This bothered me greatly earlier today. It concerns the whinging of a bunch of lefties who the BBC alleges have dealt the a blow to the government's inquiry into allegations that British security services were complicit in torture and rendition. In the first instance I am enraged that the BBC goes with the meme that our security forces are supportive of torture but also listen to the contrasting treatment afforded Clare Algar of Lefties for Jihad (or something like that) and Sir Malcolm Rifkind. The bias is visceral. The other morning, when the BBC was on strike and there was no Today, I watched instead a film about the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, on the channel known as ‘Yesterday.’ The film began with the birth of Israel, and didn’t shy away from including Britain's shameful cruelty and heartlessness in rigidly enforcing a cap on immigration by Jewish refugees to Palestine, even though they were known to have been fleeing Nazi persecution. It showed the ship Exodus with a cargo of 4,000 concentration camp survivors hoping to restart their lives in Palestine, being turned turned away by the British, heedless of the fate of those on board. It described the formation of the Irgun, and explained quite fairly the cause of their resentment against the British. Fast-forward to the film’s focal point. The filmmakers had decided that Rabin and Arafat were partners for peace, both equally dovish and conciliatory, and on the brink of ending the ‘intractable conflict’ in the Middle East. Aside from a snapshot of the Grand Mufti’s notorious meeting with Hitler, Arafat’s ‘three nos’ and the intifada he engendered as he famously walked away, were conspicuously absent from the narrative, as was Islam’s inherent antisemitism. Subtlety and nuance were sacrificed for the simplicity of the fallacious message that Rabin and Yasser Arafat were heroic peaceniks, while the peoples they represented were unanimously opposed to peace. Yigal Amir, Rabin’s assassin, was portrayed as a rogue representative of the right-wing warmongering Israeli public, though a little more deranged; an extremist, motivated by a commonly held malevolent determination to scupper the peace process just so that Israel could continue sadistically oppressing the Palestinians. In other words, Israel’s own Anders Breivik, acting on behalf of the universal right-wing nutter fraternity. The myth that Arafat sincerely sought peace thrives to this day, and his modern-day counterpart Mahmoud Abbas has inherited the undeserved mantle of moderate seeker of peace. In the Telegraph Benedict Broganexplains why David Cameron is a dupe, playing dangerous games with his Security Council vote. Netanyahu’s latest concession doesn’t interest the BBC, and neither do the qassam rockets that were fired from Gaza recently . As a Harry’s Place commenter predicted, only Israel’s retaliatory strikes were worthy of a mention by the BBC. When one of the Fogel family’s murderers was convicted yesterday the author of the BBC web article felt compelled to mention Abbas’s condemnation of those behind the killings, as if to emphasise that he was a man of peace, and included, even in this incongruous context, the obligatory reminder that the world and his dog regards settlements as illegal ‘though Israel disputes this’, which smacks of the accusation that, for having the impertinence to be there, the family was ‘asking for it’. Much of the British public clings to the sentimental parody systematically projected by the left, in which Palestinians play the part of the universal victim. Images of wailing women brandishing giant keys, mutterings about bulldozed homes, shortages of food and medicine, all because of the Zionist oppressors and nothing to do with their very own ‘democratically elected’ corrupt and venal leadership. The widely-held belief that Israelis are Western interlopers transplanted onto ‘Muslim land’ by interfering outsiders who who should have minded their own business, is alive and well. Pallywood seduced the BBC, and the BBC seduced the liberal left world. The aid that Israel trucks into Gaza on a daily basis, the luxury hotels, the abundant provisions, the shopping malls and restaurants that are springing up, the virulent antisemitic passion that fuels the Islamic world, and the findings that a majority of Palestinians are opposed to the peace processand are of the opinion that Israel should not exist, are all absent from the BBC’s impartial reporting. Anyone who wishes can easily track down Arabic television programmes, translated by Memri. They can see interviews with Nonie Darwish or Wafa Sultan on Arabic T.V. stations, Imams and preachers waving their arms histrionically, screeching infantile rhetoric that would be laughable if it weren’t as incendiary and hate-filled as anything that ever emanated from Nazi Germany. If you care to look, you can watch clips from Palestinian children’s TV, and observe men in animal costumes implanting aspirations in the next generation of Palestinian children. Not, Mr. Michael Morpurgo, of peaceful coexistence with Jewish children, but of murdering Jews for Allah, and promoting the glory of martyrdom with all the gusto and advertising acumen of T.V.’s Mad Men in every sense of the phrase. Yet the BBC has never shown any interest in that. Viewers, mildly interested in world affairs, but not enough to look beyond the BBC, are treated to half a story. Most people are baffled by the left’s ‘cognitive dissonance.’ Nick Cohen says, ‘of ‘the "liberal" press where I make my living:’ Here's Richard Bacon introducing one of his guests this afternoon: The BBC is always keen enough to advance the Nanny State. Take this interview on the BBC earlier concerning the wheeze by Centre Forum think tank that the State should be providing lessons in how to be a good parent. This is quoted as being in order to help 16 year single mums who may not know how to behave responsibly. Here's a thought. Maybe if the parents of 16 year old girls assumed their parental responsibilities we wouldn't need such Nanny State interventionism. Maybe if 16 year old girls did not see a life of generous Welfare provision they might not be so quick to test their mettle as Mums? As always with the BBC, it projects the State as the "solution" to every ill. You know, when you listen to this biased trash masquerading as Thought for the Day, it enrages you. The politicising is not very subtle! Although we concern ourselves most frequently with BBC news, I though this was an interesting tour de force commentary from a B-BBC reader. AND ANOTHER THING....
