Sunday, 28 August 2011

Al Gore Says We Have To Stop Eating Meat or Cut Back To Save the Earth, Pass the Steak Sauce Please

'I bet anyone out there that right after Al Gore said we should stop eating meat to stop global warming; he went home and had a New York Strip Steak for dinner. This same person tells us we should stop using so much electricity in our homes while his big mansions use many Kilowatts to power a subdivision.

What a hypocrite AL Gore is. He says we have to cut down on using fossil fuels and he owns Occidental Petroleum in Venezuela. This global warming fad trying to use a guilt trip about our carbon footprints is a fraud to squeeze more money out of us.'

Read more: Al Gore Says We Have To Stop Eating Meat or Cut Back To Save the Earth, Pass the Steak Sauce Please

Fear Sets In, Panic Begins, Ruin Perceived, Prepare for Gold $2100

'Something big is going on in the United States in a sentiment change, an altered state of psychology, a growing sense of panic. My opinion is that the nation has entered the early stage of comprehension among the population of systemic failure.

The most immediate measures are the rash of heavy selling down days in the US Stock market, the strong purchases in Gold, as well as the reactions to constant news of sovereign debt in trouble, and the big banks teetering. Several other softer measures have been noted, made overwhelming by their sheer numbers. A perception wave has taken hold of a toxic USEconomy, a toxic US financial sector, a toxic US housing sector, a toxic economic brain trust in the US towers.

A sense of doom is creeping into the nation's living rooms and board rooms, that the nation is in deterioration. Worse, they are realizing how US Federal Reserve is toothless, unable to address or treat the problems.'

Read more: Fear Sets In, Panic Begins, Ruin Perceived, Prepare for Gold $2100