Friday, 26 August 2011

BBC’s Cutting-Edge Arts Commentator on the Arab Spring

>> THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2011

There’s an article on Harry’s Place entitled “BBC and Guardian profile Latuff.” That’s Carlos Latuff the cartoonist. The cartoonist who has been working on behalf of those involved in the Arab Spring. Cartooning by demand so to speak. It must be his vivid interpretation of their passions rather than his drawing ability that makes him so popular with his fans. "The Guardian describes him as the “Voice of Tripoli” because of his cartoons relating to the Libyan uprising." I ran the BBC’s Portuguese page through Google translate. It’s easy, and worth a try. He’s a Twitter enthusiast, the BBC tells us.

“On Twitter, Latuff calculates Arabs have more followers than Brazilians. The friends you make on the Internet to help you translate the messages of his cartoons into Arabic. Latuff is mobilized from other causes. It is the militant Palestinian cause, the subject of many of his cartoons, and live out for conflicts in other parts of the world - this month, did work on the protests in London and on the famine in Somalia, for example.”
Says Google Translate, helpfully. It’s that “militant Palestinian cause” again. Just another casual, indifferent BBC observation.