>> THURSDAY, AUGUST 04, 2011
Half The Story
“you see them deploy two tactics. The first is a determined refusal to admit the nature of radical Islam. They never discuss the misogyny, homophobia and antisemitism, let alone stir themselves to confront it. Second, they pretend that anyone who does describe and condemn it is a part of the supernaturally powerful "Israel Lobby" – or the "International Jewish Conspiracy," as previous generations called it.” I have never forgotten the deference with which the production team of Any Questions treated Baroness Tonge. They had invited me on to the programme with her, perhaps because they thought it a bit of laugh to sit someone called 'Cohen' next to someone who had updated the medieval blood libel and suggested that an inquiry was needed to ascertain whether Jews were stealing the vital organs of Christian earthquake victims.”
In Britain today we have people expressing openly antisemitic opinions while enjoying respectability and a fully functioning public life, regularly given a platform on the BBC. We have anti Israel meetings, which purport to be pro Palestinian, where people are shouted down disgracefully; we have rabbles behaving appallingly in supermarkets and outside Israeli businesses and overt antisemitic bullying in our universities, yet the BBC, paragon of virtue and righteousness looks the other way.RICHARD BACON: THIS STUFF ABOUT PALIN'S RETARD BABY IS HILARIOUS
"Doug Stanhope is here. Just a remarkable stand-up comic. If you haven't seen him and want a flavour of what he's like go to YouTube now and type "Doug Stanhope Sarah Palin" [laughs] and get back to me."
Bacon could have recommended any Stanhope routine, but it was the Palin one he wanted his listeners to hear. Here's the meat of it:Sarah Palin is the most fucking horrible, horrible [sic] - on so many levels… Sarah Palin is this woman - she's the mother of five, two of whom are retarded. One of them has Down's Syndrome and the other volunteered for Iraq. She's got a baby with Down's Syndrome for Christ's sake. How do you expect America to get behind her when even God hates her… …after that last fucking retard baby came out of her - did you see the size of the head on that thing? The alien skull on that fucking retard baby had to tear her apart. Can you imagine the carnage, the violence of that thing coming out of her. It's like someone stood at the foot of her cunt and yelled "Hey Kool Aid!" They [sic] bursting through her. That baby had to do more damage to her undercarriage than the Viet Cong did to McCain's entire upper torso. I believe that if she were in the White House when she tried to deliver that child the secret service would've had to shoot it in the soft spot as it was crowning to save her… I think the Democratic Party is really dropping the ball if they don't hammer the big cunt retard baby issues for the rest of this campaign and just stay on point. Don't get distracted with all the other nonsense. Stay on point. Bring everything back to big cunt retard baby. They shoulda done that in the vice presidential debates and Biden dropped the ball. Everything shoulda come back to - whatever red herring she tries to throw at you - "Well I broke up the old boy network when I was the governor of Alaska" " I heard the only thing you broke up was that sorry cunt of yours when you fucking threw that spastic out of your tard launcher, that's what I heard." And the moderator would've said "You have two minutes to rebut the big cunt retard baby allegations" and she'll throw some other nonsense - "How's your campaign equipped to deal with that proverbial 3am phone call?" And he goes "I don't know but we're not going to have some fucking waterhead running around kicking the phone of the hook so it goes straight to voicemail with his tongue on the button. I know that! What's up with that?" And then the moderator would chastise the crowd to hold their applause to the end and remain seated. "What's your record on earmarks?" "What's your record on spitting out fucking bulb-headed [laughs] - I heard your fucking snatch is so split open they had to put a tent zipper on your snatch so your guts don't shoot out when you sneeze. That's what I heard."
