Debt Deal Sleight of Hand
In the House and Senate, Republican and Democratic leaders likewise have proven themselves incapable of establishing a clear vision of how the nation can overcome the economic crisis. Consequently, voters will be wise to remove from office those who have proven themselves incapable of exercising true leadership to save the nation from economic collapse......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 4
The next month, in Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick’s July 8, 2011 article, “Rival hegemons in Syria,” she claims that the Egyptian MB “has deep ties to the Turkish government…. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Syria and Gaza have close ties to Hezbollah and Iran as well as to Turkey…. In the event that Turkey plays a significant role in a post-Assad Syria, it can be expected that the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood would fairly rapidly take control of the country.” See Hezbollah giving Nazi salute........
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D
The Second Amendment and Military Grade Firearms
Government is force! So when government collects taxes it does so by force. When government dispenses welfare it does so by force. What – you say -- Welfare by force? In response I say, absolutely; for government does not give away anything that it has not taken from someone else. And because government is force it must take by force from one who has earned it in order to give to another who has not earned it......
by Michael LeMieux
83% Say Time For Everyone in D.C. to Go
Following the historic international headline news that Obamanomics was a total abject failure and Obama is the first president in U.S. history to preside over a monumental loss of U.S. credit standing in the world, Americans appear finally ready to deal with the theft of their government and destruction of their once great nation. Only 24% of Americans still support Barack Obama......
by JB Williams
Immigration Caused Coming Mega-Traumas
Most Americans have watched with indolent interest at the Somalia meltdown of starvation, misery and hopelessness. What I find ironic is the projections that Africa’s 1.1billion population will grow to 3.1 billion within the next 90 years according to U.N. population projections. In other words, their mega-starvation-traumas will only become more epic in this century......
by Frosty Wooldridge