beers in stores and bars in Minnesota because of the state's ongoing government shutdown. The company failed to renew their brand label registration before a budget dispute prompted a shutdown on 1 July. The BBC keeps reporting on the debt and budget talks between the President and the Republicans in the House of Representatives. The latest report covers the announcement by Moody's that they're going to review the US credit rating with an eye to downgrade it to a default risk. My position is that the BBC has an ideological stance when it comes to government borrowing, spending, and debt. Stephanie Flanders hastrumpeted the Keynesian solution on a number of occasions (just search her name on this blog and read the links to her pearls of wisdom), thinks the Greek bailout worked (yeah, I know, which one?) and at one point even told us that the US would never default. With this in mind, let's look at the BBC's report on the Moody's news. As everyone here knows, the problem is that the US is at an impasse regarding the debt ceiling. We either have to raise it, or do some serious cutting in spending right now. There are ideological opponents on each side, but there are also hard facts which are not debatable. The BBC says this about the President's side of the argument: As David pointed out earlier the BBC’s Jonny Dymond has been sounding out some of the usual suspects from the US liberal left over their reaction to the News of the World phone hacking affair. The top brass at the Beeb have obviously got the nod from their friends at the New York Times (“the Democratic Party at prayer”) that the Obama machine is very interested in the possibility of slipping a knife between Murdoch’s ribs and defenestrating Fox News. Dymond, therefore, was temporarily withdrawn from the Tea Party=militias=KKK =racism desk at AgitProp HQ and ordered to link up with the planners at Operation Fox Hunter. Multiple explosions. Mass murder of innocents. Mumbai. Interesting to see the BBC provide space to Jason Burke, south Asia correspondent of the Guardian (who else?) and expert on Islamic militancy, reflects on the impact of the bombing and why it is "very unlikely" to have been al-Qaeda. Islam has no shortages of dhimmis shilling for it and no greater friend than the State Broadcaster. I mean, it's not as if Islam has targeted Mumbai before, is it? Hacking into voicemails is not so different from scrabbling around in dustbins searching for something to whip up into a scandal; well, perhaps one step further. The press may well be reflecting our appetite for tittle-tattle, but they created it in the first place and exploited it cynically and self-servingly ever since. Hacking into Milly Dowler’s voicemail when they knew she had probably been murdered, or interfering with serious police investigations was undoubtedly a step too far, but don’t let them pretend that the steps leading up to the extreme, grotesque intrusion we have now weren’t leading in exactly the same direction all along. I’m sure this whole business is getting on everyone’s nerves. We’re all fed up with watching hacks, celebrities and broadcasters precariously balancing on their moral high horses. They’re blinded by the sanctimonious superiority they’ve suddenly adopted, so they don’t understand that their self-appointed mandate to moralise on behalf of the ‘victims’ makes you want to punch them in the face. As soon as the media filters the news through its intrinsic limitations, in terms of education and attitude, there’s a danger of distortion, be it deliberate or not. So we need choice. If the BBC is campaigning for its own monopoly, that’s very wrong. James Delingpole (H/T George R, thread on similar topic, below) sums it all up really well. "While the I've been away for the past few days but decided to tune into the Today programme as is my wont. For a moment, I thought I had accidentally tuned into Glee. The BBC is exultant at the inevitable decision by Murdoch not to pursue the BSkyB takeover at this time. Throughout the morning we were treated to the delight in the voices of the presenters with little in-jokes about Murdoch and co being taken to the Tower, for example. The main8.10am interview with Clegg was used as an opportunity to imply that the Murdochs and Wade are not fit and proper persons to be running any media outlet (unlike the wise and kindly BBC) and our old pal Johnny Diamond got to explore how the US is now also turning on Murdoch. Emboldened by the demise of NOTW and the commercial decision not to continue with the BSkyB bid, the BBC sniffs blood. It wants to see the destruction of NewsCorp and the decimation if not imprisonment of all who held senior office. The globalised hypocrisy of the BBC is truly stomach-churning on this issue and any pretence of impartiality is out the window. Less commerical competition in the UK and indeed elsewhere combined with the removal of choice for readers/viewers is a key BBC objective and my goodness isn't it pursuing it with relish? Let's be clear. The EU Common Fisheries is a disaster that has wrecked the UK fishing fleet, created and has condoned for decades the practice of "discards" (EU-speak for compelling fishermen to throw billions of edible dead fish back into the sea) and has facilitated the systematic pillaging of UK fish stocks by rapacious