Friday, 26 August 2011


Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly threatened to wipe Israel off the map, and he has not been deterred from developing nuclear tipped ballistic missiles for that purpose.

Ahmadinejad’s malediction to eradicate Israel is not mere rhetoric. As a disciple of Mohammad, Ahmadinejad, with his "Revolutionary Guard, rules an Islamic regime that committed mass murder against its own people—children, which the Mullahs sent to their deaths by using them to walk across and explode land mines in the Iranian-Iraqi war.

Michael Ledeen describes that barbaric phenomenon in Accomplice to Evil. There he discusses Ahmadinejad’s necrophilia, his exaltation of martyrdom and death. We are dealing with a psychosis.

There is no point in formulating nuclear strategies against a nuclear-armed Iran whose leader is not a Russian atheist, but a Muslim megalomaniac. But let’s get down to earth.

If Iran was allowed to develop a single nuclear-tipped missile, this alone would lead to Israel’s demise. Aliya or immigration to Israel would cease. Many Israelis having marketable skills would leave the country. Capital investment from abroad would evaporate. Increased military expenditures would deplete funds for health, education, and welfare. The Jewish birthrate would decline. The demographic distribution would shift toward the Arab population. More Arabs would enter the Knesset and shape government policies. Need I say more?

THEREFORE, if the Israel Defense Forces possess the means, which includes strategic Intelligence, the fundamental principle of self-preservation, hence of anticipatory self-defense, demands that the government of Israel initiate a preemptive attack on Teheran, with all weapon systems on the table.

Viewed in this light, it’s not only pointless but a dangerous distraction to engage in speculation about what should be Israel’s nuclear strategy should Iran field the bomb.

Israel is not the United States vis-a-vis a nuclear armed Soviet Union. It would be absurd to ruminate about Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT agreements) with Teheran.

It’s foolish to talk about "containment" vis-à-vis that Mullacracy. One has to be mad to adopt the Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) strategy that bemused American strategic analysts during the Cold War.

Kissinger could think of a "counterstrike" or a "counter-value" nuclear strategy vis-à-vis the USSR. Miniscule Israel does not have either option. It has only one option: PREEMPTION.

Needed, apart from the means, is BALLS!