Monday, 1 August 2011

Audio: Hidden Effects of Conflict and War

7/31/2011 8:30:00 PM

A7 Radio's "Walter's World" with Walter Bingham

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This packed programme highlights how the government neglects the indelible psychological marks of Conflict Terror and War on our people, and also fails to alleviate the economic plight of Gush Katif expellees. On the other hand, it spends 350 million shekel to improve the quality of life of Bedouins. Hear about one voluntary organisation’s work to help the traumatised. Also: The widely believed ‘ancient’ Arab nation they call ‘The Palestinians’ fully exposed as fraud and what do those ‘Palestinians’ really aim for? Plus: Our condolences go out to Norway, but why President Peres was wrong to call her “a symbol of peace and freedom”. And: The Walter's World travel expert followed by a preliminary report of the tent cities’ rent protest in Israel and more.

To download the mp3 click on the down arrow, or click here.
For Walter's World archives click here.
To email Walter Bingham click here.