French and Spanish fishermen. But for the BBC, which has under-and mis-reported EU affairs ever since it played a decisive role in rigging the 1975 EEC referendum, the European Commission is nowthe hero of the hour. It's going to get rid of discards and reform the fishing policy to prevent "over-fishing". As usual in this farce of reporting, there's nothing from those who have been hurt by EU's dictatorial, fascist meddling. All that counts is the view of greenies who want to perpetuate the lie that it's the fishermen who are to blame. How disingenuous, twisting and obfuscatory can the BBC get? This reportabout our government's eco-nut plans to wreck the UK economy and force millions into fuel poverty suggests that the corporation will tie itself in any number of knots to not report the truth. Avoid-the-points Huhne's bill is part of the government's slow, deliberate act of national economic suicide, and its systematic plans to give massive subsidies to the rich by robbing the poor. The headline should be "Insane climate minister pours £110bn of our cash down the drain". Instead, it is put across - exactly as the minister decreed - as an "investment". Everyone in government is momentarily obsessed with the sideshow of Murdoch-baiting. But it's a diversion - the tragedy is that as the MPs engage in a mammoth show of self-righteous, hypocritical indignation, head cases like Huhne are getting on with their vicious, ideological sequestration of our cash. And the BBC is letting them get away with it by hiding the truth. Jo Nova, by contrast, gives the facts that Mr Huhne and his government henchmen so carefully ignore.U.S. Government Shut Down Blues - A Dishonest BBC Song, Part 2
>> THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011
This is in fact serious business. They're going to have to start actually removing product from shells state-wide, which is a very, very costly undertaking on top of the revenue loss. Now, being fan of real ale and proper beer in general, I'm the last person to shed a tear over people being deprived of this cheap swill, and the possible boost in business for real craft brews, of which there are plenty in the region. But that's beside the point. What I'm complaining about here is the reason the BBC reports for this happening: State employees who process alcohol licence renewals were laid off when the government shut down, Minnesota official Doug Neville said.
Oh, did he, now? Since this is a US issue, my first instinct is not to believe what the BBC reports when it comes to obviously partisan politics. Neville could be merely protecting a Democrat government. So let's see what the local paper has to say about it:BIASED BBC CALLING
I would like to take this opportunity to invite any BBC staff who think we are unfair or plain wrong in our view of your employer to come along and express your opinions. You will receive a courteous and pleasant welcome from me. Biased BBC takes issue with much of the output the BBC produces and is unapologetic in flagging these concerns up. However we realise that there are many people who are passionate about the work they do for the BBC and this is a chance to engage with your fiercest critics in a civil manner. So, please feel free to comment here (I know more than a few of you do visit these pages) and help deepen the engagement.
U.S. Government Shut Down Blues - A Dishonest BBC Song
He has said he is willing to countenance cuts to social safety-net programmes dear to Democrats, as long as there are tax rises for the rich. Republicans have rejected the latter proposal, saying that would stifle investment and job growth.
This is false. In fact, it's more than the class war stuff. As I posted the other day, the President said Himself that He wants to raise taxes on a lot more in 2013, which, you know, is what the whole budget deal is about. Yeah, the BBC censored that bit out of the speech video they showed you. So all you know is that Republicans are holding the country hostage over protecting the evil rich. But since it's the White House Narrative, that's what they're going to report. Obama Signals Move Against Murdoch/Fox – BBC Playing Its Role Perfectly…
Washington correspondent Jonny Dymond reports on whether any "bad habits have slipped over to the Atlantic"
Jonny isn’t talking about his own bad habits of slipping things across borders... Lithuanian customs officers still have him on file. Nor was he talking about CNN’s Piers Morgan’s habits because, so far, the BBC doesn’t appear to be too interested in a left wing tabloid not owned by Murdoch. No – we are now reaching what I predicted was the most important item on the agenda.....the preparation of a full frontal attack on Fox News. Others with noses closer to the DC beltway have also been sniffing the air, particularly the UK Telegraph’s Toby Harnden. He tried for ages to get a feel on the Murdoch/USA issue from Obama apparatchiks in Congress and the White House but kept on getting blanked. They were all waiting for Valerie Jarrett to tell Obama what his decision would be. It was a go. Straight away Sen Jay Rockefeller had new batteries inserted and was wheeled out to transmit the official party line. SEIU is almost certainly being fed more Soros money to add to it’s taxpayer funded coffers in order to organise “spontaneous” demonstrations