The routine ends with Stanhope saying: "Fuck you, go blog about it." Thanks, I am doing. This hateful shit is amusing to Bacon because it's about Palin. The fact that he felt comfortable recommending it to his listeners speaks volumes about the groupthink that pervades the BBC/media luvvy world he inhabits. This recent retweet by Newsnight's Gavin Esler reveals the same mindset: If anybody thinks the BBC's coverage of the 2012 presidential election will be impartial I've got something they might like to buy. (I read somewhere that Richard Bacon's wife is pregnant. I hope she has a safe pregnancy, an easy birth and a healthy child.)
Over on Autonomous Mind, we have an excellent exposure of more bias by omission by the State Broadcaster. It concerns the Duncan Bannatynestory and the parts of it the BBC decided not to run! Make sure you give it a read. In a word, "I'm oot"!
"I'm concerned not so-much by the News Content (which, whilst biased, is probably the most obvious form of it and thus easiest to counteract) but by the infiltration of bias within Drama. For example, if "EastEnders" were an accurate representation of East London (where I've lived previously), approximately 60%-80% of characters would be Muslim/Asian, and most likely there would be a "Sharia Control Zone"... If they were feeling refreshingly honest, they'd show the bigoted posters and slogans painted across east-london involving the advocacy of the death-penalty for jews, homosexuals, apostates and non-believers (depending, usually, upon where precisely you live).
Moreover as regards this particular issue, BBC London News(i.e. not the national news that everyone sees but the local london news that increasingly non-homogenous audiences are watching) have given these Islamists air-time. If they were feeling really honest, EastEnders would probably include a BBC London News crew apologising for Islamists, giving airtime to the IFE, Anjem Choudhary and Lutfur Rahman (and presenting them as peace-lovers!) for some "neighbours" scheme that better resembles a one-way street of giving-and-taking between islamists and their opponents in Tower Hamlets and surrounding areas.
What particularly motivated me to write this was watching today's episode of "Doctors" (aired 3rd August). The main storyline (as implied by the "if you're affected by [insert character here]'s story" after the programme) told the story of female immigrant from Botswana, who is victimised and persecuted by a gang of white-racist bigots, who smash-up her garden and urinate on her laundry. That's not all, for they're also enabled (i.e. defended/justified/aided) by a bigoted, church-going, old white woman.
How, precisely, is this representative of anywhere in Britain? I'd like to see the examples of widespread incidents of white-gangs urinating on immigrants' washing... or which church-going, old white ladies think it's acceptable. I also think it's insulting to Botswana - whom the character thinks is "violent" and is described in not-very attractive terms.
If it's considered good enough to hold the world-debating championships, for Top-Gear to show as an example of a good african government and overall, hasn't really warranted any international attention for human-rights abuses, misspending Aid Money, starting wars (etc, etc); I doubt that the country is so bad as to warrant emigration because of reasons including racial violence and lawlessness. Yes, it may not be the richest country in the world, but it certainly isn't a hellhole either.
All of this reminds me of Spooks. That bloody drama the BBC thought was so good - the dogs-b*ll*cks, so to speak - because it was so accurate and representative of our right-on MI5 agents. To describe the content quickly, I refer to the first-season I have on box-set. Episode 1 told us about a Pro-Life movement that bombed abortion-doctors. Episode 2 continued, with right-wing politicians and extremists planning a race-war in Britain. Are these representative of Noughties' Britain? Other episodes (that I've seen from Season 5) have included Islamist Al-Qaeda terrorists who take over a Saudi Embassy to murder innocent people - only to turn-out as Secret-Israeli Mossad agents. In another episode, two fundamentalist Islamic clerics were murdered by a 'radical christian group'.
All of this is indicative of the way BBC producers and writers see Britain today. And it doesn't match a-jot of what anyone else has experienced. Any opposition to immigration? Racist. Any opposition to Islamists? Islamophobic/Fundamentalist-Christian. I've watched with dismay as the BBC have smeared-by-association anyone associated with Anders Behring-Breivik's supposed grievances (whether it's opposition to multiculturalism, acknowledgement of demographic determinism or anything else) and reported-with-glee over phone-hacking in Murdoch's newspapers (I see they haven't brought the same inquisition against the Mirror Group).
They'll continue on this pattern through anything, whether it's support for the Euro whatever the costs, bias against Israel in the Middle-East conflicts and whatever other issues remain. I believe, however, that much of the BBC's bias remains to be acknowledged, let-alone tackled. The future for Biased BBC requires as-much a watchful-eye over the BBC's dramas (where no neutrality tsars remain to tame the undoubted prejudices of BBC journos, writers and workers) and documentaries, rather than it's news coverage."
Friday, 5 August 2011
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Britannia Radio