Why won't Hawaii Legislature investigate birth certificate forgery?
Immediately, individuals with decades of experience in being able to recognize fraudulent documents cried foul. Intense analysis of said document, by an overwhelming consensus of qualified experts shows the purported long form birth certificate to be nothing more than a crude forgery. It has become quite obvious to anyone following this massive fraud on the American people that Congress is not going to anything about it despite the growing anger by millions of Americans........
by Devvy Kidd
Israel and the west in the cross hairs
While Obama promises the world and emases more money from known and ‘mystery’ donors, it is easy not to notice endless elephants running through the living room destroying everything in site. While the Middle East continues to melt down and leadership gets challenged by internal and more radically funded and organized groups, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran flexes its muscle and flips off the West and Israel..
by Laurie Roth
Immigration Is Hurting The U.S. Worker
Our U.S. Congress imports 1.2 million legal immigrants with green cards every single year. While we suffer 15 million unemployed Americans, we cannot employ our citizens while we continue importing citizens from around the world. Dr. Steve Camarata at the Center for Immigration Studies, www.cis.org, gave me a run down on exactly what is happening:.....
by Frosty Wooldridge