of anger outside Fox properties. “Independent” op-ed scribblers at NYT and WaPo have received templates for their thoughtful “fairness” pieces. I called this Dan Rather’s revenge not because it was Fox that pulled that neat little trick. Fox is too timid to operate behind enemy lines like the right blogosphere. Fox’s importance is to act, like the UK’s Mail and Sun, as a counter balance to the distortion of the news as it is passed through the left wing filters of the establishment media. The right blogosphere’s role is to dig up the evidence for the lies, corruption and hypocrisy of the left’s mouthpieces in New York, Hollywood and elsewhere. Unlike Chappaquidick and the NYT/Guardian Wikileaks campaign nobody has been killed as a result of News of the World phone hacking. Yes it was unsavoury and seedy – but that is the nature of journalism. It’s a competitive dog eat dog world where you are only as good as your last story – just like Hollywood, politics and drug dealing. So the key to fighting the forthcoming onslaught is not to excuse the activities that took place several years ago under the Blair/Brown Labour government that refused to take action because at the time they were supported by the Murdoch press. The line to take is to condemn all dirty tricks then follow up with just a representative sample of nefarious activities undertaken by the Democrats and their surrogates over the last ten'll be spoiled for choice. Then, as was once suggested by a certain Chicago Light Bringer, get in their faces. The big question is – what will the GOP political/media”leadership” do over this? Surely it won’t bolt for cover and hide under the table with its thumb in its mouth while the mob is baying outside the door....will it? Surely there will be someone who will run to the fight - with a smile and a rapier....ALL QUIET ON THE MUMBAI FRONT...
Delingpole Gets It
The BBC is at Least a Thousand Times More Evil and Dangerous than Rupert Murdoch “And of course, the house leftists at the BBC (most of them recruited through the pages of the left-wing Guardian newspaper, which BBC employees tend to believe is also the ONLY newspaper) want to keep it that way. That’s why they have been pushing the “scandalous” Murdoch revelations so hard; that’s why Labour leader Ed Miliband and Tony Blair’s ex-enforcer Alastair Campbell and socialist ex-Prime-Minister Gordon Brown and the pathologically left-wing Twittersphere and, yes, the Guardian newspaper have been so eager to join in the fray. Sure they hate Murdoch, that’s a given. But what they hate far, far more – because they fear it – is the possibility that British audiences should be exposed as US audiences are to dangerously conservative concepts like freedom and small government.”
Please do read it all.THE KINGS OF CANT
>> WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2011
BBC Spending in 2011
>> TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2011
The report shows that BBC overheads rose by about £15m in its last financial year because of spending on the controversial relocation of several thousand staff from London to Salford and the redevelopment of Broadcasting House.
The media focus is on the costs of the big talent stars, and that data is in the report too:
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Please enjoy the following exquisite moment of BBC humbuggery in the current OT:-
Jon S:
How can an organisation so full of gays and dykes be impartial?
David Gregory:
Well as a rule of thumb being gay doesn’t actually impact on my reporting on peregrine falcons or windfarms. But you know, it’s a struggle obviously.
There again David, I’m sure being homosexual didn’t do you any harm in getting a job at the BBC , what with its huge imbalance in the number of homosexuals who work there, which I’m sure has nothing to do with discrimination. ‘Hideously homosexual’? Forfend.
David Gregory:
It didn’t do any harm (but then why should it?) or any good I would have thought. I guess when looking for a BBC science reporter my PhD and body of work carried more weight. Do you think I should wear a tighter shirt for my next interview?
Well, as someone pointed out, it seems he already has done. From David Gregory’s BBC bio:-
Let’s hope this isn’t pulled before it goes live on B-BBC !
One must give David Gregory his due though, unlike Dez/Scott he does manage to express his views here in support of his employer the BBC with some grace and intelligence, and isn’t known to have the hots for any genocidal anti-Semitic terrorists.
H/t to David Preiser for the ‘spot’, who no doubt would want it stressed that he doesn’t want this post to lead to any bigoted comments against homosexuals in general.
Today The Guardian has published a breakdown of what the BBC is spending in 2011 on its channels - which is number-crunched from thelatest annual report. Click on the image to enlarge it. Some of the details are very interesting. They highlight the facts that:
With typical Guardian slant, a controversial rise becomes "compared with" and a tiny margin of error drop becomes "down from". But they crunched the graphics so its unkind to complain too much... A spreadsheet with with the full figures lives here. Feel encouraged to rip it apart in the Comments.
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